
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Fixed (Six Sentence Story/Cajun Joke), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday, an A to Z Challenge Post


To enjoy more blogs participating in the A to Z Challenge, click here.    



Clothile done come back from de hospital seein' Eugenie, her niece, who done be havin' de baby.

Boudreaux ax, "How be Eugenie an' de li'l one?"

An' Clothile say, "You mean de li'l t'ree, she done have triplet dis time!"

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais!  She done had twins de las' time, an' she already done had a chile befo' dat!"

Den Clothile say, "Don' you know it, an she be slap wore out.  Eugenie be a good Cath'lic, an' she an' her husban' done do de rhythm method, but she done tole me, 'Dis be de end, when I start to havin' litters, I be goin' get myself fixed!'" 

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Rhythm.      


(Another based on a true story!)


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

This short white picket fence has "character."


 It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day!  This week's image and my poem:    

We'll grow up together,

My horsey and me

We'll ride 'cross the land,

From mountains to sea.

We'll be the best friends

That we ever could be,

And we'll become famous,

My horsey and me.


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful that Grandma is getting physical therapy at home, we hope this will help ease her pain and help her get her strength back.


Today is:

Genocide Memorial Day -- Rwanda

Goddess Karna's Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (goddess of crying and wailing)

International Beaver Day -- celebrating the species that restores valuable wetlands 

International Snailpaper Day -- relax today with a hard copy of a regular, old-fashioned newspaper

Metric System Day -- officially adopted in France on this day in 1795

Motherhood and Beauty Day -- Armenia (day the Armenian Orthodox Church celebrated the Annunciation; it is the only Church to celebrate it on this day, which is also observed as Mother's Day in this country)

Nafels Pilgrimage -- Canton Glarus, Switzerland (commemoration of the Battle of Nafels in 1388, observed with processions, prayers, sermon, and a reading of the names of those killed in battle)

National Alcohol Screening Day® 2022 -- US (if you or a loved one need help, find a way to get screened)  

National Beer Day -- US (unofficial, the celebration of the end of Prohibition)

National Coffee Cake Day

No Housework Day/Let Someone Else Clean Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, enjoy this one!

Pandia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (a festival of Zeus; date approximate)

Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume Day -- Tanzania

St. Saint John Baptist de La Salle's Day (Patron of educators, school principals, teachers)

Support Teen Literature Day -- US (on the Thursday of National Library Week)

Women's Day -- Mozambique

World Health Day -- UN

Anniversaries Today:

World Health Organization is founded, 1948

Prague University is chartered by Charles IV, the first university in central Europe, 1348

Birthdays Today:

Russell Crowe, 1964

Anthony Drew "Tony" Dorsett, 1954

Jackie Chan, 1954

Janis Ian, 1951

John Oates, 1948

Gerhard Schroeder, 1944

Francis Coppola, 1939

David Frost, 1939

William Hodding Carter III, 1935

Wayne Rogers, 1933

Daniel Ellsberg, 1931

James Garner, 1928

Ravi Shankar, 1920

Billie Holiday, 1915

Walter Winchell, 1897

Bronislaw Malinowski, 1884

John Joseph McGraw, 1873

David Grandison Fairchild, 1869

W.K. Kellogg, 1860

Walter Camp, 1859

William Ellery Channing, 1780

William Wordsworth, 1770

St. Francis Xavier, 1506

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"South Pacific"(Musical), 1949

"Monsieur Beaucaire"(Operetta), 1919

Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major,"Eroica"(Beethoven Op. 55), 1805

Today in History:

Attila's Huns plunder Metz, in northern France, 451

Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I issues the first draft of the Corpus Juris Civilis, the basis for much civil law even today, 529

A crowd in Florence, Italy, storms the Convent of San Marco, demanding Fra Savonarola be turned over as they rebelled against his Bonfires of the Vanities and interference with trade, 1498

