
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Catching Up, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Last week i posted about rEcess, so i have a few thankful things to catch up on.

Bryn and Dre, my niece and nephew, were at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the weekend.  They had the week off from school, and decided to spend the last two days of their time off visiting.  Both of them seem to realize it's important to take that time while they can, and i'm thankful for that and because i got the benefit of seeing them as well.

Sweetie's new phone is working well, even if he isn't.  Just joking, he's starting to get the hang of it, and i'm thankful since he only asks for help once or twice a day now instead of every couple of hours.

#2 Son had a birthday and i'm thankful he took time to come by and visit for a moment.

Our prayer room at church is open again after the first service, and once i drop Becca off at Sunday school, i'm so thankful to be able to go in there.  This past weekend a very dear friend came in for prayer.  She's distraught over some family issues, and i'm thankful we were there to pray with her and let her know she doesn't bear this burden alone.

It was time to work on taxes, and i am thankful i didn''t put it off, thankful the investment advisor's office assistant printed up the paper we needed from them, thankful i found the mortgage paperwork i needed, and thankful i can drop it off to the accountant today while i'm in NOLA.  (They aren't open on Saturday, but he's there during tax season and gave me permission to come by so thankfully i don't have to mail it.)

Lunceford the Land Yacht started running rough last Thursday, and a quick check-up showed a coil had burned out.  We're thankful it still got him to church on Sunday and thankful it wasn't expensive and got repaired on Monday.

Then on Tuesday Brother-in-Law notified us that Lunceford had a low tire.  We're thankful he noticed as Sweetie was able to drive it to the shop before the tire went totally flat, saving us a towing bill.

Also, i'm thankful i always buy the tire warranty as it means all repairs of flat tires are free.

Our diabetic cat was almost out of supplies, i'm thankful i remembered to stop and get his stuff before the weekend.

Sweetie is thankful he got to work for The Big Boss at the farm and earn more toward whatever it is he's saving for now.  He's always saving up for something, and i'm thankful he has a chance to earn extra for his toys.

We're thankful Ms. G's CatCat is getting more mellow as he spends more time as an indoor cat.  This week he didn't run away from me, he just sauntered away when i came in the room with the vacuum cleaner.

The cat shelter is doing very well, we're thankful they got the ringworm outbreak under control and it is staying that way.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Commemoration of the Victory over Kadhafi -- Libya

Corn Dog Day -- some sites say the 20th; #2 Son will celebrate both days, if i can afford that many corn dogs

Greater Dionysia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (largest festival to Dionysos, lasting five days; date approximate

Hola Mohalla -- Sikh (3-day grand festival)

International Read to Me! Day -- a day for children to remind the adults in their lives to read to them often  

Kashubians' Unity Day -- among Kashubians in northern Poland

Lailat al-Bara'ah (Shab Barat) -- Islam (Night of Forgiveness, or sometimes Night of Records, a preparation for Ramadan; began at sunset yesterday, local custom dates may vary)

Let's Laugh Day -- a holiday spread by ecard companies, because any day is a good day for a laugh

Mojoday -- Discordianism

National Chocolate Caramel Day

National Quilting Day -- US, sponsored by the Quilt Alliance     

Oil Nationalization Day -- Iran

Pet Passport Day -- today in 2000, the UK passed the pet passport law, allowing pets into Great Britian without quarantine if they met certain criteria

Poultry Day -- a day to honor the role poultry plays in our lives

Quinquatria -- Roman Empirical Calendar (celebration of Minerva and Mars, especially the birthday of Minerva today; through the 23rd)

Save the Florida Panther Day -- FL, US

See If You Can Find Someone Who Remembers Honey West Day -- internet generated trivia question

Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day -- despite what you think, the bird you saw there yesterday was not a swallow, the natives will tell you

St. Joseph's Day (Patron of bursars, cabinetmakers, carpenters, civil engineers, confectioners, craftsmen, dying people, emigrants, expectant mothers, families, fathers, happy death, holy death, house hunters, immigrants, interior souls, laborers, married people, Oblates of St. Joseph, people in doubt, people who fight communism, pioneers, protection of the church, social justice, travellers, unborn children, wheelwrights, workers; Universal Church; over 50 cities, diocese, and countries; against doubt and hesitation)

     As Patron of fathers, his day is also Father's Day in Belgium, Bolivia, Honduras, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.

     Valencia, Spain has it's biggest day of the Las Fallas Festival today, with the fireworks.

