
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Thankful Even When, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Last week was a rEcess thankful week, so now i'm going to catch up as best i can.

In making plans to sit outside with our friends next door and give candy for the Great Neighborhood Candy Exchange, i found out they hadn't gotten theirs yet.  It seems they thought it was on Tuesday.

I'm thankful we found out and that i was planning to be at the MallMart on Monday anyway.  Standing in front of the meagre selections available on the day of, i was very thankful to get them what i could, and that i already had enough.  One nice man was standing there mulling his few choices, and he told me, "Next year, I'm hiding the candy from the grandchildren, they didn't leave us enough for tonight!"

Makes me thankful for a good hiding spot at my house.

Things were going well, work, ladies' meeting, all thankful things.

Then came the reason for what Clark always calls "hypograts," the things that aren't thankful on the surface, but bring blessings nonetheless.

#1 Son's car went in the shop, and it was not good.  The thankful is we got the loaner car for last weekend so he had mine.

His turned out to be irreparable, unless we wanted to try to find a used motor and pay more than it was worth to have it installed.

We're thankful he scraped up all his savings, got a loan, and is supposed to be getting his new-to-him car delivered this week.

Because we've decided not to try to replace appliances at this time unless we can't live without them, were thankful to get to the laundromat.

There was actual rain on Saturday, which was much needed and much appreciated, and i'm thankful that i still got to NOLA and back safely despite the sometimes poor visibility and bad conditions.

The painters who were recommended to us came by, looked at the area of our house that really needs work, and quoted us a price we can "almost" afford.  It's going to be a few weeks, we're thankful to have time to put it together and we'll get it taken care of.

Sunday evening, Brother-in-Law called.  He'd dropped his glasses and the screw came off on one side and he couldn't find it and he can't drive without his glasses and could we help?

I'm thankful Sweetie was able to get him Monday morning, take him to a glasses place where they replaced the screw at no charge, and he was then able to drive himself to work.

Tuesday was a big day, in more ways than one.  Not only was it election day, and i am very thankful to live in a place where i have the right and privilege of voting, it was the day my back decided it wasn't going to like bending over.

The rest of the week, i have been thankful for naproxen, lidocaine pain patches, ice packs the shelter doesn't use any more that they let me have shoved down my britches, a work apron that makes holding the ice packs in place possible, and grit.

Work is getting done, and i'm thankful.  I'm also thankful for my new motto, advice i read from a massage therapist, "Motion is lotion."

Moving may hurt, but being still for too long hurts more, and i'm thankful to have reasons to keep moving.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

A&W Rootbeer Mug Day -- see if you can frost your mug like they did

Birth of Baha'u'llah -- Baha'i

Birth of Sun Yat-Sen, Doctors Day, and Cultural Renaissance Day -- Taiwan

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day -- "Changing the world, one story at a time."

Constitution Day -- Azerbaijan

Dia del Cartero -- Mexico (Postman's Day; postal carriers are shown appreciation with small gifts left in mailboxes)

Fancy Rat and Mouse Day -- the American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association wants you to know these little critters can give you a lot of love

Journee Nationale Maore -- Comoros (Admission to the UN Day)

Khalkeia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of smiths, associated with Hephastis and Athena; date approximate)

National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week -- US (remembering those who have little or nothing during the upcoming holiday celebrations, and making time to share our bounty with them; through the 20th)     

      co-sponsors National Coalition for the Homeless and National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness 

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

National Youth Day -- East Timor

Sadie Hawkins Day -- US (on Nov. 9 or the Saturday nearest, and based on the Li'l Abner comic, a day for a woman to ask out the man of her choice; also widely observed on Feb. 29 because of a law passed in Scotland in 1288)

St. Emillian's Day (Patron of Spain, finding lost objects)

St. Josaphat's Day (Patron of Edmonton, Alberta; Toronto, Ontario; Ukraine)

Tewa Buffalo Dance -- Native American Tewa of the Tesuque Pueblo rites on the feast day of their Patron, San Diego, to honor Mother Earth, Father Sky, the four directions, and the elements; through the 15th

The Lord Mayor's Show -- London, England (originally "The Lord Mayor's Day," according to the official website this show has marched, floated, trotted, and occasionally fought through almost 800 years of London history, making it one of the oldest civic pageants in the world)

