
Friday, October 28, 2022

If I Were An Animal, a Monthly Poetry Group Post


It's time for the Monthly Poetry Group, hosted by Karen at Baking in a Tornado.  Participants write a poem about a topic one of us chose.  This month, i chose If I Were An Animal.  Be sure to go check out all the poems.

If i were an animal,

it would not easy be

to make a choice of only one

'cause there's so much to me.

It might be nice to be a cat

since i love them so,

they love warmth and comfort,

and so do i, you know.

It might be nice to be a dog,

a family friendly pet,

although as an introvert,

it's likely not my best bet.

It might be nice to be a bird

and soar across the skies,

but as much as i like them,

that's not where my heart lies.

A dolphin in the sea is great,

or bigger, like a whale,

to give the watchers joy

as near me they might sail.

But if i could retire from work,

i would not be wroth

to wake one day and find myself

turned into a sloth!

The other participants:

Karen at Baking in a Tornado     

Diane at On the Border     



  1. We're heading into a hectic time of year, we all need to slow down a bit and channel our inner sloth.

  2. Oh what a fun and delightful poem ~ LOL ~ You could never be a 'slot.' ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Smiling. There is a lot of sloth in me.

  4. That was a grand poem with a fun ending!


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