
Thursday, June 15, 2023

When the Waiting Ends, a Six Sentence Cafe and Bistro Story


The dull gray of the day began to lift a little, and several pairs of eyes watched with keen interest to see if the rain would actually stop, or just go through fits and starts and pretendings but never truly quite give way to the sun, ever present and waiting patiently for the clouds to finish their job and move on.

An end finally and fully came as the sun broke through and a back door was opened just to peek out and make sure, the gleam of wet surfaces in bright light and the smell of petrichor in the air ending all doubt.

The pair of eyes on the four-footed one danced along with those feet as the lead and harness were fetched and the prancing hardly slowed as the woman tried to attach them.  She practically had to throw herself over the canine's body to hold him down so she could finally do her job, and when she was done she lost her balance as he tried to bound away.

She laughed as she landed on the floor with the dog jumping on her and covering her with those wet, slobbery dog kisses.

"Here," Mimi said to the Gatekeeper, handing him the leash, "Hunga has waited for his walk long enough and you don't need to be cooped up in here any longer either," and she smiled as she watched them walk through the door, both obviously eager and more than ready for the next adventure.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Petrichor.      



  1. Very nice, I hope Hunga gets a good long walk.

  2. thecontemplativecat here. Clever story, I enjoyed it.

  3. There is nothing like a dog to get a human out for a walk or a new adventure.

  4. You have reign over this Gatekeeper's heartstrings, Mimi!
    Love is indeed a four-legged word!
    (Your insight is strong, dear Mimi).

  5. What a darling little tuxie kitty
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Ain't no such thing as a bad Six what has a dog in it.
    (I reckon I need to get my-ownself down to that there Cafe... )

  7. Sweet story ~ good doggie ~ and Love from animals is the most loyal ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Hunga has all the best ideas! Rambling in the rain sounds just about perfect!

  9. There is something special and unique about a dog's love. A picture easily envisioned - Mimi on the floor laughing, Hunga overjoyed she was on his level now, lol And the Gatekeeper? Ready as ever to go wherever Hunga takes him!

  10. Wonderful answers from the fill ins. Oh How I missed everyone. Life is such a hard one many times. Other times a breeze.

  11. So good to be able to hand the doggins over to someone else on days like those!


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