
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Vague Laundry Clues and Other Determinants, a Random and Happy Tuesday A to Z Post


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It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus.  

Determining what's clean and what's dirty in the laundry department at Carl's place takes a bit of detective work and skill.

Just some of the laundry.

Everything else (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) is dirty, that's the easy part.

When you look at this,

Sometimes these are clean, sometimes not.

you have to look for clues like this

If he left the dryer ball in the bundle he jammed into the drawer, the stuff is clean.

This one is a bit harder,

one sleeve is inside out, so he wore it and took it off, it needs laundering.

Walking in and seeing this

He's been in here, for certain.

means he tried to do some of his own laundry, and some of it is probably soured in the washer.  (The washer lid stays open when there's nothing in it.)

This is clean,

he just doesn't see the need to straighten it out before putting it on a hanger, and wrinkles don't count.

Watch for towels in odd places,

Watch for towels stuffed in chairs.

clean clothes still on hangers on the bed after you take off the covers

Clean, on the hanger, on the bed.

and even towels, still folded, dropped straight in with the dirty laundry.

Clean, folded towel in the middle of the pile of dirty laundry in the basket.
Yes, it gets washed.

Where, i asked him, is the stain remover spray?  He had no clue, so after a thorough search of the places i or his mom would leave it and having no luck, i checked where he would put it.

Bottle of stain remover on the passenger seat, right where it belongs.

Of course you use the laundry stain remover in the car, and that's where you leave the boot we've been looking for the past two weeks also.

Boot on the back seat.

Final sorting looks like this

sheets, underwear, pjs and handkerchiefs
daytime clothing
towels, socks, gloves and miscellaneous

and it's time to do the 3-4 loads of the day.

As he was about to leave for work, i noticed his shirt was on backwards.  While he was turning it around, it occurred to me that it also wasn't the shirt he'd put on right after his shower.  Sure enough, he'd forgotten to wear the barista apron he uses to keep his clothes clean when he eats, and there was jelly all over the first shirt he'd put on.  It was wadded up in the bottom of the closet where the dirty clothes bins go when i'm not doing laundry. 

More laundry = job security.

Carl is very talented in other ways, i kept hearing a sliding sound when i opened the refrigerator door, but i couldn't see anything.

Definite odd scraping sound upon opening the door.

Then i looked from another angle.

Plastic bag wedged under the fridge door so you can't see it unless you bend down and look.

He's good at things he doesn't even know he's good at.

 How about some laundry humor.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts today, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week's prompts are







and/ or








Today is:

Audubon Day -- birth anniversary of John James Audubon

Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy -- Belarus

Delphinia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Apollo; date approximate)

Fairy Laughter Convention -- Fairy Calendar

Festival of Individual Sovereignty -- an internet holiday that i think is a good idea!

Festival of Renenutet -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (as Lady of the Robes, who invented the bandages in which to wrap mummies; date approximate)

Hug an Australian Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Mayan Rain Festival -- to honor the rain gods and welcome the fruitfulness of the earth; date approximate

National Help A Horse Day -- US (Join the ASPCA in several rescue events) 

National Pretzel Day

Remember Your First Kiss Day

Richter Scale Day -- birth anniversary of Charles Francis Richter

Sacrifice to Zeus Epacrios -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

School Bus Driver's Day -- these longsuffering drivers put up with a lot, thank a school bus driver today!

Shuffleboard Day -- on the adopted birthday of the game (no exact date of origination can be pinned down, and fans want a day to celebrate, so here it is)

St. Rafael Arnaiz' Day (Patron of diabetics and against diabetes)

St. Stephen of Perm's Day / Old Permic Alphabet Day -- Russian Orthodox Church (inventor of the alphabet used for Russian before the Cyrillic was developed)

Union Day -- Tanzania

World Intellectual Property Day -- UN 

Anniversaries Today:

Prince Albert (future George VI) marries Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, 1923

The Independent Order of Oddfellows, American branch, is established in Baltimore, MD, US, 1819

Moscow State University opens, 1755

Birthdays Today:

