
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Aging (Dis)Gracefully (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Until GusGus Die Fledermaus (my Ford Focus) is finally and fully fixed, i have to rent a car every week to go to NOLA on Saturdays.  Slow-Moe is fine for in town, but not highway trips.

This means a trip every Friday afternoon, right before i go to the cat shelter, to the rental place, Sweetie drives the rental straight to the house (i can only put so many miles on it without an overage charge) and i go to the shelter, then i come home and move my booster seat to the rental.

Yes, i use a booster seat to drive.  That's what happens when you quit growing taller at age 12 (and i was a short 12-year-old to begin) and then start shrinking a bit at age, well, late 50-ish.  (What's worse is that i quit growing taller at age 12, but didn't quit growing wider!)

This whole routine of moving seats around in cars gets wearing, but is necessary.  Since the seat has a separate cushion, it can get very complicated to get in and out of a vehicle, especially one i'm not used to.

Boudreaux be talkin' to Thibodeaux 'bout hims car.

"Thib," he done say, "I done notice me one big t'ing 'bout cars."

"What dat be?" Thibodeaux done ax.

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, de older de car get, de harder it be to get in an' out o' it!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.        

Flowers (including a bush that has two colors of rose on the same stem), Japanese magnolias (tulip trees), and we've had a couple of nice sunsets.


Today is:

Arbor Day -- Jordan

Armed Forces Day / Remembrance Day -- Nigeria

Army Day -- India

Basketball Day -- rules for the game were first published this day in 1892(day debated, year is certain)

Chosun-gul -- North Korea (Korean Alphabet Day)

Dia del Maestro -- Venezuela (Teacher's Day)

Feast of the Ass -- Ancient Roman Calendar (celebrates Vesta being saved by a donkey)

Feast of Entering Heaven and the Two Lands -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of All Fairies -- Fairy Calendar

Fiesta Del Senor de Esquipulas/Pilgrimage of Cristo Negro de Esquipulas -- Esquipulas, Guatemala (Festival of the Black Christ)

John Chilembwe Day -- Malawi

Lenaea -- Ancient Greek Calendar (a Festival of Comedy; date approximate)

Moliere Day -- France

National Hat Day -- begun by a hat loving individual who has chosen to remain anonymous

National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Procrastinator's New Year -- declared by someone who had a really great sense of humor

Sailing of Wadjyt -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (the icon of the cobra goddess, Wadjyt, is carried on the Nile to visit many cities; date approximate)

St. Ita's Day (Patron of Limerick, Ireland)

St. Paul the Hermit's Day (the first of the Egyptian hermits; Patron of clothing industry, weavers)

Thiruvalluvar Day -- PY, TN, India (remembrance of the celebrated Tamil poet)

Tree Planting Day -- Egypt

Tsunahiki Matsuri -- Japan (various shrines hold tug-of-war festivals in which the team for god Ebisu vie with the team for god Daikoku; if Ebisu wins, the next year will have good catches at sea, if Daikoku, it will bring good harvests)

Women's Healthy Weight Week 2023

World Religion Day -- Baha'i

Anniversaries Today:

Opening of the British Museum, 1759

Elizabeth I is crowned Queen of England, 1559

Birthdays Today:

Drew Brees, 1979

Chad Lowe, 1968

Mario Van Peebles, 1957

Charo, 1951

Andrea Martin, 1947

Margaret O'Brien, 1937

Ernest J. Gaines, 1933

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929

John Cardinal O'Connor, 1920

Lloyd Bridges, 1913

Gene Krupa, 1909

Elie Siegmeister, 1909

Edward Teller, 1908

Aristotle Onassis, 1906

Goodman Ace, 1899

Pierre S. du Pont, 1870

Philip Livingston, 1766

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, a/k/a Moliere, 1622 (baptismal date, actual birth date unknown)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Hill Street Blues"(TV), 1981

"Happy Days"(TV), 1974

The Democratic Donkey(symbol in newspaper comic), 1870

"Stella"(Goethe Play), 1816

Today in History:

Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon lays siege to Jerusalem under Zedekiah's reign, in a siege lasting until July 23, BC588

Christopher Columbus sets sail for Spain from Hispaniola, ending his first voyage to the New World, 1493

