
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Everybody’s Hot! Hot! Hot! (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

The topic turned to the weather yesterday, with Grandma, as Lulu was showing signs of agitation due to approaching rain.  Grandpa gave her the "chill pill" and she calmed down, but still followed me everywhere.

It was also hot.  The late summer heat during early summer seems to be a topic on everyone's conversation list right now.

Boudreaux done be settin' ou'side in de hammock, unner de oak tree, an' he be hot an' won'ering how hot it be.  He din't bring de phone wit' him, an'  Tee be playin' in de shade near, so he say, "Tee!  Be de good boy an' go get de car key, put it in de ignition an' turn it a bit an' see what de temp'ture be, den come tell me."

Now Tee,  he love him de cars, an' he like enny time he kin get to play wit' de key, so he run an' do what hims Père say, an' den he come back an' say, "It be 106, Père!"

An' Boudreaux say, "Dat cain't be!  It be hot, but it don' be dat hot."

Den he gets up an' take him de key an' say, "We's goin' go look agin."

So dey go to de car, an' Boudreaux turn de key an' Tee say, "See, Père, it be right dere!  It say 106!"

An' Boudreaux laugh an' say, "Mais, non!  Dat not be de temp'ture, it be over dere, dat be how far 'til de car run outta gas!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.     


Our crepe myrtles haven't been as prolific this year, the heat and the lack of rain except in spurts has kept most with few blossoms.  Some people water their yards, and it shows.  

This hand-made lamp is really cool.  

Zinnias (i think)

Somehow i forgot to post this funny Father's Day card one of my clients received.

Sunrises and sunsets, various.


Today is:

Call of the Horizon Day -- can't find any history on this one, but if the idea of following your dreams over the Horizon has ever called you, take the time to follow today!

Constitution Day -- Australia; Palau

Constitutionalist Revolution Day -- São Paulo, Brazil

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Omelet Day

Feast of Our Lady of Chiquinquira (Patron of Colombia; the Venezuelan National Guard)

Independence Day -- Argentina(1816); South Sudan

Lá Cuimhneacháin Náisiúnta -- Republic of Ireland (National Day of Commemoration, honoring all Irish people who have died in war or as part of a UN peacekeeping mission)

Martyrdom of the Bab -- Baha'i

Muffler Appreciation Day -- if you've ever had a loud vehicle, you will understand why someone started this one

National Sugar Cookie Day -- what could be simpler or more versatile?  make them plain or make them fancy, but be sure you make enough!

Nunavut Day -- NU, Canada

Offerings to Heru and Amun -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (day Heru hears prayers in the presence of the Netjers; date approximate)

Shiman Rokusen-nichi -- Sensou-ji Temple, Asakusa, Tokyo (Day of 46,000; a visit to the temple on this day through tomorrow credits you the same as visiting 46,000 times on ordinary days)

St. Mary Hermina Grivot's Day (Patron of martyrs)

Anniversary Today:

Steven Cauble marries Lisa Whelchel, 1988

Birthdays Today

Mitchel Musso, 1991

Kiely Williams, 1986

Fred Savage, 1976

Jack White, 1975

Courtney Love, 1964

Kelly McGillis, 1957

Tom Hanks, 1956

Fred Norris, 1955

Jimmy Smits, 1955

Margaret Gillis, 1953

John Tesh, 1952

Chris Cooper, 1951

Mitch Mitchell, 1947

O.J. Simpson, 1947

Richard Roundtree, 1942

Brian Dennehy, 1938

David Hockney, 1937

Vince Edwards, 1928

Ed Ames, 1927

Mathilde Krim, 1926

Ottorino Respighi, 1879

Elias Howe, 1819

Anne Ward Radcliffe, 1764

Today in History

Roman military commander Avitus is proclaimed emperor of the Western Roman Empire, 455

Henry VIII annuls his marriage to Anne of Cleves (his 4th wife), 1540

In Versailles, the National Assembly reconstitutes itself as the National Constituent Assembly and begins preparations for a French constitution, 1789

The Act Against Slavery is passed in Upper Canada and the importation of slaves into Lower Canada is prohibited, 1793

The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified guaranteeing African Americans full citizenship and all persons in the United States due process of law, 1868

In Provident Hospital on Chicago’s South Side, black surgeon Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful open-heart surgery, 1893

Queen Victoria gives royal assent to an Act creating the Commonwealth of Australia thus uniting separate colonies on the continent under one federal government, 1900

Johnny Weissmuller swims the 100 meters freestyle in 58.6 seconds breaking the world swimming record and the 'minute barrier', 1922

The Russell-Einstein Manifesto is released by Bertrand Russell in London, 1955

In a seminal moment for pop art, Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans exhibition opens at the Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles, 1962

Margaret Thatcher begins her second term as British prime minster, 1982

South Africa is readmitted into the Olympic movement after 30 years of exclusion, 1991

The African Union is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2002

South Sudan gains independence and secedes from Sudan, 2011

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi proclaims victory over the Islamic State forces in Mosul, 2017

Thai amateur golfer Atthaya Thitikul becomes youngest ever winner in a female professional golf event at 14 years, 4 months & 19 days at the Ladies European Thailand Championship, 2017

US coffee company Starbucks announces it will stop using plastic straws by 2020, reducing use of more than 1 billion straws a year, 2018

Archaeological evidence from shale rock in Taoudeni basin, Mauritania, seems to indicate that 1.1billion-year-old bacteria produced the world's first biological color, a bright pink, 2018

Death Valley, California, records a temperature of 130 degrees F (54.4 C), one of the highest temperatures ever on Earth, 2021


  1. "Muffler Appreciation Day"
    We also need a catalytic converter appreciation day. I was behind a 1970's clunker the other day and man o' man do they stink compared to newer cars.

  2. I always love your skyscapes. Thank you. I am smiling at the card and love the crepe myrtle and the lamp too.

  3. I like your Father's Day card. And all your photos. Great lamp-shade.

    God bless.

  4. I always love all the facts in the list you provide...and the birthdays too. Those skycaps are an immediate favorite as I am a cloud maven. My Flickr account is filled with favorite cloud formations in their own album.

  5. Lol ~ Cajun joke ~ And awesome sky photos!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I love the beautiful sunrises and sunsets you shared today. Lovely.

  7. Those are lovely trees and great photos. That's a funny story!

  8. Cute joke. My mom's Honda Pilot has an oil percentage on the dash I always think it the temp. :) Nice photos.

  9. Love crepe myrtles, always a pleasure to see them. Thanks for all the beautiful skies, too.

  10. I love the lamp and the card is funny.

  11. Hahahaha! Yeah, I've been guilty of looking at the wrong number myself when it comes to cars! Love the pictures! That Father's Day card is priceless!

  12. Oh those Cajuns give me a good chuckle. The weather has been very erratic this year. Not enough snow but rain and storms to last a lifetime. The heat, I would rather not talk about it but it keeps me on the Great side of Our Lord as there is no place I would despise being in eternity, where the heat is on fire 24 hours a day forever. Stay cool and enjoy all those beauatiful Crepe Myrtle blooms.


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