
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Just a Typical Day, a Random and Happy Tuesday A tp Z Post


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It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Walking into the laundry room yesterday, i knew Carl had tried very hard to get ahead on cleaning his clothes.

He didn't succeed very well at all.  Oh, he'd washed some, then put about half of that in the dryer and left them.  There were wet clothes in the washer, wet clothes in the dryer, dirty clothes all over as can be seen in the picture, and of course, his usual pile in the bedroom.

Four loads later and he was sorted for the next few days, at least.

My theory is that once is a habit with pets and brothers-in-law, and i also include people with special needs.

Shoes Need Cleaning

Since i did the shoes last week, i will now be gives shoes to clean every week.  That's okay, job security.

One surprise was blue tape on some plumbing fixtures.

When i noticed the first pieces of tape, i thought perhaps Carl has tried to take tape off of something and, having nowhere else to put it, randomly stuck it on a faucet handle.  Tape has been found like that in odd places before.

"It sticks to my fingers," he says, "and I have to make it stick to something else to get it off!"  Why the something else can't be the inside of the trash bag that's in the can, well, i guess that would be too common an answer.

As i began seeing a pattern, finding it on the bottom of the outside of the bathtub and on a toilet in another part of the house, i realized someone had deliberately marked these places.  Upon asking, Mr. L said he'd put tape on every place where they had a plumbing issue so he wouldn't forget when the plumber comes.

Mr. L may be an absent-minded professor type in many areas, but in this he is very thorough.

This also means they are getting a plumber, praise be!  They've lived with some plumbing issues (minor, like the sprayer in the kitchen sink not working) for over 5 years now because, "It's so expensive to get a plumber, you don't want to call one unless you have enough for him to do to make it worth paying for the service call."

On that note, some funnies.  Some might be recycled, but i like recycling, and they're funny the second time anyway.

I am a Senager. (Senior teenager) 

I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 50 years later. 

I don’t have to go to school or work.

I get an allowance (pension). I have my own pad.

I don’t have a curfew. I have a driver’s license and my own car.

I have ID that gets me into bars and the beer and wine store.

The people I hang with are not scared of getting pregnant.

And I don’t have acne. 

Life is great.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts today, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week the prompts are the following words







and/or the following phrases

mountain out of a molehill (to make a big deal out of nothing)

a cut below (something inferior to the surrounding others)

a cold fish (someone who lacks empathy or emotion)

Please use these as a springboard, not a chain, and if you write a story, leave a link in the comments today or tomorrow so we can all come visit.


Today is:

Be Kind to Lawyers Day -- after all, you will need one someday, for something

Big Wind Day -- anniversary of the strongest natural wind ever recorded on the earth's surface, at Mount Washington, NH, US; the wind gusts reached 231 mph

Children's Day in Florida -- FL, US

D.E.A.R. Day (a/k/a Drop Everything And Read) -- sponsored by the ALA, on Bevery Cleary's birth anniversary 

Eat All Your Snacks Before the Movie Even Starts Day  -- with all the ads before the movie, doesn't that happen anyway?

Education and Sharing Day -- in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994)

Festival of Cerealia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (seven-day public and private festival for Ceres)

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Halifax Day -- North Carolina, US (anniversary of the resolution adopted authorizing voting for independence in 1776)

International Day for Street Children    

National Licorice Day    

Sinhala & Tamil New Year's Eve -- Sri Lanka

St. Sabas' Day (Patron of Lectors, torture victims)

St. Zeno's Day (Patron of anglers, children learning to speak, children learning to walk, fishermen, newborn babies; city and diocese of Verona, Italy)

Walk on Your Wild Side Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays, a day in which to do something no one would expect from you

Yuri's Night -- International (Commemoration of first human in space, Yuri Gagarin)

     Cosmonaut's Day -- Russia

     International Day of Human Space Flight -- UN

Birthdays Today:

