
Monday, March 7, 2022

Making Himself At Home (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

CatCat still enjoys being outside, but he's becoming more acclimated to being an indoor cat.

He has picked a favorite chair to sleep on at night.

In the day, he's happy to lounge in the back yard.


Sparks, the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, is on hiatus, so here's an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     



Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is on a blog semi-break and her poetry is sorely missed, we hope she comes back soon.   Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let Diane know!

This week the theme is Telephone/Say Hello Day.                         

Maybe deep down he wanted

a sailor man to be

Bell answered phones with,  "Ahoy"

Instead of "Hello," you see.

His mother lost most of her hearing,

His wife had gone deaf at age five,

He spent his life trying to help

The deaf in society to thrive.

Let's forgive then his peculiarity

As we use our phones today

Remember his inventive spirit,

As Wordle on our phones we play!


It seems today is the start of the “theme reveal” for the annual A to Z challenge.  Am i participating in the A to Z?  Yes, why not, i enjoy trying to match my daily rounds to the letters.

Do i have a specific theme?  Not really, i just keep meandering, so that will stay my theme.

If you are participating, let me know, i try to keep up anyway but some bloggers create a special blog just for the A to Z and i don’t want to miss it if any of my friends do that.


Today is:

Bird Day and Arbor Day -- California, US (on Luther Burbank's birth anniversary)

Casimir Pulaski Day -- Illinois, US (celebration of the Polish-American Revolutionary War Hero)

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Monday:  Fun Facts About Names Day, enjoy looking up things like, what is the name of the Monopoly dog, or do Ken and Barbie have last names

Get Grandma to Write Down Her Meatloaf Recipe -- or spaghetti, or pound cake, or whatever she specialized in, because if you don't, you will someday regret it

Great Lent begins-- a/k/a Clean Monday, Ash Monday, Pure Monday, Monday of Lent, Shrove Monday, Collop Monday, Rose Monday, Merry Monday or Hall Monday, and (in Cypress) Green Monday -- Orthodox Christian

Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day -- Guam (formerly Discovery Day / Magellan Day)

Hamilton Lavity Stoutt Holiday -- British Virgin Islands (in lieu of Mar. 7)

Impeachment of March Goblins -- Fairy Calendar

Labour Day -- WA, Australia (a/k/a Eight Hour Day)

Masaryk Day -- Czech Republic; Slovakia (birth anniversary of Tomas Masaryk, politician, sociologist, philosopher, and advocate of Czechoslovakian independence)

National Be Heard Day -- originally a day for small businesses to speak up, but the website promoting the materials is no longer working

National Cereal Day

National Crown Roast of Pork Day

Nones of March -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observances

     Festival of Junonalia -- for Juno

     Festival for Vedovus -- god of the dead, swamps, and volcanic movements

Say Hello Day -- Bell received a patent for the telephone this day in 1876 (although he always believed it should be answered by saying, "Ahoy!"  Yes, really.)

St. Felicity's and St. Perpetua's Day (Patrons of cattle, martyrs; Santa Perpetua de Mogoda, Spain)

Teacher's Day -- Albania

Birthdays Today:

Jenna Fischer, 1974

Denyce Graves, 1974

Rachel Weisz, 1971

Taylor Dayne, 1962

Ivan Lendl, 1960

Rik Mayall, 1958

Bryan Cranston, 1956

Franco Harris, 1950

John Heard, 1946

Peter Wolf, 1946

Michael Eisner, 1942

Tammy Faye Bakker, 1942

Daniel J. Travanti, 1940

Janet Guthrie, 1938

Willard Herman Scott, 1934

Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Lord Snowdon, 1930

Maurice Ravel, 1875

Piet Mondriaan, 1875

Luther Burbank, 1849

John Herschel, 1792

Stephen Hopkins, 1707

Rob Roy MacGregor, 1671

Henry Purcell, 1659

Kano Tanju, 1602

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Nashville Network(TV network), 1983

"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"(Musical), 1967

"The Autumn Garden"(Play), 1951

"The Grand Duke; or, The Statutory Duel"(Operetta), 1896

Today in History:

Roman Emperor Constantine I decrees that the dies Solis Invicti (sun-day) is the day of rest in the Empire, 321

King Henry VIII's divorce request is denied by the Pope; Henry then declares that he, not the Pope, is supreme head of England's church, 1530

Massachusetts enacts the first bicameral legislature in the colonies, 1664

The French army enters Rome: the birth of the Roman Republic, 1798

Shrigley Abduction: Ellen Turner is abducted by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, a future politician in colonial New Zealand, 1827

Charles Miller patents the first US sewing machine to stitch buttonholes, 1854

The City of Lábrea in Amazonas, Brazil was founded, 1886

Roald Amundsen announces that, on Dec. 14, 1911, his expedition had reached the South Pole, 1912

An 8.0 earthquake strikes Tango, Japan, 1927

Bloody Sunday:  Alabama state troopers and 600 black protestors clash in Selma, 1965

Divers from the USS Preserver locate the crew cabin of Challenger on the ocean floor, 1986

The U.S. Supreme Court rules that parodies of an original work are generally covered by the doctrine of fair use, 1994

British House of Commons votes to make the upper chamber, the House of Lords, 100% elected, 2007

The largest solar flare in five years, occurring March 6, 2012, nears the Earth, threatening to disrupt airline flights, GPS systems and power grids, 2012

Malta's famous landmark the Azure Window collaspes into the sea after a storm, 2017

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain shares her first Instagram post, pictures of a letter between mathematician Charles Babbage and Prince Albert, 2019


  1. Cats certainly know their minds. This one seems happy.

    God bless.

  2. I so love your CatCat and the quote you're sharing today, dear Mimi!
    Thanking you for hosting too, as well, I'm wishing you a lovely new week
    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  3. Aww! What cute photos heheh!

    I liked that quote too

    Have a loungetastic Monday 👍

  4. Kitty looks to be living the good life and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it.

  5. Almost every day is a cereal day at my house. Cheerios and Crunchy Raisin Bran are among my favorites. Have a blessed week.

  6. Phones, it's weird of the so many different types we have today. I still have my phone that work with Bell and they are so stupid. Oh well that's life Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  7. How cool would it be if Bell could see what we do with our phones now?

  8. Oh Cat, Cat ~ sweet photos of you ~ you blend well into the blanket and glad you have good outdoor weather ~ Great quote! Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Your photos of the cat are great- he obviously is very happy being at your home! The Spark is so right on! It absolutely bugs me when I see families with their phones firmly planted instead of talking and laughing with each other!
    I will be participating in the A to Z- thanks for the reminder! Have a glorious week!

  10. A good looking indoor/outdoor kitty. They are so precious and bring us such joy.

    Love your Spark. Spot on.

    I have a phone, but don't carry it around with me.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  11. What a beautiful ginger baby.

    Phones, can't decide if they help or hinder sometimes.

  12. Sweet kitty! Where does he end and the blanket start?
    I'm so grateful for Bell--most of the time!
    Great poem!

  13. If I didn't spot the ears I would never see Cat-Cat on that chair, he blends into the blanket so well.

  14. CatCat is a cutie. Glad he is adjusting. Nice spark and great poem. I am glad you are going to participate in the A-Z.

  15. CatCat is certainly a cutie. I love your photos.
    Always my pleasure to stop here.
    Take care
    Enjoy your day!

  16. wavez two ewe cat cat frum TT !!! we iz buzzed happee two lurn ewe sorta kinda all most may bee like bee in inn side now !!! ;) ♥♥ happee week a head two ewe ☺☺


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