
Friday, April 28, 2023

X-Ray? Not as Fun as the Newborns (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


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Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.  Wish me luck!  

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

I thought about just posting an X-ray of a pregnant cat for Feline Friday, but decided not to as the newborns and little kittens themselves are so much nicer to view, i had to include some.  

This little orphan was being so good, taking the bottle well and is now in a foster home with another single orphaned baby, so they will have each other to grow up with.

The staff came in Tuesday morning to find this mama had her 3 during the night.

Some of you may remember the two little ones given to a nursing mama whose babies were weaned.  She was drying up, and another mama came in still nursing two of her own, and she took these and they're doing much better.

Oh, and because it's in the title, i'd best include it.

Six babies in there!


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I wish my town (city) had a _________.

2. So far, this year has been _________.

3. _________ is a little too _________ for my liking.

4. Even if _________, I really appreciate _________.

1. I wish my town (city) had a   better record of traffic safety and fewer traffic back-ups.  Boring answer, but it would sure be helpful to be able to get where you need to go in a reasonable amount of time for the distance you're going.

2. So far, this year has been   good.  That's about all i can say.

3. Our bed  is a little too   old and saggy  for my liking.  Replacing it is on the list, right after we do several other things!

4. Even if   our bed is getting worn,  I really appreciate   having one, especially at the end of a long day.


Today is:

Arbor Day -- US

Biological Clock Day -- the "biological clock gene" that governs the circadian rhythm in mice was isolated on this day in 1994

Chicken-Tickling Day -- Fairy Calendar (Leprechauns)

Cubicle Day -- because if you can't beat 'em, join 'em

Feast of Jamal(Beauty) -- Baha'i

Festival of Floralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (three day festival to Flora, goddess of flowers and vegetation)

Gathering of Nations -- Albuquerque, NM, US (the biggest PowWow in North America, with natives from every tribe welcome to participate, it includes singing, feasting, art exhibits, a horse parade, and much more, with non-Natives who want to learn more about Native culture welcome to attend; through tomorrow)

Great Poetry Reading Day -- make sure you read some great poetry today

Hairball Awareness Day -- sponsored by Furminator (which product actually does work, by the way) and Hills Pet Nutrition

Hidaka Hibuse Matsuri -- Mizusawa, Iwate Prefecture, Japan (through the 29th; floats, child musicians, traditional costumes, and fun)

International Marconi Day -- a 24-hour amateur radio event annually near the birth anniversary of Marconi (Apr. 25, 1874)

James Monroe Birthday Celebration -- Charlottesville, VA, US (at his home, Ash Lawn-Highland)

Kiss Your Mate Day -- guys, do not forget this one, in case she reads it somewhere on the internet; kiss her, then read her a great poem

National Blueberry Pie Day

National Kids and Pets Day

National Day of Mourning -- Canada (In conjunction with Workers' Memorial Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work, honoring those injured or killed on the job)

National Heroes Day -- Barbados

Pay It Forward Day -- International (begun in the US as National Pay It Forward Day, it is now observed in over 80 countries; this year the global initiative wants to inspire over 10 million acts of kindness around the world!)    

Rip Cord Day -- the first successful jump with a parachute that used a rip cord was this day in 1919 by Leslie Erwin of the U.S. Army Air Corps

Sa die de sa Sardinia -- Sardinia, Italy (Sardinia Day, celebrating the uprising of 1794)

St. Peter Chanel's Day (Patron of Oceania)

     Saint Pierre-Chanel Day -- Wallis and Fortuna

Sts. Vitalis and Valeria's Day (Patrons of Thibodaux, Louisiana)

Victory Day -- Afghanistan

Workers Memorial Day / World Day for Safety and Health at Work -- International (remembering all who have lost their lives or been injured on the job)

Anniversaries Today:

William Randolph Hearst marries Millicent Veronica Willson, 1903

Maryland becomes the 7th US State, 1788

Birthdays Today:

