
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

CD Challenge and Food Funnies, a Random and Happy Tuesday A to Z Post


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It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl's father, Mr. L, got sick again, less than six weeks after the first round.

Neither Carl nor his mother, Ms. V, got it, so i went over there last Thursday and instead of cleaning the house and exposing myself to whatever Mr. L has this time, i did an extra day in Carl's room.

The plan was for me to deep clean one area, or more if i could get to it.

it had to start with me getting Carl out the door.  He didn't have a lunch made, so job one was a sandwich.  I found the bread and sliced turkey, and no mayo.  Asking if he wanted mustard instead, he said no, ranch dressing.  Then i couldn't find the ranch dressing, until i noticed what he was sitting at the kitchen table eating.

He had a bowl of cereal with milk, a bit of stevia, prunes and dates.  Then, on a plate he had an avocado, sliced in half and pit removed, with ranch dressing in the centers of the halves.  He was taking a bite of the avocado with ranch dressing, then a bite of the cereal.

Oh, well, it's not my taste buds.

I did get him out the door and did one small load of laundry and a bit of straightening where i needed to, then tackled his discs.

He has video game discs, DVDs, and CDs.  The video game disks were rather easy, he can only play one game in his game console at a time, so they mostly get put back when he's done.

The DVDs are the same, he plays one, and it gets put away.

The CDs are a different story, as he pulls out several to take with him to work, putting them in a portable CD case, then brings them home and four or five is too many to figure out where they go all at once, so they go everywhere then he gets different ones out because he doesn't want the same music every day and, well, oh, my.

Every CD that was in its proper case was put in the rack.

Every empty CD case that was unbroken was put in one box.

All the broken cases were put in another box.

All the loose CDs were put in CD sleeves, unless it had an unbroken box and i could easily match it.

I suggested to Ms. V that he be given a CD album or two, where he can put all the CDs in sleeves, and throw away the cases.  That way he only has one place where all CDs go, making it easier on him and us.

She agrees, but he doesn't, yet.  She wants him to at least work on matching up some of the loose CDs with their cases.  I think it's to encourage him to see it our way, that the cases just get in the way.

He was not happy to find out the majority of the cases are broken, having ended up on the floor and stepped on at one time or another.

I also cleared his bookshelves, arranging them attractively with his memorabilia and books, culling some things with Ms. V's permission.

Then there was Palm Sunday.

Ms. V and Carl came to the church service and crawfish boil following.  I do not eat crawfish, but i peel them for Becca so her mother and father can actually take time to eat.

There were snowballs for dessert, and i found myself in line with Becca's  to get her snowball right behind Carl.  He was, as i expected, wearing much evidence of his crawfish eating experience and some stains from his first snowball.

Yes, he goes back for seconds on everything if he can at an event like this.  The man loves to eat.

While in line, he tried to tell me about his Saturday, something about his friend David, and a picnic, and table 4.  I didn't quite get all of it, but i did get the feeling he had fun, as it ended with a squirt gun fight.  The boy loves to play.

For men. boys, and food:

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


Today is:

Ballroom Dance Day -- dance with your sweetheart today in honor of the birth anniversary of Arthur Murray

Bonza Bottler Day™

Children's Day -- Taiwan

Cold Food Day -- China (especially celebrated in the Shanxi Province, a commemoration of Jie Zitui, a loyal servant; no fires are to be lit and all food is too be served cold)

Homogenized Milk Day -- a machine to homogenize milk was patented this day in 1892 by Auguste Gaulin

Hug a Newsman/Newswoman Day -- an internet holiday, and be careful, no more fiascos like the gropings in 2009, please, just a nice hug

Independence Day -- Senegal(1960)

International Carrot Day

International Day for Mine Awareness & Assistance in Mine Action -- UN

Mahavir Jayanti -- Jain (honoring Lord Mahavira on the founder's birth anniversary; local dates may vary)

Matsuyama Haru Matsuri -- Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan (Spring celebrations incorporating the Matsuyama Castle festival and the Dogo Hot Springs festival)

Megalesia, a/k/a Festival of Magna Mater -- Ancient Roman Calendar (great mother festival for Cybele; through the 9th)

National Cordon Bleu Day

National Reading a Roadmap Day -- another internet holiday that some sites call "Learn to Read A Roadmap Day," but a good one to observe; you need to know how to read one when your GPS battery dies, after all

National School Librarian Appreciation Day

Ose Matsuri -- Ose Shrine, ShizouKa Prefecture, Japan (men dressed in women's clothes dance a lively jig on board a boat afloat in the harbour which is festooned with flags and streamers while taiko groups play drums on shore in this festival thought to date back to a wife wanting to protect her fisherman-husband by giving him a kimono)

Peace Day -- Angola

Pesach/Passover -- Judaism (begins this evening, through the evening of April 13)

St. Benedict the African's Day (Patron of African missions; African-Americans; Palermo, Sicily, Italy)

St. Isidore of Seville's Day (Patron of computer technicians, computer users, computers, the Internet, schoolchildren, students)

Swedish-American Friendship Day

Tell a Lie Day -- an internet generated holiday; the only day it is acceptable! make sure, after today, to clear it up, trust me

Victims of Violence Day -- anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Vitamin C Day -- the vitamin was isolated on this day in 1932 by C.C, King at the University of Pittsburgh

