
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Ordinary, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's been a busy week, but not much out of the ordinary.  It's good that ordinary makes for a good Thankful Day.

Last Sunday Ms. JAI called and that meant Monday was a full day.  She seems to be doing well, and i got there early enough that she felt comfortable leaving to run a quick errand while i was there.

While i was there, i discovered that one of her toilets is leaking.  She had been wondering, now we know.  Her son keeps promising to fix it "the next time I'm in town," but she's concerned the house is too big and too much for her now.  At the same time, she doesn't want to move away from the area she's lived in for almost her whole life, where all of her friends are, her church, and when it comes down to it, she loves her house.  She waffles between stay and move, and the only thing i can do, what i'm thankful to do, is listen.  She needs that.

Tuesday was laundromat day and errand day, Sweetie and i knocked a lot of errands off the list in one big circle around the town, and we were thankful to get it all in, including the fact that i remembered to bring the bags to the store and put them in the recycle bin.

Ms. G has me working on a special assignment on Wednesday mornings, after i finish the shelter and before i go to her house.  This was the first week (of a planned 6), and it went like clockwork, i'm thankful to say.

Then on the way home from Ms. G's i stopped at the gas station to get a refill of my ice cup and saw Carl!  He had just bought a sandwich and was dousing it with Ranch dressing. He mumbled about having things to do, and i'm thankful he didn't seem overheated after his work day.  It's a problem for him sometimes, he's very heat sensitive.

Ms. V and Mr. L are planning their anniversary party for next weekend, and they have family coming in this next week.  Thankfully i was able to do some extra cleaning at their house Thursday, and Sweetie and i will go finish up doing even more extra things this coming Monday after i'm done with Carl's apartment.  The only thing they'll have to do is stay on top of Carl and pick up after him before their company arrives.

Sweetie came and helped me Friday morning at Ms. GA's house, always a thankful thing.  Also, i was able to figure out a workaround a comment on Clark's blog, which i hadn't been able to do in a couple of days.  Computers are finicky, but my mind works sideways so i can sometimes figure out how to do stuff through a back or side door.

Once Sweetie finished helping me, he went home and then let me know that both Link and Tripod SissyCat were sneezing.  A quick call to the vet and he whisked them off, both are on antibiotics for sinus infections before it became chronic enough to make them quit eating.  It's a thankful thing that he's so observant, and the vet had an appointment open.

Ms. M who helps me on Fridays at the shelter had told me she was out of town this week, so i went ready to do caretaking on all the cats except the ones in isolation.  Not only am i thankful i got it done, i'm thankful one of the employees had a bit of extra time and took care of the fresh water in a few of the rooms.

My biggest thankful is that after i left the shelter, i remembered that i didn't feed and water one of the cats in an office, so i was able to quickly get back and get it done.  The cat would not have starved (there was some food in the bowl) and it had water, although not the freshest.  Still, i hate the idea of any of them not being properly cared for every time.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Bad Hair Day -- birth anniversary of Don King

Birth of the White Buffalo -- Lakota Native American rituals honoring the birth of the White Buffalo in 1994, signaling the return of the White Buffalo Woman (manifestation of the Star Goddess Wohpe), who gave them the sacred peace pipe

Boil Over Thursday -- Fairy Calendar (sometimes on Thursday, most often not)

Dial the Phone Day -- the first rotary dial phone patent was applied for by A. E. Keith, John Erickson, and Charles Erickson on this day in 1896

Feast of Asma -- Baha'i

Independence From USSR Day -- Estonia

International Geocaching Day   

International Homeless Animals Day® -- International Society for Animal Rights   

Lemonade Day

Moon's Birthday -- Aztec Calendar (according to some websites, but i haven't confirmed it; if you want something to celebrate, this is as good as anything else)

National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

National HoneyBee Day -- US  

National Radio Day -- on the day WWJ(AM) radio first signed on in Detroit in 1920, one of the earliest news broadcast stations

Revolution Day -- Western Sahara

Revolution of the King and People -- Morocco

St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Day (Patron of bees and beekeepers, candle makers, wax refiners; Burgundy, France; Cistercians; Gibralter; Queens College, Cambridge, England; Speyer Cathedral)

Stop and Smell Your Dog Day -- and, depending on the results, maybe even Give Your Dog a Bath Day

St. Stephen's Festival --  Budapest, Hungary (National Day for all of Hungary)

Thoth orders the healing of the Eye of Horus -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Virtual Worlds Day -- internet generated, as well it should be

World Mosquito Day -- commemorates the day Dr. Ronald Ross discovered the link between mosquitoes and malaria in 1897

Birthdays Today:

Amy Adams, 1975

Tara Dakides, 1975

Jan Allen, 1956

Theresa Saldana, 1955

Al Roker, 1954

Robert Plant, 1948

Connie Chung, 1946

Don King, 1931

Jim Reeves, 1924

Jacqueline Susann, 1921

Eero Saarinen, 1910

Edgar Albert Guest, 1881

H.P. Lovecraft, 1880

Eliel Saarinen, 1873

Benjamin Harrison, 1833

Bernardo O'Higgins, 1776

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"1812 Overture"(Tchaikovsky Op. 49), 1882

Today in History:

Hungary is established as a kingdom by Stephen I, 1000

The Dutch bring the first African slaves to the colony of Jamestown, VA, 1619

The Spanish establish the presidio that will be the town of Tuscon, Arizona, 1775

The Lewis and Clark "Corps of Discovery", exploring the Louisiana Purchase, suffers its only death when sergeant Charles Floyd dies, apparently from acute appendicitis 1804

Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" debuts in Moscow, 1882

Rotary Dial telephone is patented, 1896

The Big Blowup, a huge fire in the Northwestern US, burns 3 million acres, 1910

Adolphe Pegoud makes the first parachute jump from an airplane, 1913

Stainless steel is first cast, 1913

WJM,8Mk, Detroit, becomes the first commercial radio station to start daily broadcasting, 1920

UK becomes the first to use radar, 1940

Plutonium's weight determined, 1942

Launch of Voyager 2, 1977

George and Joy Adamson, the Born Free conservationists, are gunned down by poachers, 1989

The Oslo Peace Accords are signed in Norway, 1993

The Supreme Court of Canada rules that Quebec may not secede from Canada without federal government approval, 1998

As part of ongoing political reforms, the government of Myanmar announces it will end media censorship, 2012

Measles cases reach a record high in Europe with 41,000 infected in the first six months of 2018 and 37 deaths according to WHO, 2018

NASA confirms it is planning the Clipper Mission to Jupiter's moon Europa to take off in 2025 to explore the moon's oceans and find out if it can harbor life, 2019 


  1. Normal, everyday days are the very best kond. Thanks for writing.

  2. Busy, busy ~ you are alive and well ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Those are good thankfuls and I'm sure the office cat appreciates the effort!

  4. Ordinary is good, and busy gives a sense of accomplishment. :-)

  5. Is it possible for Ms JAI to look around and find a smaller place in the same area so she doesn't lose her church and friends? I hope that toilet gets fixed quickly, before too much water damage is done.

  6. My odd compliment: reading, in the opening, "It's been a busy week..."
    my reaction was 'Uh oh!'
    glad it was a busy-but-not-unnecessarily-complicated-week
    Also: way glad that you found the work around on the commentationing... always enjoy reading them

  7. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is just listen.
    I definitely think I take more (and better) care of my cats than I do my husband! We have one who is anxiety-riddled, and I am now feeding him upstairs in the bathroom, because he's been scared to go downstairs since the great possum in the basement event


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