Jenna Ushkowitz, 1986

Jessica Alba, 1981

Penelope Cruz, 1974

Jorge Garcia, 1973

Nicklas Lidstrom, 1970

John Daly, 1966

Elena Kagan, 1960

Ian Rankin, 1960

Nancy Lee Grahn, 1958

Mary McDonnell, 1952

Jay Leno, 1950

Marcia Strassman, 1948

Ann-Margaret, 1941

Harper Lee, 1926

Oskar Schindler, 1908

Erich Salomon, 1886

Lionel Barrymore, 1878

Mifflin Wister Gibbs, 1828

James Monroe, 1758

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"One Man's Family"(Radio), 1932

Today in History:

Newly elected King of Jerusalem Conrad of Montferrat is assassinated in Tyre, 1192

Nichiren Buddhism is founded, 1253

Virginia governor John Harvey is accused of treason and removed from office, 1635

Female English Pirate Mary Read, who operated throughout the Caribbean, died in prison (she was pregnant at the time), 1721

Captain William Bligh and 18 crewmen from the HMS Bounty are set adrift, 1789

Chinese and Irish laborers for the Central Pacific Railroad working on the First Transcontinental Railroad lay 10 miles of track in one day, a feat which has never been matched, 1869

Azerbaijan  is added to the Soviet Union., 1920

The first night game in organized baseball  history takes place in Independence, Kansas, 1930

A vaccine  for yellow fever is announced for use on humans, 1932

Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki, 1947

The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty (Treaty of Taipei) is signed in Taipei, Taiwan between Japan and the Republic of China to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1952

Charles de Gaulle resigns as President of France, 1969

The Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure is signed, 1977

Millionaire Dennis Tito becomes the world's first space tourist, 2001

According to the WHO, leading causes of death in the world include chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, 2011

In recognition of democratic reforms, the European Union opens an office in Burma, 2012

The government of India announces that electricity has now reached every Indian village, 2018 

American diver Victor Vescovo makes the deepest dive ever to the bottom of the Mariana trench at 10,927m (35,849ft), discovering three new marine species and finding plastic waste, 2019

NASA's Parker Solar Probe becomes the first spacecraft to cross the Alfvén critical boundary, the outer atmosphere of the Sun, 2021


  1. Wow, that X-ray really highlights the miracle of pregnancy, the way mammals bodies (including humans) adjust, is nothing short of amazing! And of course kittens, KITTENS are the cutest things on earth :)

    Miss Andi from

  2. Awww on the kitten front.
    Poor little Batty had to be sedated before they could take his x-ray.

  3. Aww! such sweet photos lovely kitties :-)

    Have a kittentastic weekend and thanks for hosting 👍

  4. It is so wonderful that tiny kittens are saved with the help of other cats and with humans. Great pictures love your feelings this morning and I hope you get that new bed very soon before you're too tired to work.

  5. Kittens are always so cute. The x-ray of the mama kitty carrying six babies is really cool. I told DH today is National Blueberry Pie Day and he said, "Alright!" He loves pie! Our mattress is in need of replacing, too. However, it's nice to have at the end of hard busy day. :) Have a good weekend, my dear!

  6. Supurr fill-ins today, and OH MY CAT how many cutie-pie kittens are featured today, we are glad they're all doing well and making progress. We wish mew a supurr happy Friyay and thank mew for hosting!

  7. Such a good mama. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. We need a new mattress too. Have a nice weekend.

  8. Those wee ones sure are adorable and those were good fill-in answers!

  9. Mom can never read those x-rays. She gets them from the breeder with puppies, a tangled mess! The little newborns are so adorable and such nice cat moms!

  10. I wish my town had a library! There are some not too far away, but having one closer would be so much more convenient. Those babies are so precious, and thanks for the x-ray pic also. I had never seen one like that before!

  11. You have social cats in a shelter for adoption? Where?

  12. Oh so adorable ~ sweet babies ~ whether in our out of utero '` so tiny ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka ( A Creative Harbor)

  13. My heart is warmed when I see those beautiful little kittens...the sweet little pets. :)

  14. Aww, what beautiful little babies! So glad to hear uour year has been good so far -- paws crossed that trend continues. :)

  15. KITTENS!!!! I would have a very difficult time volunteering at your kitty shelter! I would want to take everyone home with me!


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