Walk Around Things Day -- fun to do, it makes people look at you funny

World Rat Day -- pet rat lovers everywhere, unite and introduce your friends to your pet rats

ZAB Death Anniversary -- Pakistan

Anniversary Today:

Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft Corporation, 1975

Birthdays Today:

David Blaine, 1973

Dave Mirra, 1972

Jill Scott, 1972

Barry Pepper, 1970

Nancy McKeon, 1966

Robert Downey, Jr., 1965

David Gavurin, 1963

Gary Moore, 1952

Christine Lahti, 1950

Craig T. Nelson, 1946

Kitty Kelley, 1942

Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti, 1938

Michael Parks, 1938

Anthony Perkins, 1932

Maya Angelou, 1928

Muddy Waters, 1915

Frances Langford, 1914

Ernestine Gilbreth Carey, 1908

John Cameron Swayze, 1906

Arthur Murray, 1895

Isoroku Yamamoto, 1884

Linus Yale, Jr., 1821

Dorothea Dix, 1802

Today in History:

Francis Drake is knighted for completing a circumnavigation of the world, 1581

Sir Robert Walpole becomes First Lord of the Treasury of England, and is so influential in the Cabinet that he is considered the de facto first Prime Minister of England, 1721

Napoleon abdicates for the first time, 1814

Casparus van Wooden of Amsterdam patents chocolate milk powder, 1828

William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia becoming the first President of the United States to die in office and the one with the shortest term served, 1841

Bryant's Minstrels debut the song "Dixie" in a blackface minstrel show, 1859

Susanna Medora Salter is elected the first US woman mayor, in Argonia, KS, 1887

Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund is established, 1902

An earthquake in India's Kangra Valley kills 20,000, destroys most of three cities, 1905

Vitamin C was first isolated by C.C. King at the University of Pittsburgh, 1932

Twelve nations sign the North Atlantic Treaty, creating NATO, 1949

Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated, 1968

Dr. Denton Cooley implants the first temporary artificial heart (the patient survived for 65 hours), 1969

The World Trade Center in NYC is dedicated, 1973

Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft, 1975

Space Shuttle Challenger makes its maiden voyage into space, 1983

Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark found Netscape Communications Corporation under the name "Mosaic Communications Corporation", 1994

Comet Hyakutake is imaged by the USA Asteroid Orbiter Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, 1996

The Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign a peace treaty ending the Angolan Civil War, 2002

15 British Royal Navy personnel held in Iran are released, 2007

The most distant supernova on record is found by the Hubble Space Telescope, 2013

The "Pink Star" diamond sells at an auction in Hong Kong for a record $71 million, 2017

Elon Musk buys enough Twitter stock to make him the company's largest shareholder, 2022


  1. Keeping all the CDs straight would be a lot of work and one of those folders would really make life easier for everyone. Glad Carl got to eat finally at church, he must think he is starved at home, LOL. Great funnies!

  2. Thanks for the funnies. I needed that this dark and dreary morn. One day it'll be sunny and warm here, I know, but I am tired of waiting, lol.

  3. A great selection of humour. Thanx Mimi.

    God bless.

  4. I hope Mr. L feels better soon, getting sick twice in such a short span of time can be exhausting. And that "fish" meme made me gag!

  5. Oh ~ such fun comics ~ food makes the world go round ~ along with love ~ Carl is still keeping you busy ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I can't imagine eating cereal along with avocado and ranch dressing! There are tastes I do not want to experience at the same time.

  7. Yikes- the cd's would drive me crazee. You have the patience of Job! Carl certainly has an interesting way of eating! Cheers!

  8. CDs? Oh, I remember them! Love the funnies.

  9. I'm sorry Mr. L. is sick again. Bugger.

    I love hearing about Carl. He's my kind of whirlwind. I can't imagine that breakfast combination, but he likes it then it's all good.

    Love all the funnies and yes on the boys toys through the years. Thanks for the laughs.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  10. Glad you were able to get a lot done at Carl's house. I am curious as to what kind of music he likes. Great funnies, especially the last two. :)

  11. Crawfish, Snocones and Carl, what a fun time! Those funnies were really good too.

  12. Carl's breakfast made me a little queasy! I thought I was one of the only ones still using CDs. I have sooooo many of them from back in the day that I worked in the music business and got them for free. I use CDs at work to play music during naptime. Today, we napped to Frank Sinatra: The Capitol Years!

  13. Love the funnies, sad about the cds though, I don't like mine in sleeves either, so they are all in cases, thankfully none are broken. Sorry to hear about Mr L, hope he is better soon.

  14. Carl and food and FOOD! Lots of yummy choices unsure if cereal and avocadoes stuffed with ranch dressing would be tasty. hahaha Love all the photos and somewhere I saw it was bell bottom day. Hey boot cut jeans are the next best things! I love them best.

  15. I'm totally with you and Deb on eating cereal along with avocado and ranch dressing - definitely tastes I do not want to experience at the same time. Or, you know, ever. ;) Hope Mr. L is feeling better soon! Poor guy getting sick *again* so soon, so not fun! And I've said it before, and I'll say it again (and again and again) - you, my friend, have the patience of a saint with all the Carl antics! :) LOVED all the funnies! :)


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