Ferdinand Magellan arrives at Cebu, 1521

Michael Cardozo becomes the first Jewish lawyer in Brazil, 1645

American pioneers found Marietta, Ohio, as the first permanent settlement of the new Northwest Territory, 1788

France adopts the meter as the standard measure of length, 1795

The Mississippi Territory is established, 1798

English chemist John Walker invents wooden matches, 1827

Thomas D'Arcy McGee, one of the Canadian Fathers of Confederation is assassinated by the Irish, in one of the few Canadian political assassinations, and the only one of a federal politician, 1868 

Nebraska establishes an 8 hour work day, 1891

Texas Oil Company (Texaco) is formed, 1902

An eruption of Mt. Vesuvius devastates Naples, 1906

Dr. K. Winfield Ney performs the first brain tumor operation under a local anesthesia, at Beth Israel Hospital, 1923

Using phone lines, the first long distance television image is sent, of Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover, from Washington, D.C. to NYC, 1927

Booker T. Washington becomes the first African-American depicted on a postage stamp in the US, 1940

Syria is officially recognized as independent from France, 1946

Dwight D. Eisenhower gives his "domino theory" speech, 1954

Spain relinquishes its protectorate in Morocco, 1956

IBM announces the System/360, 1964

The publication of RFC1 marks the symbolic birth of the Internet, 1969

Development of the neutron bomb is canceled by President Jimmy Carter, 1978

During STS-6, astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson perform the first space shuttle spacewalk, 1983

Mars Odyssey is launched, 2001

Mass protests begin across Moldova under the belief that results from the parliamentary election are fraudulent, 2009

Following the death of Bingu wa Mutharika, Joyce Banda becomes President of Malawi, 2012

The longest python ever documented is found on Penang in Malaysia (26ft/8m), 2016

Action Comics #1, which introduced Superman, sells at auction for a record price of $3.25 million (USD), 2021


  1. A nice white fence. I like it.

    God bless.

  2. Wise move Eugenie.
    I am very glad to hear that Grandma is getting some therapy at home. Fingers crossed it helps her quickly.

  3. I love the image and the poem. If I was Eugenie I'd be getting "fixed" too! Triplets! You need an extra arm to hold those.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of babies! Something in that rhythm isn't working as it should.

  5. Brilliant Cajun joke, and a for the poem, delightful.

  6. love the ... whatever the word for a regional-specific manner of speaking... what's the cool word?
    (click/click) here it is, 'patois'
    most excellent Six

  7. That was a funny story and a cute poem too. We're glad to hear that Grandma is getting the PT done at home, we hope it helps soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. I loved the Cajun joke, litter. Ha,ha,ha, I copied the poem if you don't mind. My granddaughter loves horses and she's been riding for some time ad now she has her own horse. Emily has an equestrian horse and she's so happy.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. Hi Mimi, I read your Six like I was reading a Fanny Flagg novel - brilliant! Your pic and poem are so sweet, bless!

  10. Loved the joke and I'm glad your grandma getting physical therapy. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  11. Good news about Grandma, wonderful story and a lovely poem to boot! You've been busy and we all appreciate it :)

  12. great job on this week's poem and hoping gram is improving with each passing day ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  13. Sweet little girl. With the little burro, she has such smile.

  14. Glad Grandma is getting physical therapy at home. Cute story and great poem. XO

  15. Awww on your poem! Very sweet little girl and her horsey! Best wishes and prayers to Grandma- pain can be so debilitating. xoxoxo

  16. You gotta watch out for them tripalets, especially if all you got is rhythm...

  17. Seems like the rhythm method is more fun than it is effective, hmm...

  18. I'd be slap wore out too, lol
    Adorable photo, sweet poem, Mimi.
    Best to Grandma. I had my very first PT experience last week. After 1 session, I felt better. I hope it works as well for Grandma as it did for me.

  19. 6 kids! That's a lot.
    The poem & photo were so cute :)

  20. Your poem is just precious! Perfect......

    Hugs, Pam


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