
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Not a Palace (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day, and Brian's Thankful Thursday


As a structure, it doesn't look like much.

It's been battered by storms and is a bit worse for wear on the inside from the exploits of four children and passels of friends.  And pets, especially the cats and lots and lots of foster kittens.

The paint is peeling in the back, and plans are in the works to take care of that, which will mean a bit more money juggling.

It won't ever be magazine worthy and that's okay, it holds a thousand memories and tells of hopes and dreams.

It's not a palace, but it's better, it's home.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Structure.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Angel Sammy's Parents are on vacation, so there is no new poem this week.  However, i went back to find the first time i participated and have reposted this little blast from the past.

Look at me, Daddy,

I'm just like you!

You hold your flippers out,

And I can, too!

Someday I'll be very big

Then we two

Will swim side by side

The whole ocean through!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i got to see Red-Headed Alec yesterday.


Today is:

Birth of the Bab -- Baha'i

Conflict Resolution Day -- Association for Conflict Resolution   

Feast of Agios Gerasimos -- Kefalonia, Greece (celebration of the patron saint of this Ionian island, with religious services followed by dancing and feasting)

Feast of No Excuse For A Feast Day -- internet generated, if you have no other excuse to celebrate something today, use this one

Festival of Ebisu -- Japan (the laughing god, who is the only one available this month, as the 8 million other gods of the pantheon gather at the Grand Shrine of Izumo; traditionally on 20th day of 10th month of the lunisolar calendar)

Get Smart About Credit Day -- sponsored by the American Bankers Association   

Get to Know Your Customers Day -- third Thursday of every quarter

Installation of Scriptures as Guru Granth -- Sikh

International Credit Union Day -- World Council of Credit Unions   

International Juan Valdez Appreciation Day -- internet generated, yet as we sip our morning wake up brew, let's remember the hardy souls who pick the beans for us!

Mashujaa Day -- Kenya (National Day/Kenyatta Day)

Miss American Rose Day -- with online only pageants devoted to high achievement and community service for girls and women of all ages, Miss American Rose suggests treating all women in your life like beautiful roses and performing community service with them

National Brandied Fruit Day

National Day on Writing -- US (sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English)   

Revolution Day -- Guatemala

Seeking of King Look Under Your Mattress -- Fairy Calendar

St. Acca's Day (Patron of learning)

Suspenders Day -- probably begun by the same people who wanted to see if you would observe Wear Something Gaudy Day and Dress Like A Dork Day

World Osteoporosis Day -- International Osteoporosis Foundation 

Anniversaries Today:

Clint Black marries Lisa Hartman, 1991

William Shatner marries Marcy Lafferty, 1973

The Sydney Opera House opens, 1973

Aristotle Onassis marries Jacqueline Kennedy, 1968

Birthdays Today:

John Krasinski, 1979

Dann Gillen, 1967

Viggo Mortensen, 1958

Danny Boyle, 1956

Keith Hernandez, 1953

Tom Petty, 1953

Melanie Mayron, 1952

Tom Petty, 1950

Jerry Orbach, 1935

William Christopher, 1932

Mickey Mantle, 1931

Joyce Brothers

Art Buchwald, 1925

Fayard Nicholas, 1914

Bela Lugosi, 1882

Charles Ives, 1874

Charles Dewey, 1859

James Robert Mann, 1856

Arthur Rimbaud, 1854

Christopher Wren, 1632

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Six Million Dollar Man"(TV), 1973

"No Time for Sergeants"(Play), 1955

"Vor Sonnenaufgang/Before Sunrise"(Hauptmann play), 1889

Today in History:

The first Crusaders arrive at Antioch, 1097

The city of Nuestra Senora de La Paz (Our Lady of Peace), Bolivia, is founded, 1548 

Battle of sekigahara sets Tokugawa clan as Japan's Shoguns, 1600

Maria Theresa of Habsburg becomes ruler of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia, 1740

Patent of Toleration, providing limited freedom of worship, is approved in Habsburg Monarchy, 1781

US Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase, 1803

The U.S. and U.K. sign the Convention of 1818, which, among other things settles the U.S. - Canada border at the 49th parallel for most of its length, 1818

First Edition of London Sunday Times, 1822

Lincoln formally establishes Thanksgiving as a national holiday in the US, on the 4th Thursday of November each year, 1864

P.T. Barnum's Hippodrome featuring "The Greatest Show on Earth" opens in NYC, 1873

The hull of the RMS Olympic, sister-ship to the ill-fated RMS Titanic, is launched, 1910

The first Negro League World Series is held, the KC Monarchs shut out the Hilldales, 5-0, 1924

United States of America and Pakistan establish diplomatic relations for the first time, 1947

The Nepal Stock Exchange collapses, 1971

The Sydney Opera House opens, 1973

BM-PC DOS Version 2.1 released, 1983

US accuses Microsoft of violating law by forcing IE browser on computers, 1997

European astronomers announce the discovery of 32 extrasolar planets, 2009

Atronomers announce that galaxy UDFy-38135539 is the most distant object observed from Earth, around 30 billion light-years, 2010

Muammar Gaddafi, and his son Mutassim Gaddafi are killed shortly after the Battle of Sirte, 2011

Pollution is linked to 1 in 6 deaths worldwide or 9 million in 2015 in a report published in "The Lancet", 2017

Qantas Airlines runs a first test flight of its new 787 Boeing Dreamliner, flying from New York to Sydney in 19 hours, 42 minutes, 2019

The US Justice Department sues Google for an alleged illegal monopoly over internet searches and search advertising, 2020

New dating techniques using solar storms show the first European settlements of the New World were made by Vikings around 1021AD in Newfoundland, 2021


  1. Love your six sentence story - and your poem too. I have a huge soft spot for penguins.

  2. Beautiful story and poem. Daddy and child penguins very cute.

  3. A home will always be my all-in bet vs a palace.

  4. Mom loves those homes that are just perfect in condition and decor, but she could never live like that. The lived in look is where it is at and with four dogs, a perfect home would be tough, kind of like having four small children. Messes are here and there, but it is home for us and we love it.

  5. Homes have character, palaces dont! As for the poem, perfect!

  6. damn! you (and Paul Brad) gots this grace-in-economy of prose thing dead-to-rights!
    I will resist the envy out of respect
    good Six yo

  7. Very cute poem Mimi. Have a wonderful day my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  8. Home is where the heart is. A wonderful Six.

    Love the poem and love your thankful. You made me smile.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  9. Love the poem as always. Perfect with the picture.

  10. A home is better than a palace. Thanks for the re-post it is cute.

  11. Wonderful poem and thankful. And I love the story. XO

  12. Such a lot of information to ingest. I'll sip on my mug of coffee while I do so... :)

  13. That is a really nice story and a really cute poem too. Hooray for a red headed thankful too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. My Posting was one of gratitude, Sandee did an unexpected thing when I posted how I dropped and broke my treasured Mug she took it Apon herself to find a replacement and sent it ti me.

  15. Well-told. Love makes all the difference between a house and home, however humble it may be. And that poem just makes me smile - wonderful!

  16. I love your image and poem and the six sentences too. Magazine houses are just that, houses, not homes.

  17. Sweet poem, and yes home is where the heart is ~ neat fence photo ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

  19. Nothing compares to home. Not even a palace.
    Cute poem. And who was that said they had a soft spot for penguins? Me too!
    Red-Headed Alec. Can never tell with you, Mimi, if human, feline, canine or other, lol. Hope you had a good visit!

  20. Love the Six, Mimi. A true home beats a palace anyday. If the stories are to be believed, many of the UK royal family have detested Buckingham Palace.


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