
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Age to Age (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Angel Sammy's Poetry Day and Brian's Thankful Thursday


It's not always easy to console a cranky, elderly cat.

Several years go, our Fat Boy had reached 18 1/2, was losing weight, always cold, and a bit grumpy.

He'd generally ignored or avoided the foster kittens, but then he somehow realized they had a positive benefit.  When he would sleep next to the bottom of the refrigerator, where the warm air blows out, several nice, warm, soft kittens were sure to join him, licking, purring, snuggling and sharing their own warmth with him.

He made friends with the little interlopers and seemed to enjoy their company, they shared food, grooming and the best napping spot in the house.

More proof that the elderly and the young need each other more than they sometimes want to admit.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Console.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

I move and laugh and coo and pout

and of this there can be no doubt,

keeping up's what it's all about

and I have worn poor Mama out!


Brian of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i was able to go to Ms. G's house yesterday while she wasn't home and get all the work done with no interruptions.


Today is:

Cleat Dancing Day -- don't ask me who started this, i don't want to know what kind of mind came up with trying to tap dance in cleats

Dia del Amigo -- Argentina; Uruguay

Fortune Cookie Day

Get To Know Your Customers Day -- third Thursday of each quarter

Independence Day -- Colombia(1810)

International Chess Day -- "Of Chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not Chess" ~ William Ewart Napier

Moon Day/Space Exploration Day -- one small step...was taken 48 years ago today

National Hot Dog Day

National Ice Cream Soda Day

National Lollipop Day

Peace and Freedom Day -- North Cyprus

Perun's Day -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan Calendar (celebration of Perun, great god of thunder)

Special Olympics Day -- anniversary of the first Special Olympics in 1968

St. Elijah the Prophet's Day (Patron of Carmelites; Romanian Air Force; against drought, earthquakes) related observance;

     Festival at the Monastery of Profitis Ilias -- Santorini, Greece (Prophet Elijas' festival)

Saint Margaret of Antioch's Day (Patron of childbirth, dying people, escape from devils, exiles, expectant mothers, falsely accused people, martyrs, nurses, peasants, people in exile, women, women in labor; for safe childbirth; against kidney disease, loss of mother's milk by nursing mothers, sterility; Lowestoft, Suffolk, England; Montefiascone, Italy; Queens College Cambridge; Rixtel, Netherlands; Sannat, Gozo, Malta)

St. Uncumber's Day (Patron of difficult marriages; against men's lust; Las Tablas, Panama)

Synoikia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate; a celebration of the unification of all Attica, held in Athens)

Ugly Truck Day -- must be a guy thing, they know where every scratch and dent came from, after all!

Vigil for Peace, Justice, and Respect for the Human Rights of all in Columbia -- a movement begun among Native Americans of many tribes, now open to all who seek peace

Birthdays Today

John Daley, 1985

Gisele Bundchen, 1980

Josh Holloway, 1969

Chris Cornell, 1964

Billy Mays, 1958

Donna Dixon, 1957

Carlos Santana, 1947

Kim Carnes, 1946

Judy Chicago, 1939

Diana Rigg, 1938

Natalie Wood, 1938

Chuck Daly, 1933

Cormac McCarthy, 1033

Sally Ann Howes, 1930

Michael Ilitch, 1929

Sir Edmund Hillary, 1919

Alberto Santos-Dumont, 1873

Gregor Mendel, 1822

Francesco Petrarch, 1304

Alexander the Great, BCE 356

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Like a Rolling Stone"(Single release), 1965

"Stop the World I Want to Get Off"(Musical), 1961

"The Arthur Murray Party"(TV), 1950

"Gang Busters"(Radio drama), 1935

Today in History

Titus, son of emperor Vespasian, storms the Fortress of Antonia north of the Temple Mount; the Roman army is drawn into street fights with the Zealots during the Siege of Jerusalem, 70

The Riot Act takes effect in Great Britain, 1712

French explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de la Vérendrye reaches the western shore of Lake Michigan, 1738

Citizens of Bogotá, New Granada declare independence from Spain, 1810

British Columbia joins the confederation of Canada, 1871

Sioux Chief Sitting Bull leads the last of his fugitive people in surrender to United States troops at Fort Buford, North Dakota, 1881

Ford Motor Company ships its first car, 1903

Congresswoman Alice Mary Robertson becomes the first woman to preside over the US House of Representatives, 1921

In London, 500,000 march against anti-Semitism, while in Nuremburg, Germany, 200 Jewish merchants are arrested and paraded through the streets, 1933

The Organization for European Economic Cooperation admits Spain, 1959

Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) elects Sirimavo Bandaranaike Prime Minister, the world's first elected female head of government, 1960

The Special Olympics is founded, 1968

Apollo 11 successfully lands on the Moon 3:39 a.m. GMT 21st July, 1969

India expels three reporters from The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and Newsweek because they refused to sign a pledge to abide by government censorship, 1975

The Viking 1 lander successfully lands on Mars, 1976

Hank Aaron hits his 755th home run, the final home run of his career, 1976

In Zimbabwe, Parliament opens its new session and seats opposition members for the first time in a decade, 2000

Canada becomes the 4th country to permit same-sex marriage, 2005

The Olympic Torch arrives in London, beginning the final countdown to the Summer Olympics, 2012

The journal Nature Geoscience publishes a study showing evidence of volcanoes on Venus, which demonstrates the planet is not as dormant as previously thought, 2020

Geranium, a meat-free restaurant in Copenhagen, is named the world's best restaurant at the World's 50 Best Restaurants Awards Ceremony in London, 2022


  1. Oh that poor Mama! Babies do wear us out when they are on the go between naps.

  2. Love the Fat Boy story. So much. And feel for poor tired mama. What ever their species.

  3. We live with a cranky old man cat now. He too has lost some weight, sleeps a lot, and likes to snuggle up with Bailie in her dog bed. Bailie is not thrilled about it, but tolerates it for a while and then gets up and moves.

  4. That toddler photo is way fun. This is how I sometimes felt. And your poem captures it too!

  5. Enjoy the Today Is: and all the other facts as well. Most of us would never know. The birthdays of celebrities is always fun. Don;t know about you, but I always count back and think of that timer if it is close to my birthday.

  6. I often wonder if Precious would benefit from having another cat in the house. My husband refuses to entertain the thought. I love your picture with the fence on that beautiful brick house.

  7. Great story and poem. What a picture of all those babies.

  8. true (and often) too rarely observed
    good Six

  9. National hotdog day. Time to start celebrating!

  10. Fun poem and photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. That was a good story and really true, the elders and young were meant to be together. Fun poem and what a perfect thankful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Moms must always be exhausted ! The white picket fence was always the hope for suburbanites.

  13. Sounds like a sweet kitty. Nice poem and thankful too. XO

  14. I love seeing the kitties climbing the cat tree. Plus they can stop and rest if necessary. I bundled with my Thankful Thursday today as we had storms all ay yesterday. Thankful no power outtages yay! Thank ou for being here.

  15. Poetry, Kitties, fun and always good fences. Thank you for all you do.

  16. Love the story of Fat Boy and how elderly pets do sometimes enjoy the company of younger ones, especially when it suits them xxx

  17. I absolutely LOVE the direction you took with this photo......I'm sure one baby can easily FEEL like 17 at once!! Great job always.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy


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