Saoirse Ronan, 1994

Riley Smith, 1982

Claire Danes, 1979

Sarah Jane Morris, 1977

Nicholas Brendon, 1971

Shannen Doherty, 1971

Nick Hexum, 1970

Art Alexakis, 1962

vince Gill, 1957

Andy Garcia, 1956

David Cassidy, 1950

Tom Clancy, 1947

Dan Lauria, 1947

David Letterman, 1947

Ed O'Neill, 1946

Herbie Hancock, 1940

Dennis Banks, 1937

Tiny Tim, 1930

Ann Miller, 1923

Beverly Cleary, 1916

Henry Clay, 1777

Lyman Hall, 1724

Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, BC599

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"21 Jump Street"(TV), 1987

"Your Hit Parade"(Radio), 1935

"Madame Bovary"(Publication date), 1857

"Oberon, or The Elf King's Oath"(Weber opera), 1826

"The Tatler"(Journal, first edition), 1709 Note:  this original version of a publication with the name lasted only two years

Today in History:

Constantinople falls to the Fourth Crusade, temporarily ending the Byzantine Empire, 1204

The formal inquest of Galileo by the Inquisition begins, 1633

The first edition of Tatler Magazine is published in London, 1709

The American Civil War begins at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1861

George C Blickensderfer patents a portable typewriter, 1892

Pierre Prier makes the first nonstop flight from London to Paris, in 3h 56m, 1911

Sir Frank Whittle ground-tests the first jet engine designed to power an aircraft, at Rugby, England, 1937

The strongest surface wind gust ever measured, 231 mph, at Mount Washington, New Hampshire, 1943

The Salk vaccine is declared safe and effective, 1955

Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to travel into outer space, 1961

Samuel Doe takes over Liberia in a coup d'etat, ending 130 years of peaceful and democratic presidential successions, 1980

The first launch of a space shuttle, the Colombia, 1981

The Euro Disney Resort officially opens (now Disneyland Paris), 1992

Canter & Siegel post the first commercial mass Usenet spam, 1994

Zimbabwe officially abandons the Zimbabwe Dollar as their currency, 2009

Following the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, Japan raises the crisis level to 7, equal to the disaster in Chernoby, 2011

The new drug, ABT-450, with a 90-95% success rate for treating Hepatitis C, is announced, 2014

Scientists and internet entrepreneurs, including Yuri Milner, Stephen Hawking, and Mark Zuckerberg, announce a joint interstellar project to send a robot spacecraft to Alpha Centauri, 2016

In an attempt to stabilize world oil prices, OPEC and several major oil companies agree to the largest-ever drop in production, 2020

According to industry officials, 80% of France's vineyards are affected by the worst frost condition in half a century, 2021


  1. "now my family calls me 24601. I don't get it"
    I don't get that either, can anyone tell me what that means?

    1. Jean Valjean, in Les Miserable, is sent to prison for almost two decades for stealing a loaf of French bread for his starving sister and niece. 24601 is his prisoner number.

      If you say the number really quickly in English, it almost sounds like you are saying "to forsake someone."

  2. I am with River. Other than that, I loved the funnies, and your job security.

  3. Mom says a senager has its advantages. Those are some great funnies and as always, we love to hear what Carl is up to now.

  4. Thanks River and EC I did not get it either and felt like "stupid foreigner", now no more ;) The rest were funny and Carl is amazing! Job security FTW!

  5. I knew I'd hear about Carl today. I always enjoy hearing about Carl. A whirlwind. Loved the tape idea. Brilliant.

    Loved all the funnies too. I'm enjoying being a senager too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug. ♥

  6. Carl tries so hard! Those were really good funnies!!!

  7. After hearing about Carl ~ I need the laughter from your great signs you posted ~ and you deserve a medal for taking care of Carl ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A creative Harbor)

  8. Some of those funny pics are truly hilarious

  9. Oy vey- Carl takes after his Dad a bit! Except for the laundry department! Great silly signs! Have a wonderful laughter filled day!

  10. Yu are the most patient person I know of to deal with Carl. Great bunch of funnies. I love the one about digging a hole. :) XO

  11. I enjoyed the funnies, thank you. And I agree with pilch92 - you are so patient with Carl. He's lucky to have you.

  12. Carl is something isnt he? But I know how kind and caring you are with him. Patience is such a good virtue.

  13. Whenever I read your posts about Carl, my fingers itch to help you organize! I love organizing! And there just might be enough of it for two in that situation!
    LOVED the funnies! Whoever does the letters on the Indian Hills Community Center sign deserves a medal!


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