Jon Lee, 1982

Jason Earles, 1977

Tom Welling, 1977

Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins, 1970

Kane, 1967

Kevin James, 1965

Jet Li, 1963

Joan Chen, 1961

Michael Damian, 1962

Giancarlo Esposito, 1958

Boyd Matson, 1947

Gary Wright, 1943

Bobby Rydell, 1942

Duane Eddy, 1938

Carol Burnett, 1933

I.M. Pei, 1917

Hans Detlef "Douglas" Sierck, 1897

Anita Loos, 1889

Gertrude Bridget "Ma" Rainey, 1886 (Some say April 3)

Frederick Law Olmsted, 1822

John James Audobon, 1785

Marcus Aurelius, 121

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Jelly's Last Jam"(Musical), 1992

"Dinosaurs"(TV), 1991

"China Beach"(TV), 1988

"Company"(Musical), 1970

"Grand Polonaise Brillante"(Chopin Op. 20), 1835

Today in History:

Copernicus makes his first observations of Saturn, 1514

William Shakespeare is baptized, 1564

English  colonists of the Jamestown settlement  make landfall at Cape Henry, Virginia, 1607

Napoleon Bonaparte signs a general amnesty to allow all but about one thousand of the most notorious émigrés of the French Revolution to return to France, 1802

Paul von Hindenburg defeats Wilhelm Marx in the second round of the German presidential election to become the first directly elected head of state of the Weimar Republic, 1925

In Libya, amendments to the constitution transform Libya (United Kingdom of Libya) into one national unity (Kingdom of Libya) and allows for female participation in elections, 1963

Tanganyika and Zanzibar  merge to form Tanzania, 1964

A Rolling Stones concert in London, Ontario is shut down by police after 15 minutes due to rioting, 1965

The Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization enters into force, 1970

A nuclear reactor accident occurs at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union (now Ukraine), creating the world's worst nuclear disaster, 1986

Physicists announce first evidence of the top quark subatomic particle, 1994

Under international pressure, Syria withdraws the last of its 14,000 troop military garrison in Lebanon, ending its 29-year military domination of that country, 2005

During the second day of evidence at the Leveson Inquiry, Rupert Murdock reveals there was a 'cover-up' at 'News of the World' but that he had no knowledge of it, 2012

The CEO of Chobani, Hamdi Ulukaya, announces that he will be giving his employees 10% of the shares in the company, 2016

The Waorani people of Pastaza win a landmark environmental case against the Ecuadorian government to protect half a million acres of their territory in the Amazon rainforest, 2019


  1. I think you could host a reality show—laundry mysteries. It would be a hit! Great funnies today!

  2. Carl certainly does equal job security for you. Thank you for the words. I'll have a story on my blog on Friday.

  3. I suspect that too many of those laundry funnies are fact.
    Carl is a handful, but you are right about the job security.
    Thanks for the words.

  4. Thank you for the laundry laughables. And thanks for the Words. I have to try to use them this time around! Even if Ookie-pookie was not in them ;)

  5. With Carl your job is secured. Working for Carl can be very challenging. I think no other person can step into your shoes doing what you have been doing. Thanks for the funnies.

  6. Carl wears me out and I'm sure he does that to you too. So entertaining though. It's like a puzzle each time you show up. You sure do have job security though.

    Love all the funnies. It's good to laugh.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  7. Oh my goodness. I can't wait every time I read about Carl. As Sandee said, Carl is very entertaining. Every time I ask my wife to read this because as I said, we have an autistic 37 year old. Our day is interesting but we are getting old.Or should I say I'm getting old.
    Have a great day Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. So many laughs to start my day. I love the laundry humor, both the Carl kind and the meme kind.

  9. I think I would wash it all. :) It scares me that he drives -how does he stay focused on the road? Great bunch of laundry funnies. :) XO

  10. You have earned your medal cleaning up after Carl ~ and your funnies are the best ~ LOL ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in your day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Carl is very organized in his own way. Loved the laundry humor!

  12. Good grief! That would drive me demented.

  13. The laundry mems are purrfect! And we loved seeing the photos of the laundry! It brought back a whole bunch of memories that made me laugh! Thanks Mimi!


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