
Sunday, September 4, 2022

They Learn, Sort Of (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Because all the newspapers in south Louisiana are now owned by one local company, a local columnist who has been popular for years is now read through the region, not just in the city nearest us.

Grandma and Grandpa like him as much as i do, and he posts funny, quirky human interest stories, frequently about children.  Grandma was telling me yesterday that i should write in about some of the funny things my kids have done, and our talk reminded me of this.

Boudreaux done come home from work an' Clothile be settin' in de kitchen, jes' a laughin'.  He done ax what be so funny.

Clothile say, "Yestiddy, Aline done be misbehavin', an' I done tole her I's goin' count to t'ree, an' I say, 'One, two, two-an'-a-half, two an' t'ree-quarter...' befo' she done do what she suppose a do.  Den today, I done hear her correctin' her dolly dat not want do right, an' she tell it, 'I be goin' count, one, two, two-in-a-hat, two-an'-t'ree turtles'!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child. 

Grandma sometimes doesn't feel like going to her art room, so she brought the art room to her.  

These flowers always fascinate me.  

Ms. DareKitty is at it again.  


The ever changing and always beautiful skies.


Today is:

Animals' Day -- Curacao

Ceremony of Transformation through Anubis -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Eat An Extra Dessert Day -- internet generated, you have the WWW's permission to indulge today

     note that some sites also list this day, instead of July 7, as World Chocolate Day, so celebrate either one!

Father's Day -- Australia; Fiji; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea

Harvest Wine Celebration -- Livermore, CA, US (open-house visits to over 40 wineries)

Immigrant's Day -- Argentina

Ludi Romani -- Ancient Roman Calendar (through the 19th; a festival to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, also called Circensian games)

National Macadamia Nut Day

National Wildlife Day -- US 

Newspaper Carrier Day -- US (anniversary of Benjamin Day, publisher of the New York Sun, hiring Barney Flaherty as the first newspaper carrier in 1833)

Regata Storical (Historical Regatta) -- Venice, Italy (competition among two-oar racing gondolas, preceded by Venetian ceremonial boats)

Running of the Sheep -- Reed Point, MT (matched only by the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, hundreds of sturdy Montana bred woolies charge down the six blocks of the main street in town, plus there is a parade!)

St. Ida of Herzfeld's Day (Patron of brides, widows)

St. Rose of Viterbo's Festival -- Viterbo, Italy (actual feast day of the saint is March 6)

Anniversaries Today:

Ford Motor Company introduces The Edsel, 1957

Birthdays Today:

Beyonce Knowles, 1981

Ione Skye, 1970

Mike Piazza, 1968

Damon Wayans, 1960

Judith Ivey, 1951

Tom Watson, 1949

Jennifer Salt, 1944

Mitzi Gaynor, 1930

Dick York, 1928

Paul Harvey, 1918

Henry Ford II, 1917

Richard Wright, 1908

Nigel Bruce, 1895

Daniel Hudson Burnham, 1846

Anton Bruckner, 1824

François-René, vicomte de Chateaubriand, 1768

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Captain Midnight"(TV), 1954

"Beetle Bailey"(Comic strip), 1950

"London Calling"(Musical revue), 1923

"Adonis"(Burlesque musical), 1884

Today in History:

Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the West, is formally deposed, 476

Edmund Halley, English astronomer, first observes the comet that now bears his name, 1682

The City of Los Angeles is founded in Bahia de las Fumas (Valley of Smokes), 1781

Robert Fulton begins operating his steamboat, 1807

Barney Flahery, age 10, is hired to be the first newsboy, by the NY Sun, 1833

Although he had demonstrated their use before, the first major lighting with electricity comes online as 400 bulbs are lit in offices on Spruce, Wall, Nassau, and Pearl streets in lower Manhattan by Thomas Edison, 1882

The last major US-Indian war ends with the surrender of Apache Chief Geronimo, 1886

George Eastman patents the first roll-film cameral and registers the trademark name "Kodak", 1888

Beatrix Potter first tells the story of Peter Rabbit, 1893

Comic strip "Beetle Bailey" first appears, 1950

The Ford Motor Company introduces the Edsel, 1957

Mark Spitz becomes the first competitor to win seven medals at a single Olympic Games, 1972

Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students at Stanford University, 1998

A 7.1 earthquake strikes the South Island of New Zealand, causing widespread damage, 2010

Scientists announce the creation of a 'magic carpet' using optical fibers to help prevent elderly people from falling by detecting when unusual footsteps are taken, 2013

Archaeological remains of a Viking fortress from the 900s CE, the Vallø Borgring, is discovered in Denmark, 2014

A 400-year-old sunken Portuguese spice trade ship is discovered near the port of Cascais, Portugal, 2018

A Pew Research Center Study reports that a record 52% of 18-29 year olds are living with their parents due to the pandemic, 2020


  1. Two in a hat, three and tree turtles... that is so funny :) Love seeing the rEcess kids on the skates and boards. I notice a bag of supplies that include empty toilet roll cores. I'll tell you something I did with those when I was hosting playgroups. Take four rolls, fold three of them in half and tuck one into the fourth, then tuck another into the folded one and then a third, so you have three folded rolls making flower petal shapes inside the fourth. Dip into paint and use as a stamp, or brush paint across and use as a stamp.
    Clever Grandma to bring the art room to herself.

  2. Another delightful selection. Ms Darekitty is quite the athlete - and beautiful with it.
    Hooray for rEcess and the silk tree flowers and the sky.

  3. Thanks again Mimi for the Cajun jokes. I love those characters,

    Cruisin Paul

  4. Cute joke. I like those flowers, so pretty. I love seeing rEcess photos. XO

  5. That was a good joke and really wonderful photos!

  6. Fun joke ~ amazing flowers and gorgeous sky photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Loved your Cajun story! And those fascinating pink flowers! What are they?

  8. Oh, that Cajun story is priceless! As are children! Have art, will travel! Now that looks like a great recess! :)


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