
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

A Friend’s Friendly Back Yard (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by River at Drifting Through Life.     

This week's words/prompts are:

1. stupefied

2. collector

3. arrange

4. reflections

5. fashion

6. slate


1. hesitate

2. adjusted 

3. hat

4. segment

5. coffeemaker

6. dessert

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

For some time now, Sweetie has been coming to me on occasion, handing me the phone he's had for about 6 years, and saying, "Make it behave!"

Some may remember my phone, a twin of his, went dead just at the start of vacation last year and i ended up getting a new one before we could even get well on our way.  Since then, i've been telling him he needs a new one also, but it's such a pain for him to learn a new phone (for both of us) that we HESITATE and we've put it off.

When it came to an impasse the other day, him versus the phone and the phone winning, i was not STUPEFIED by it.  In fact, a SEGMENT of our savings for the past little while has been set aside because i expected this.

We looked at the schedule to ARRANGE a good time to go to the branded phone outlet which is our carrier.  Then he ended up getting called by The Big Boss unexpectedly so we ended up going later in the day than i like, but it could not be put off any longer.

The traffic was thick but not impassible and we arrived at the store in a reasonable amount of time.  It's the FASHION there for a representative, if they are not all busy, to meet you at the door and open it for you, walk in with you and ask what you need.  Telling him we were in the market for a replacement phone, he led us to a desk and got the initial items out of the way, name, account number, which phone line, and so on.

Then came actually trying to find a phone.  Usually these stores have a whole SLATE of possible candidates, but it seems the tech market has been badly hit by much of what is ailing all of us, supply chain issues.  Since Sweetie is a COLLECTOR of photographs, what he really wants is a camera with a reasonably good phone instead of the other way around.

This left us, if we kept to Android which is what we are going to do because i am not going to die on the hill of trying to teach him Apple when he's never spoken it before, not after what i went through just trying to teach him how to use a new COFFEEMAKER, with getting him a twin of my current phone.

My current phone is the best of the mid-priced Samsung phones:  expensive enough that i'm going to buy the warranty, not expensive enough that i'm going to have to mortgage one of the kids, as i used to say.

Our branded phone carrier store was out of that, and no way he's getting one of those foldable screen phones that cost more than the car i was brought home from the hospital in.

The day is moving on, and the nice man at the store looked up and found the phone we wanted at Best Buy -- across town.  Does the slightly nearer one have it?  Yes?  Thank you, we'll do that.  Off to my least favorite but most centrally located place, the mall.

In my REFLECTIONS on our experience, i should always get all of our new phones at Best Buy.  After a short wait, a nice gentleman who was manager of the department took care of us.  Not only did he have the phone in stock, he was able to do what the carrier brand store couldn't do for me when i got my phone -- transfer everything from the old phone to the new one.

Once at home, it only took me a short time to get all the apps to update and get it going.

The hardest part will be over the next few days as i put on my admittedly limited tech HAT and try to get Sweetie ADJUSTED to using a new phone.

It's going to cost him a DESSERT for me every time he loses his temper, bought out of his guitar string money (not really, but telling him that helps him be more patient).


Today is:

Armored Warships Day -- the first battle between armored warships, the Monitor and the Merrimac, was this day in 1862

Baron Bliss Day -- Belize

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Wednesday:  Learn What Your Name Means Day, go look it up, it's probably very interesting

Day to Mourn Slavery -- commemorates the day slavery was outlawed worldwide in 1927, and to mourn that it still exists

Eid Al Moalim -- Lebanon (Teacher's Day)

Get Over It Day™ -- halfway between Valentines and April Fools, a day to just get over something or someone that is bugging you 

National Crabmeat Day

National Decoration Day -- Liberia

National Meatball Day

Panic Day -- a day in which to run around in a panic and tell everyone you can't take it any more, to get it all out of your system, i guess; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day -- US   

Saitousai -- Kashima-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan (festival to pray for good harvest that dates back to the Nara period of 710-794, and still includes traditional dress)

Second Day of No Interest to Fairies -- Fairy Calendar

St. Catherine of Bologna's Day (Patron of art, artists, Bologna Academy of Art, liberal arts, painters; against temptation)

St. Dominic Savio's Day (Patron of boys, children's choirs, choir boys, choirs, falsely accused people, juvenile delinquents, and Pueri Cantores)

St. Frances of Rome's Day (Patron of automobile drivers/motorists, cabbies/taxi drivers, lay people, people ridiculed for their piety, Roman housewives, widows)

Strinennia -- Slavic Pagan Calendar (festival to call birds and spring to come back)

Takaosan Hiwatari Matsuri -- Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan  (fire walking festival, usually on this date but can vary)

Anniversaries Today:

Napoléon Bonaparte marries his first wife, Joséphine de Beauharnais, 1796

Gustav Mahler marries Alma Schindler, 1902

Birthdays Today:

