
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Choosing Thankful No Matter What, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


I've had to work a little harder to be thankful the last couple of days, for reasons i'd rather not detail right now.

My first thankful needs to be, I'm thankful I can tell The Good Lord how I feel and that I'm tempted to be a little grumpy with HIm now, and He listens and cares anyway.

I'm also thankful to be able say, along with Peter when Jesus asked the apostles, "Do you also want to leave me?" answered, "Lord, to whom would we go?  You have the words of eternal life."  (See John 6:67-68)

Last Saturday was time to change the clocks (another thing to be tempted to grumble about) and I'm thankful I reset them all as soon as I got home from Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Then I went to bed based on that time, and was tired enough to fall asleep a bit early, so the adjustment hasn't been quite so bad as the last couple of years.

Our Sunday afternoon Lent study has been going well, and last Sunday was my week to go early and warm up the main dish.  We'd bought frozen lasagnas and I'd left them in the fridge for over 2 days to thaw them so they'd cook faster And They Were Still Frozen Anyway After Two Days!  I'm thankful they still got cooked in the time allotted.

This week I'm thankful I was able to go see Ms. JAI.  She's sad about moving, sad about how her children are treating her, and majoring on the minors.  With an entire lifetime's worth of stuff to go through, she was concerned about her sticky cabinets and had me clean them.  That's okay, her packing and moving isn't a rush job, I'm just thankful to be there to listen, and that we found the Murphy's Oil Soap.

Ms. G is up to her usual, carting me off for adventures.  She's helping a family get the home of a deceased family member on the market, so we went to help sort and pack.  The family member who was there kept asking me if there was anything in the house I wanted and I did find two items, a copy of a rare local cookbook I've been looking for and a Christmas coffee cup for Sweetie.  He loves coffee cups with Christmas anything on them.  She was thankful to give them to me, and I was thankful to take them off her hands.

I'm also thankful I remembered to pay a couple of bills that were due when I got home.

This week I got to stop at the new branch of our bank for the first time while it was actually open (I'm there after hours at least once a week, using the ATM) so I got to see the inside.  It's beautiful, and I'm thankful they still have a live teller to handle things the machines can't.

We're all thankful the rain came Friday and cleared some of the pollen out of the air.  We're also thankful we didn't get storms, the rain came and went, and it brought cooler air behind it so no A/C needed for the time being.  That's always a plus.

Then there was the shelter.  Boy howdy!  The last couple of weeks, the place has been eerily quiet, and we were thankful for the break.

The break seems to be over, and we're thankful.  The bell rang all afternoon, adoptions were happening, cats and kittens are mostly cooperating and being friendly.

Also, I'm thankful I received an unexpected compliment.  The director of the shelter wanted volunteers to pose for pictures in the annual review to the board, and Ms. M, who does rooms of Friday nights while I do offices and cages, was asked and so was I.

Mr. Dan showed up with his camera, and I brought a special cat themed sweatshirt to wear.  Each of us held a cat and posed, and when we were done, Mr. Dan, a professional photographer who goes to the shelter as a volunteer to take pictures of the cats for the website, told me, "You are very photogenic!  When you decided to become a model, let me know and I'll put in a word for you, do a portfolio.  Really, you have something, not everyone does!"

I am surprised and flattered by his words, it made for a very nice Friday evening.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Awkward Moments Day -- harness the power of humor in life's more uncomfortable situations

Asklepieia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Asklepios; date approximate)

Bindus Diena -- Ancient Latvain Calendar (believed to be the day bears woke from hibernation)

Celtic Tree Month Fearn (Alder) begins

Cheikh Al Maarouf Day -- Comoros

Electric Razor Day -- Schick, Inc., marketed the first one today in 1931

Forgive Mom and Dad Day -- because we all make mistakes; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Goddess of Fertility Day -- a modern celebration of all goddesses of fertility

Grandparents' and Grandchildren's Day -- Michigan, US

Jacques de Molay's Day -- death anniversary of the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar

Men's and Soldiers Day -- Mongolia

National Anthem and Flag Day -- Aruba

National Biodiesel Day -- birth anniversary of Rudolph Diesel, who unveiled his engine at the World Fair in 1900

National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day

National Quilting Day -- US, sponsored by the Quilt Alliance     

Oide Matsuri -- Hakui, Japan (horse-back archery; through the 23rd)

Save the Florida Panther Day -- FL, US

Sheelah's Day -- Ireland (probably Sheela Na Gig, goddess of fertility; celebrated the day after St. Patrick's Day by those who say she was either his wife or his mother)

Sheep and Goats (Separation) Day -- Fairy Calendar

St. Anselm of Lucca's Day (Patron of Mantua, Italy)