Time Zone Day -- US Congress passed the Standard Time Act to sort out the fact that different states and cities used different times, with no rhyme or reason

Zimbor-Quattor's Revenge Week begins -- Fairy Calendar

Birthdays Today:

Michael Bergin, 1969

Bruce Willis, 1955

Glenn Close, 1947

Clarence "Frogman" Henry, 1937

Ursula Andress, 1936

Phyllis Newman, 1935

Renee Taylor, 1935

Phillip Roth, 1933

Ornette Coleman, 1930

Patrick McGoohan, 1928

Brent Scowcroft, 1925

John Joseph Sirica, 1904

Earl Warren, 1891

Edith Nourse Rogers, 1881

Charles M. Russell, 1864

William Jennings Bryan, 1860

Albert Pinkham Ryder, 1847

Wyatt Earp, 1848

Sir Richard Burton, 1821

David Livingstone, 1813

Thomas Mckean, 1734

William Bradford, 1590

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Kate and Allie"(TV), 1984

"A Child of Our Time"(Oratorio), 1944

"Amos and Andy"(Radio), 1928

"Faust"(Opera), 1859

"Die Braut von Messina"(Schiller Play), 1803

Today in History:

A Mongolian victory in the Battle of Yamen ends the Song Dynasty in China, 1279

Explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle, searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River, is murdered by his own men, 1687

The SS Georgiana, said to have been the most powerful Confederate cruiser, is destroyed on her maiden voyage with a cargo of munitions, medicines and merchandise then valued at over $1,000,000, 1863

Pluto is photographed for the first time but is not recognized as a planet, 1915

Eight American planes take off in pursuit of Pancho Villa, the first United States air-combat mission in history, 1916

The U.S. Congress establishes time zones and approves daylight saving time, 1918

Willie Mosconi sets a world record by running 526 consecutive balls without a miss during a straight pool exhibition at East High Billiard Club in Springfield, Ohio. The record still stands today, 1954

Gumby makes his debut, 1957

The wreck of the SS Georgiana, valued at over $50,000,000 and said to have been the most powerful Confederate cruiser, is discovered by then teenage diver and pioneer underwater archaeologist E. Lee Spence exactly 102 years after its destruction, 1965

Texas Western becomes the first college basketball team to win the Final Four with an all-black starting lineup, 1966

India and Bangladesh sign a friendship treaty, 1972

The United States House of Representatives begins broadcasting its day-to-day business via the cable television network C-SPAN, 1979

Argentinian forces land on South Georgia Island, precipitating the Falklands War with the United Kingdom, 1982

Zimbabwe is suspended from the Commonwealth on charges of human rights abuses and of electoral fraud, following a turbulent presidential election, 2002

A cosmic burst, GRB 080319B, that is the farthest object visible to the naked eye is briefly observed, 2008

After two decades of being closed due to civil war, the Somali National Theater reopens in Mogadishu, 2012

The papal inauguration ceremony for Pope Francis is held in St. Peter's Square, 2013

The world's last male northern white rhino, 45-year-old Sudan, dies in Kenya, 2018

American Karen Uhlenbeck becomes the first woman to win mathematics' Abel Prize, 2019

The Icelandic volcano Fagradalsfjall erupts for the first time in 800 years, 2021


  1. A beautiful thankful list. Great bonding for the grand children with their grandparents. Very soon, your Sweetie will be very comfortable with his new phone. Happy birthday to your #2 son. It is good to know that someone is praying for us especially when we are going through hard times. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Let us always be thankful for God's love and mercy.

    God bless.

  3. Thank you for thuis thankful list. It always make me stop and think what I have to be thankful for -and I suppose this is a part of its purpose.

  4. "
    #2 Son had a birthday and i'm thankful he took time to come by and visit for a moment. "

    You are a very lucky mother to have your son come to see you once in awhile. I haven't seen my only son Michael in over nearly 9 years. He's decided not to include us in his life.

    Cruisin Paul

  5. Wow! Lots of thank fuls and wonderful ones ~ so glad for you Xo

    Wishing you lots of laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Wonderful thankful list. Your niece and nephew sound sweet. Happy Birthday to your son! XO

  7. That was a really nice bunch of thankfuls and Happy Birthday to #2 Son from all of us!

  8. I'm thankful that you have so many thankfuls, and also that I got to have dinner at a hotel last night with several of the girls I used to work with.

  9. Every time I read your Ten Things of Thankful, I'm reminded of my mom. She was always telling us to count our blessings. And once you start looking, you find many!
    You always get me started...
    And now I'm thankful for you!

  10. Visits from family members are always delightful. Love your car stories, because I relate to them so well. A cat that only sauntered away when you held a vacuum must be mellowing indeed! Hope the recent tornadoes were not near you! Thought about you when I heard about them

  11. Nicely even-paced sounding week. Dodging bullets is a good thing... instant grat*
    These phones! lol They keep adding things they can do, I'm still trying to master the basic skills
    Have a good week (and a good Easter)

    *and, usually by being so clear-cut, even I can feel the gratitude when you can catch a glimpse of an alternate future


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