Emmanuel Lewis, 1971

Juliette Binoche, 1964

Terence John "Terry" Mulholland, 1963

Linda Fiorentino, 1960

Jeffrey Osborne, 1948

David Hume Kennerly, 1947

Bobby Fischer, 1943

Trish Van Devere, 1943

Raul Julia, 1940

Marty Ingels, 1936

Mickey Gilley, 1936

Joyce Van Patten, 1934

Yuri Gagarin, 1934

Keely Smith, 1932

Ornette Coleman, 1930

Wally Bronner, 1927

Irene Papas, 1926

Mickey Spillane, 1918

Samuel Barber, 1910

Will Greer, 1902

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, 1890

Amerigo Vespucci, 1454

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Family"(TV), 1976

"Rising of the Moon"(Play), 1907

"Hamlet"(Opera), 1868

"Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor/The Merry Wives of Windsor"(Opera), 1849 

"Ernani"(Opera), 1844

"Nabucco"(Opera), 1842

"Horace"(Play), 1640

Today in History:

Liu Che, posthumously known as Emperor Wu of Han, assumes the throne over the Han Dynasty of China, BC141

First known mention of Lithuania, in the annals of the monastery of Quedlinburg, 1009

Jews are expelled from Carintha Austria, 1496

Nicolaus Copernicus makes his first recorded astronomical observation, 1497

Marten Luther preaches his first Invocavit sermon, 1522

Kissing in public is banned in Naples, punishable by death, 1562

Publication of the economics book The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, 1776

Prussian government limits work week for children to 51 hours, 1839

The Amistad Ruling:  The US Supreme Court rules that captive Africans who had seized control of the ship carrying them had been taken into slavery illegally, and were to be set free, 1841

The first documented discovery of gold in California occurred at Rancho San Francisco, six years before the California Gold Rush, 1842

Albert Potts of Philadelphia patents the street mailbox, 1858

The Westmoreland County Coal Strike, involving 15,000 coal miners 

represented by the United Mine Workers, begins, 1910

Pancho Villa leads nearly 500 Mexican raiders in an attack against Columbus, New Mexico, 1916

Pink's War: The first Royal Air Force operation conducted independently of the British Army or Royal Navy begins, 1925

President Franklin D. Roosevelt submits the Emergency Banking Act to the Congress, the first of his New Deal policies, 1932

CBS television broadcasts the See It Now episode, "A Report on Senator Joseph McCarthy", produced by Fred Friendly, in which Edward R. Murrow criticizes the senator, 1954

The Barbie doll makes its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York, 1959

Dr. Antonia Novello is sworn in as Surgeon General of the United States, becoming the first female and Hispanic American to serve in that position, 1990

Observers in China, Mongolia and eastern Siberia are treated to a rare double feature as an eclipse permits Comet Hale-Bopp to be seen during the day, 1997

Space Shuttle Discovery makes its final landing after 39 flights, 2011

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft transmits images that for the very first time, allow scientists to create a 3D reconstruction of ancient water channels below the surface of Mars, 2013

Asteroid 2013 ET comes within 960,000 km from the Earth’s surface, 2013

Italy announces it is locking down the whole country due to a spike in Covid19 cases, 2020


  1. This is wonderful! I love the way you used the words and can sympathise with having to learn a new phone AND teach it to another.

  2. LOOKS like a nice back yard plenty of room too :-)

    Have a backyardtastic week 👍

  3. It sure looks like a friendly backyard. And oh, the pain of teaching a non-tech-savvy person the why's and how's of a new gadget - you have my commiserations!

  4. Backyards can be peaceful to relax in.

    God bless.

  5. I know only too well the trials and tribulations of trying to teach a new phone. My hubby has always had my old phone but my last Samsung died so I got a new one, a Huawei and he continued with my previous Samsung until he drove the tractor over it! So he got a new Huawei too but it works totally differently to mine. I am willing mine to go wrong so I can get a new phone and you can bet it won't be another Huawei! It's back to Samsung for me.

  6. He's lucky he has you to help him with his phone and it is a great idea to have the same phones so you know for sure how things work. Getting a new phone or a new computer are both dreadful tasks. Transferring data and learning what is new is a hassle.

  7. That is a spacious backyard. We have found a good phone shop which does the transferring of contacts from the old to the new phone for us and plus installing whatever apps we need. I too would want a camera with a good phone. Like you, I need to familiarize with the new phone to help hubby. Lol! Paying for a dessert is a wonderful way to learn to be patient.

  8. That looks like a marvelously friendly place.

  9. Love that backyard. That firepit looks most welcoming.

    Love your use of the prompts. Oh the perils of a new phone. I so remember.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug. ♥

  10. this story is spot on in so many ways !!! WELL DONE :) ♥♥☺☺

  11. Glad everything worked out for you at Best Buy. :)

  12. I SO can relate!!! I have a HUAWEI from Perth with which I could not to money stuff in Germany, so I had to buy a second one here... oh, long story, I enjoyed your story!
    I just have a problem with my bookmarks in FF - can you send that man over here, pretty please?

    If only I´d known it was Panic Day yesterday!!!!
    Strinennia has arrived! Sun and birds :-)
    Yuri Gagarin! Nice he is remembered, especially now in these dreadful times. A good sign.
    1497... this is interesting!
    Woah, Naples! I´d be dead!

    51 hours for children?! What did we (not) learn at school?!!!
    Also Potts, this is interesting!
    I had one Barbie doll. In a bath. "Played" once and that was that.
    Dr. Antonia Novello - I´ll google for more.

    Thank you, this was fun and very, very interesting!

  13. What a creative backyard photo ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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