World Pneumonia Day -- because we lose a million children a year to this preventable illness 

Anniversaries Today:

The Arches National Park established, 1971

Ellis Island closes, 1954

Birthdays Today:

Anne Hathaway, 1982

Ryan Gosling, 1980

Sammy Sosa, 1968

Michael Moorer, 1967

David Schwimmer, 1966

Nadia Comaneci, 1961

Megan Mullally, 1958

Neil Young, 1945

Al Michaels, 1944

Wallace Shawn, 1943

Grace Kelly, 1929

Jo Stafford, 1918

Harry A. Blackmun, 1908

Sun Yat-sen, 1866

Auguste Rodin, 1840

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1815

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Grand Hotel"(Musical), 1989

"Irma la Douce"(Musical), 1956

"Paint Your Wagon"(Musical), 1951

Song of the South(Disney film), 1946

The first Sunday American-style football game is held in Philadelphia, 1933

Today in History:

Tibetan troops occupy Chang'an, the capital of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, for fifteen days starting today, 764

Plymouth, England, becomes the first town incorporated by the English Parliament, 1439

Sir James Young Simpson, a British physician, is the first to use chloroform as an anaesthetic, 1847

Jules Leotard performs 1st Flying Trapeze circus act (Paris); he also designed garment that bears his name, 1859

World's Fair in Paris opens, 1900

The first movie stunt: man jumps into Hudson river from a burning balloon, 1910

Norway holds a referendum in favor of monarchy over republic, 1905

Robert Scott's diary & body are found in Antarctica, 1912

Austria becomes a republic, 1918

The first underwater tunnel, the Holland Tunnel connecting NY to NJ opens, 1927

The first photo of whatever is in Loch Ness is taken, 1933

Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia join the United Nations, 1956

Equatorial Guinea joins the United Nations, 1968

The Comoros joins the United Nations, 1975

The NASA space probe Voyager I makes its closest approach to Saturn and takes the first images of its rings, 1980

The Space Shuttle Columbia becomes the first time a manned spacecraft launched into space twice, 1981

Crown Prince Akihito is formally installed as Emperor Akihito of Japan, becoming the 125th Japanese monarch, 1990

Tim Berners-Lee publishes a formal proposal for the World Wide Web, 1990

Shanghai Transrapid sets up a new world speed record (501 kilometres per hour (311 mph)) for commercial railway systems, 2003

The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database is launched on the web and revolutionizes chemical-gene-disease information for research scientists, 2004

Philippine volcano Mount Bulusan erupts again, 2010

European Space Agency's Rosetta lands the Philae probe on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,2014

For the first time since his mother became Queen, Prince Charles lays the wreath to Great Britain's war dead, instead of Queen Elizabeth, 2017

Five hundredth anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, 2019


  1. I was shocked but happy with the American people with their voting. I was worried about the many men & women who were trying to be elected who hate democracy. I know, I should keep my big mouth shut since I'm a Canadian but I worry about my American friends. Sorry Mimi. I'll try to keep my mouth shut.
    Have a great day my friend.

    Cruisin Paul

  2. "Motion is lotion" Love this. I'll remember next time it hurts bending over when hanging the laundry (no, we have no dryer). Thank you for always making me more thankful for what I can do and still have.

  3. wow! What a mixed bag of thankfuls ~ you cope very well despite it all ~ be well soon ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Motion is lotion is priceless. And I am pretty certain you are almost always in motion. I hope that your poor back is settling.

  5. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I am sorry your back gives you such trouble. I hope you feel better soon. XO

  6. That was quite a good list but I do hope your back is all better soon.

  7. "Motion is Lotion" is good advice, as is "use it or lose it," so keep moving even if that means a little less than usual for a while, because not moving can get things locked up to the point where they can't move.

  8. Good way to find the thankfuls in those hypograts! I do hope your back feels much better soon!

  9. I gotta join in on the "How have I never heard the expression 'Motion is Lotion' before this?!

    Thanks for sharing and in demonstrating the wisdom to use the gift of perspective to allow, if not an neutralizing then an off-setting of negative life events.. totally hats off.

  10. I just love your ability to find the joy in everything! You continue to inspire, Mimi! I do hope your back is better!

  11. You find great joy everywhere. The cake in the previous post looked really rich. Wow! It was very pretty too,


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