Third sitting of the Council of Trent opens, 1562

The British Museum opens in Montague House in London, 1759

John Etherington of London steps out sporting the first top hat, 1797

The first US built locomotive to pull a passenger train begins its first run, with Mr. and Mrs. Pierson on board for the first US railroad honeymoon trip, 1831

The donkey is first used as a symbol for the Democratic Party, in Harper's Weekly, 1870

The Coca-Cola Company, then known as the Pemberton Medicine Company, is originally incorporated in Atlanta, Georgia, 1889

James Naismith publishes the rules of Basketball, 1892

Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" premieres in St Petersburg, 1895

Dr. Lee DeForest patents a 3-element vacuum tube (one of the inventions that later made radio possible), 1907

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority becomes the first Greek-letter organization founded and established by African-American college women, 1908

The Boston Molasses Disaster, 2 million gallons of molasses spill, 21 killed, over 150 injured, 1919

The first building to be completely covered in glass, built for the Owens-Illinois Glass Company, is completed in Toledo, Ohio, 1936

The world's largest office building, The Pentagon, is dedicated in Arlington, Virginia, 1943

The US Supreme Court rules that "clear and present danger" of incitement to riot is not protected speech and can be a cause for arrest, 1951

The first Super Bowl is played in Los Angeles; the Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10, 1967

The USSR launches Soyuz 5, 1969

The United Nations deadline for the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from occupied Kuwait expires, preparing the way for the start of Operation Desert Storm, 1991

Wikipedia goes online, 2001

An intense solar flare blasts X-rays across the solar system, 2005

ESA's SMART-1 lunar orbiter discovers elements such as calcium, aluminum, silicon, iron, and other surface elements on the moon, 2005

The Stardust space mission returns dust from a comet to Earth, 2006

Chesley Sullenberger lands US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River shortly after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport in NYC. All passengers and crew members survive in what becomes known as the "Miracle on the Hudson", 2009

The American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan unveils its newest exhibit, a replica skeleton of a Titanosaur dinosaur (found in 2010 in Argentina), the largest known dinosaur at 70 tons, 37m, 2016

Chinese scientists confirm that they have germinated a cotton seed on the moon on board the Chang’e 4 lander, 2019

The underwater volcano Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha'apai violently erupts with a 20km ash plume, sending a tsunami over nearby Tonga, with shock waves heard in New Zealand, 2022


  1. I had a growth spurt when I was fifteen and grew eight inches that year, and nearly two the year after. I was short and am now tallish.
    Love your selections. I cannot grow magnolias (the birds destroy them) and do love a good sunset.

  2. Another great selection of photos. Thanx.

    God bless you.

  3. Pretty flowers, beautiful sunsets and a funny joke ... what's not to like. I hope your car trouble will soon be behind you. I have a good height. Tall enough to reach the top shelves in the supermarkets, yet short enough not to bang my head into most doorframes - but bugger those really low ones.

  4. Oh my, flowers for me to look at in the Winter time. Thank you thank you thank you. I have a friend who is now in her late '80s, who is Hawaiian. She was always less than 5 ft tall and used to have to also have a special cushion to drive her car so she can see over the steering wheel. But hey, you both can still drive and that's what really matters., better than walking or taking the bus.

  5. Boudreaux has to realize that as he gets older he probably is eating more and getting bigger just like me.LOL Have a great Sunday Mimi.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. So true Boudreaux! Lovely flowers and beautiful sky pics. My 300 year old pub had very low beams and above one door I had a sign that said Duck or Grouse!

  7. Your photos are so beautiful, Mimi. We especially enjoyed the ones of the sky.

    Sorry to hear your car woes are ongoing. You’re really having to do some acrobatics to make it all work out. Hope it all resolves soon!

  8. Fun Cajun joke and your sky photos are always awesome and great floral photos ~ (it is snowing here)

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. That was a funny story! I have more difficulty getting out of the car the older I get. Terrific photos!

  10. Great joke. And beautiful blooms.

  11. I have trouble getting in and out of cars too these days. I also stopped growing at an early age, around 13 I think, but haven't noticed any shrinkage yet. I'm still five feet tall. We have a similar rose bush in the front gardens here, several colours on the one stem. The buds are deep coloured and fade as they open and age.

  12. I think you should write a book: Cars I Have Known and Loved! I agree with Boudreaux. It's the ageing car's fault! I find it both astonishing and hopeful that there are still surviving blossoms somewhere in the great out-of-doors! Gorgeous sunsets!


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