
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Brother Battle (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


"What are you two doing?" I asked as Dansig the Round and Link Linker the Stinker ran past the kitchen table, moving fast and furious into the kitchen.

They slammed to a stop and faced each other, taking their positions.

The play fight went on for several minutes, a blur of lashing tails and whapping paws and pretending to almost eat each other.  There was no growling, no hissy-spitty signs of actual aggression, and the occasional pull-back where each gauged whether the other was tired or not showed they weren't trying to push each other into a real fight.

When both showed some signs of getting tired, i decided to give them a reason to quit and pulled out the catnip.

Peace reigned after they both rolled and played in their "wacky weed" for a while, as then it was time to go to their separate cat beds and sleep it off.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Blur.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!

This old picket fence has character.


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Would you look at that!

It blows my mind!

When did they put up

the no camping sign?


I'm sorry, officer,

I can explain, you see,

I was going to sneak in just one night,

then all my friends joined me!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for substitute work while Carl and company are recovering from their illness.


Today is:

Anniversary of Treaty of Tartu -- Estonia

Bonza Bottler Day™

Candlemas -- Christian -- or Presentation of Our Lord (f/k/a the Purification of the Virgin Mary) - commemorates the presentation of Jesus in the Temple and purification of Mary on the 40th day after the birth of Jesus. Candles have been blessed on this day since the 11th century, and this was the original forecaster, “If Candlemas is fair and clear, there’ll be two winters in the year.”

     Bank Holiday -- Liechtenstein

     Candelaria Festival -- Puno, Peru (Virgen de la Candelaria, through the 16th)

     Dia de la Candelaria/Virgin of Candelaria -- Mexico; Spain

     La Fete de la Chandeleur -- Canada; France

     Matka Boska Gromniczna (Mother of God of the Blessed Thunder Candle) -- Poland

Festival of Juno Februa -- Ancient Roman Calendar (Juno as goddess of motherly and matrimonial love)

Groundhog Day/Hedgehog Day/Badger Day -- what animal you looked to in order to predict the weather depended on where you lived

     Hromnice -- Czech Republic (hrom = thunder, a weather forecasting day)

Imbolc/Sughnassad -- Pagan/Wiccan (Northern Hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere)

     Brigmid -- Druid Calendar, also called Feast of Imbolc, celebrated later as St. Bridget's Day, but originally a festival for Brigid, (also known as Brighid, Bríde, Brigit, Brìd) goddess of poetry, healing, and smithcraft.  It is always halfway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, so some years it is on Feb. 1 with St. Brigid's Day

     Disting/Charming of the Plough -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan (a feast of new beginnings and spring)

     Serpent Day -- Celtic (The tradition was that on this day, the Brigmid, snakes or badgers would come out of their winter dens and predict the weather; perhaps a precursor to North America's Groundhog Day.)

     Wives' Feast Day -- Northern England (ancient celebration in association with Imbolc)

Inventors' Day -- Thailand

Le Jour des Crepes -- France (Crepes Day, as crepes are traditionally served on Candlemas; if you can flip the crepe pan and catch the crepe in it with your right hand, while holding a gold coin in your left, you will become rich this year!)

National Heavenly Hash Day

Presentation of Christ in the Temple -- Anglican Catholic Christian

Sled Dog Day -- anniversary of the arrival, in 1925, of diphtheria antitoxin in Nome, Alaska; in memory of the sled dogs, especially lead dogs Togo and Balto, who made it possible

St. Cornelius the Centurion's Day (the Cornelius converted by St. Paul in the Book of Acts)

Veja Diena -- Ancient Latvian Calendar (day of wind, with rituals performed to assure no wind damage next summer)

Wand Dedication Day -- Fairy Calendar

World Wetlands Day -- UN  

Anniversaries Today:

Marina Ogilvy (daughter of Princess Alexandra) weds Paull Mowatt, 1990

Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) marries Olivia Langdon in Elmira, NY, 1870

Birthdays Today:

Shakira, 1977

Michael T. Weiss, 1962

Christie Brinkley, 1954

Ina Garten, 1948

Farah Fawcett, 1947

Graham Nash, 1942

David Jason, 1940

Tom Smothers, 1937

Les Dawson, 1934

Stan Getz, 1927

Elaine Stritch, 1925

James Dickey, 1923

Liz Smith, 1923

Ayn Rand, 1905

George “Papa Bear” Halas, 1895

William Rose Benét, 1886

James Joyce, 1882

Solomom R. Guggenheim,1861

Toyotomi Hideyoshi,1536 (Japan's second "great unifier")

