
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Yes, Please! (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Elephant's Child.        

This week's prompts are:

  1. Meet
  2. Glimpses
  3. Apples
  4. Taste
  5. Memory
  6. Garden 


  1. Letters
  2. Year
  3. Marvellous
  4. Ways
  5. Mother
  6. Shadow

Have fun.

It's not often that we hear from our two daughters, the ones i call Little Girl and Bigger Girl on here because when they were younger they both loved the Lilo and Stitch stories where Jumba the alien called Lilo and Nani by those names.

Bigger Girl is 29 and living in California, working as a vet tech and wanting to join the Peace Corps.  You can get GLIMPSES of her personality from some of the texts she's sent me.  For example:

     Also, I am feeding local crows, gonna train them and command a crow army.  They're smart enough to recognize who feeds them and who doesn't and not become dependent on people, so I can be queen of the crows!

     Hey, mom, the dog that was abandoned at work found a home with our new handyman.  I'm kinda salty about it because I spent hours trying to train the dog not to play bite and the handyman's 4-year-old taught him in two seconds by biting him back.  And this dog is so dumb he'd have to study for 3 days to pass a urine test!

It's rather sad that very few of us write LETTERS any more, hers would be priceless.  She has WAYS of saying things that let you know she is uniquely herself.

Even though she lives in town, we don't hear from Little Girl so often besides a few texts now and then.

Little Girl is in her third YEAR of nursing school, still in the National Guard as a medic, and working.  She and her boyfriend have gone to Arizona for the week so she can MEET the part of his family that lives there (yes, it's serious).  Of course, when MOTHER is gone, Coda and Bart come to me for a visit.

So far, Bart is my SHADOW, following me everywhere hoping for a tidbit or a TASTE of something.  He eats anything, and really, that means what it sounds like.  Don't drop even a piece of paper or a pen, he will try to taste it.  Today on the way home from work i'm going to stock up on APPLES (sliced) and carrots, two things he can gnaw without getting too many calories, just to keep those bulldog jaws busy.

It's always MARVELOUS having Coda here, she's a love.  Every time she comes, there are more adventures to plant in the GARDEN of my MEMORY.  We'll be hitting up that famous coffee place for a pup cup soon.

As a side note, Coda says, aren't little brothers annoying?


Today is:

Armed Forces Day -- Equatorial Guinea

Dia de la Bandera -- Venezuela (Flag Day)

Fairy Washing Festival -- Fairy Calendar (do the fairies wash themselves, or is everyone supposed to wash his/her fairy?)

Feast of Caligo, the mother of Chaos -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate, and this is as good a day to celebrate chaos as any other)

Festival Wednesday/East End Parade -- British Virgin Islands

Fete National de l'Arbre -- Niger (Independence Day, 1960)

Fiesta de San Salvador -- San Salvador, El Salvador

Golpe de la Libertad -- Equatorial Guinea (Freedom Day)

Grab Some Nuts Day -- almonds and walnuts are especially good for you

International Friendship Day (original date proposed by Joyce Hall, founder of Hallmark Cards, back in 1935 because it is the center of the largest lull between major holidays; the UN celebrates it on July 30 and many countries celebrate on the second Sunday in August)

Kanto Matsuri -- Akita, Japan (a four-day festival, praying for good harvest, purification ceremonies, and feats of skill)

National Watermelon Day

Pidjiguiti Day -- Guinea-Bissau (Colonization Martyr's Day; Anniversary of the Killing of Pidjiguiti)

St. Lydia Purpuraria's Day (Lydia the "seller of purple" who was Paul's first convert in Philippi; Patron of dyers)

St. Nicodemus' Day (member of the Sanhedrin and secret disciple who helped bury Jesus)

Birthdays Today:

Evangeline Lilly, 1979

Blaine Wilson, 1974

Isaiah Washington, 1963

John McGinley, 1959

Jay North, 1951

John Landis, 1950

Martha Stewart, 1941

Martin Sheen, 1940

Steve Berkoff, 1937

Tony Bennett, 1926

Leon Uris, 1924

P.D. James, 1920

Margaret "Maggie" Kuhn, 1905

John T. Scopes, 1900

Ernest Taylor "Ernie" Pyle, 1900

Elisha Graves Otis, 1811

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Primetime Live"(TV), 1989

"Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp)"(Single release), 1963

"Chu Chin Chow"(Musical), 1916

"William Tell"(Opera), 1829

Today in History:

Tiberius, Roman Empire general, defeats the Dalmatians at the river Bathinus, 8

Columbus sets Sail for the "Indes",departing from Palos, Spain, 1492

John Rut, at St. John's, Newfoundland, sends the first known letter from North America, 1527

Robert LaSalle builds the Le Griffon, the first known ship built on the Great Lakes, 1678

First ascent of Jungfrau, third highest summit in the Bernese Alps, 1811

Harvard defeats Yale in the first intercollegiate rowing race, 1852*

Second Maori War begins in New Zealand, 1860

The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company is founded, 1900

The nuclear submarine USS Nautilus travels beneath the Arctic ice cap, 1958

President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya of Mauritania is overthrown in a military coup while attending the funeral of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia, 2005

After last months extensive flooding, North Korea finally asks the United Nations for food aid, 2012

The International Olympic Committee approves baseball/softball, karate, sport climbing, surfing and skateboarding to be included in the 2020 Games, bringing the total number of sports to 33, 2016

Singer Tony Bennet celebrates his 95th birthday with the first of two performances at Radio City Music Hall, NYC, 2021

*In fact, it was the first American intercollegiate athletic event ever


  1. How I love your use of the words. Enjoy your visitors - as I know you will.

  2. What a wonderful photo of the two dogs together.

    God bless.

  3. Haha funny meme

    Aww! at the doggies heheh!

    Have a tanfastictastic week 👍

  4. Our mom and her brother are very different too and it is hard to believe sometimes that they are really brother and sister. Your girls sound amazing and hard working. What more could you want, and you get the granddogs now and then.

  5. hi! Nice blog! ♥

    P.S. I am your new GFC follower :) Lets be friends :)

  6. You volunteer enough, my friend.

    I love your garden of memories. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  7. You always make such good use of the words.

  8. Love, love the doggies ~ so sweet ~ Xo
    Great 'volunteer' sign too ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. That's a terrific sign. It was very interesting to learn more about the girls, little and big.

  10. Nice to learn more about your daughters. They both sound very kind. XO

  11. A lovely story with the words woven in just right.


  12. i so enjoyed your story, I feel I know you and your family a little better now!


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