St. Edward the Martyr's Day

Supreme Sacrifice Day -- an internet generated holiday now used to honor those who have made a supreme sacrifice, all who have given their lives for others

Usajingu Reitaisai -- Japan (offerings to the Kami from the Imperial Household are shared in this very important festival)

Anniversary Today:

Eddie Murphy marries Nicole Mitchell, 1993

Birthdays Today:

Alexei Yagudin, 1980

Dane Cook, 1972

Queen Latifah, 1970

Bonnie Blair, 1964

Vanessa Williams, 1963

Irene Cara, 1959

Brad Dourif, 1950

Kevin Dobson, 1944

Wilson Pickett, 1941

Charlie Pride, 1938

Sashi Kapoor, 1938

F.W. deKlerk, 1936

John Updike, 1932

George Plimpton, 1927

John Kander, 1927

Peter Graves, 1926

William H. Johnson, 1901

Edward Everett Horton, 1886

Rudolph Diesel, 1858

Grover Cleveland, 1837

John Caldwell Calhoun, 1782

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Do I Hear a Waltz?"(Musical), 1965

"Tovarich"(Musical), 1963

"Tales of Wells Fargo"(TV), 1957

"The new Babylon"(Silent Film), 1929

"Verklarte Nacht"(Schonberg, Op. 4), 1902

Today in History:

Crusaders kill 57 Jews in Bury St Edmonds England, 1190

German emperor Frederick II crowns himself king of Jerusalem, 1229

Kraków is ravaged by Mongols, 1241

According to legend, Tenochtitlan is founded on this date, 1325

John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton sells his part of New Jersey to the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, 1673

Henry Wells and William Fargo form American Express in Buffalo, NY, 1850

Former Governor General Lord Stanley pledges to donate a silver challenge cup, later named after him, as an award for the best hockey team in Canada, 1893

Mohandas Gandhi is sentenced to six years in prison for civil disobedience (he served only 2 years), 1922

The first public celebration of Bat mitzvah, for the daughter of Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, is held in New York City, 1922

The Tri-State Tornado hits the Midwestern US states of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people, 1925

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy kills 26 and causes thousands to flee their homes, 1944

Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov, leaving his spacecraft Voskhod 2 for 12 minutes, becomes the first person to walk in space, 1965

The U.S. Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency, 1968

In Egypt, a 4,400-year-old mummy is found nearby the Pyramid of Cheops, 1989

White South Africans vote overwhelmingly in favour, in a national referendum, to end the racist policy of Apartheid, 1992

Bosnia's Bosniaks and Croats sign the Washington Agreement, ending warring between the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and establishing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1994

British Sign Language is recognised as an official British language, 2003

For the first time, a woman served as imam, leading a public, mixed-gender, Muslim congregation in Jum'ah prayer and delivering the sermon, 2005

The Messenger spacecraft enters Mercury's orbit, 2011

Russia formally annexes Crimea, previously part of Ukraine. by signing the Treaty on Accession, 2014

A bushfire in Tathra, New South Wales, Australia, destroys over 70 buildings, 2018

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and US President Trump agree to close the US-Canada border to non-essential travelers in an attempt to limit the spread of Covid19, 2020


  1. You had a jam packed week. And with all that, I can see how each and every thing did make you thankful. I, too, need to think on the thankful side of things instead of the grumpy side.

  2. Those are all good thankfuls and of course the shelter report made me smile.

  3. That is a wonderful compliment. I am glad you were able to find a lot of thankfuls. I hope whatever is happening in your life improves. XO

  4. Here, in Queensland, where I dwell, we don't do daylight saving...and I'm glad we don't. It was trialed here a few years ago, but it was a pain in the proverbial. I was starting work before the birds began singing, and finished work long after they finished singing!!! :)

  5. I'm sorry it's been a tough week for you. I hope that things get better soon. Even if you had to work harder than usual to come up with your list, you still managed to write a wonderful post. And you discovered a new talent!

  6. Our clocks Spring forward in one weeks' time. I wish they would leave them alone! A new bank! Every bank in my town has closed or is about to in my town!

  7. wow! What a week ! ~ take care of you, Madame ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. hey, being late, puts this, my comment into an entire different week!
    Who knows! Way better (week) or, 'ok. that's still better than last week'.

  9. Finding the 'thankfuls' amid the storms isn't always easy. But I'm thankful you succeeded! (It's difficult for my to wrap my Canadian brain around the fact that some people may need air conditioning right now! It was -11C (12F) this morning when I got up. Still having to wear my full-face mask and heavy winter gear when I ride my bike in the morning!


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