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Rich Little Show"(TV), 1975

"The Midnight Special"(TV), 1973

"And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little"(Play), 1971

"What's My Line?"(TV), 1950

"Le Dame aux Camelias"(Play, Dumas, fils), 1848

"Artaxerxes"(Opera, Thomas Arnes), 1762

Today in History:

Alaric II, eighth king of the Visigoths promulgates The Breviary of Alaric (Breviarium Alaricianum or Lex Romana Visigothorum) a collection of Roman law, 506

Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1536

New Amsterdam (later New York) is incorporated as a city, 1653

The first leopard is exhibited in the US, in Boston (admission 25 cents), 1802

Russian settlers establish the Ft. Ross trading post north of San Francisco, 1811

Jonathan Martin sets York Cathedral afire, does £60,000 damage, 1829

The first Chinese workers arrive in San Francisco, 1848

The first public men's toilet in Britain opens, on Fleet Street in London, 1852

Samuel Clemens uses the pen name Mark Twain for the first time, 1863

James Oliver invents the removable tempered steel plow blade, 1869

The SS Strathleven arrives in London with the first frozen mutton imported from Australia, 1880

The Knights of Columbus forms in New Haven, Connecticut, 1882

The first official Groundhog Day is observed in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, 1887

The bottle cap with cork seal is patented by William Painter of Baltimore, 1892

The longest boxing match under modern rules takes place in Nameoki, Illinois; 77 rounds between Harry Sharpe and Frank Crosby, 1892

The first movie close-up, of a man sneezing, is made at the Edison Studio in West Orange, NJ, 1893

The Australian Premiers' Conference held in Melbourne decides to locate Australia's capital, Canberra, between Sydney and Melbourne, 1899

Queen Victoria's funeral takes place, 1901

Musher Gunner Kaasan and his sled team, led by Balto, finish the serum run from Nenana to Nome, Alaska, delivering the much-needed diphtheria medication (inspiration for the Iditarod), 1925

Leonarde Keeler tests the first polygraph machine, 1935

The Groundhog Day gale hits the north-eastern United States and south-eastern Canada, 1976

F.W. de Klerk allows the African National Congress to function legally and promises to release Nelson Mandela, 1990

Iran launches its first domestically made satellite, Omid, into orbit, 2009

All 955 miners are rescued from the Beatrix gold mine in Welkom town, South Africa, after 2 days underground, 2018

More than 40 mummies from around 323-30 BC are found at a burial site at the Tuna el-Gebel archaeological site south of Cairo, Egypt, 2019

Palindrome Day:  today's date, 02/02/2020, reads the same forward and backward, whether you are putting the order as month/day or day/month; the last time this happened was 11/11/1111, 2020


  1. None of our cats have ever been interested in catnip. Smiling at your poems

  2. Had to smile at the full "no camping" campground. It's nice when cats play together.

  3. Bert and Sophie didn't interact much with each other but now and then they had a little spat and it made us all laugh like those two kitties here.

  4. The cats enjoy playing with each other. That is a good "no camping" poem.

  5. Catnip is what I use to get Precious to quit begging for food. Usually buys me 15 minutes, lol.

  6. Those two kitties were sure ready to rumble! That was the purrfect poem for that photo and a really good thankful too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. I'd have loved to have seen that play fight! Thanks for reminding me I'll soon be taking off with my tent again, bring it on!

  8. Hi Mimi. Cats will be cats, their antics never cease to amuse and amaze me. Love the pic of the old picket fence... about as tired and worn out as I felt yesterday after work 😁

  9. Being a dog-person the antics (and 'humans-should-be-so-civilized) rules of place are familiar.
    Should not be surprised at it applying to the feline race.
    Good Six

  10. I like your Six Sentence Story, and the pictures are great with it. I miss the good fences linkups too. They were one of my favorites. I got a big smile from reading your list of today's holidays and history. I don't know how you found all those, but they are great.

  11. Cute story.Same thing happens here daily with Rusty and Rudy then Brody and Tuffy. :) XO

  12. What energy, those two cats. I'm glad it's all in fun.

  13. Good poems. I'm sure somebody sneaked up with the no camping sign while everybody in the tents were snoring away :)

  14. Sweet kitty photos ~ having fun ~ great fence photo and story ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Claws out, fur flying, who odesn't love a good cat fight!

  16. Playful as they can be, cats really are wild at heart! Adorable story, with catnip to the rescue so both could retire with dignity.

  17. Mimi I love your poem for the photo - it was a bit of a challenge this week - lots of people found it hard to come with a poem for the photo but you rocked it!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  18. Gotta love cats. Great story about the two play fighting!


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