
Monday, July 17, 2023

Lulu Poses(?) (Awww Monday), Inspiring Quote of the Week, and Poetry Monday


Awww Monday is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.

Join us every Monday for Awww...Mondays.  Post a picture that makes you say Awww... and that's it.

Make sure you get the code from Sandee's site, linked above, and leave a link to your post so we can visit you.  What better way to start the week than with a smile!

It's not easy getting Lulu to pose, and it's hard taking pictures of her.  I tried two weeks in a row, and it's like an awww blooper reel.



Sparks is the brainchild of Annie of McGuffy's Reader, who wanted us to post something positive and uplifting at the start of the week.  While she no longer blogs, i like to post an Inspiring Quote of the Week in her honor.     


Poetry Monday was started by Diane at On The Alberta/Montana Border Charlotte/Mother Owl participates, and now Karen at Baking in a Tornado is jumping in at least once a month, too.  Anyone else is welcome to join in the fun, just let Diane know!

This week the theme is Emojis.                        

A warning for iPhone users,

with the meteor emoji, some tact

if you send it to Android user friends

it won't have the same impact.


He created a cow emoji,

and he thought it was grand,

but he called it an emoooji,

and people didn't understand.


The drummer got arrested,

he thought they stretched it a bit,

they called it emoji abuse when he said

the cymbals he did hit.


Today is:

Air Conditioner Day -- the first modern electrical air conditioning unit, invented by William Carrier, began working on this day in 1902

Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera / Muñoz-Rivera Day -- Puerto Rico (obs.)

Constitution Day -- South Korea

Feast of St. Kenelm -- saint mentioned in "The Nun's Priest's Tale" of The Canterbury Takes

Feast of the Clockless NowEver -- can't find any confirmation on what this one is, but it sounds like fun if i don't have to bother with a clock or schedule

Festival for Victoria and Virtus -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of victory and god of bravery in warfare)

Gion Matsuri -- Yakasa Shrine, Kyoto, Japan (one of the largest and best Gion festivals)

Global Hug Your Kids Day -- the person who started this no longer has a website or Facebook page, but the date is still noted on many holiday listing websites

King Letsie III's Birthday -- Lesotho

La Guelaguetza a/k/a Los Lunes del Cerro -- Oaxaca, Mexico (folk dance, music and costumes, an extension of the celebrations of the Lady of Carmel, which used to be the feast of Xilonen, goddess of tender corn; now celebrated on two consecutive Mondays)

National Get Out of the Doghouse Day -- the day to work out any troubles with people you care about, so that you "get out of the doghouse"

National Peach Ice Cream Day

President's Day -- Botswana

St. Alexius Day (Patron of Alexians, beggars, belt makers, nurses, pilgrims, travelers)

Umi No Hi -- Japan (Ocean Day / Marine Day)

Wear Crazy Socks to Work Day -- at your own risk

World Day for International Justice

Wrong Way Corrigan Day -- anniversary of the flight of Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan, who was supposedly heading for California from New York and ended up in Ireland instead

Yellow Pig Day -- mathematics festivals at various universities, celebrating the number 17 and the yellow pig with 17 eyelashes, created by mathematicians Michael Spivak and David C. Kelly

Birthdays Today

Tash Hamilton, 1982

Alex Winter, 1965

Dawn Upshaw, 1960

Mark Burnett, 1960

Aaron Lansky, 1955

J. Michael Straczynski, 1954

David Hasselhoff, 1952

Phoebe Snow, 1952

Lucie Arnaz, 1951

Camilla Parker Bowles, 1947

Diahann Carroll, 1935

Donald Sutherland, 1934

Phyllis Diller, 1917

Art Linkletter, 1912

James Cagney, 1899

Berenice Abbott, 1898

Erle Stanley Gardner, 1889

John Jacob Astor, 1763

Elbridge Thomas Gerry, 1744

Isaac Watts, 1674

Debuting/Premiering Today:

Yellow Submarine(Animated film), 1968

Punch(Magazine, first publication), 1841

Today in History

Twelve inhabitants of Scillium in North Africa are executed for being Christians, the earliest record of Christianity in that part of the world, 180

Zhu Di, better known by his era name as the Yongle Emperor, assumes the throne over the Ming Dynasty of China, 1402

Catherine II (the Great) becomes tsar of Russia upon the murder of Peter III of Russia, 1762

Londoner Thomas Saint patented the first sewing machine, 1790

The first issue of Punch magazine was published, England, 1841

The Harvard School of Dental Medicine is established in Boston as the first dental school in the U.S, 1867

On the orders of the Bolshevik Party carried out by Cheka, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his immediate family and retainers are murdered at the Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg, Russia, 1918

The RMS Carpathia, the ship that rescued the 705 survivors from the RMS Titanic, is sunk off Ireland by the German SM U-55; 5 lives are lost, 1918

An Armed Forces rebellion against the recently-elected leftist Popular Front government of Spain begins the Spanish Civil War, 1936

After being denied permission to make a transatlantic crossing, Douglas Corrigan takes off from Brooklyn to fly the "wrong way" to Ireland and becomes known as "Wrong Way" Corrigan, 1928

Disneyland televises its grand opening in Anaheim, California, 1955

An American Apollo and a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft dock with each other in orbit marking the first such link-up between spacecraft from the two nations, 1975

The opening of the Summer Olympics in Montreal is marred by 25 African teams boycotting the New Zealand team, 1976

The F.W. Woolworth Company closes after 117 years in business, 1997

A tsunami triggered by an undersea earthquake destroys 10 villages in Papua New Guinea killing an estimated 3,183, leaving 2,000 more unaccounted for and thousands more homeless, 1998

A diplomatic conference adopts the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, establishing a permanent international court to prosecute individuals for genocide, crime against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression, 1998

South Korea develops a long range cruise missile, 2010

Astronauts, Sunita Williams of the United States, Yuri Malenchenko of Russia and Aki Hoshide of Japan, arrive at the International Space Station for a three-month long mission, 2012

In an effort to curb obesity rates, the United Arab Emirates offers its citizens one gram of gold for every kilogram of weight they lose, 2013

The discovery of the oldest evidence of bread, made from wild grains, is announced by archaeologists in a dig at a 14,000-year-old site in the Black Desert, Jordan, 2018


  1. Lulu made your work didn't she.
    Love the emooji.

  2. Thanks so much for hosting, mimi Dear, and for sharing always such captivating posts!
    Have a lovely Awww Monday and week
    X Daniela @ ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)
    P.S: Your Lulu is simply adorable!

  3. Gonna have to remember if I sign up at Sandee's don't sign up any place else. I'm such a clutz!!! All I have been doing today is big boo boo's. Anyway, WHATCHA DOIN' WITH MY DOG? hehehehe Your dog looks exactly like my Charlie... gray hair around the mouth & everything! Too cute! They're such lovable animals aren't they? I love my Charlie so much! These are the only kind of dogs we ever had. Have a great day girlfriend!!! Something in common! hehehe~

  4. What a great quote, love the emoji verses too!

  5. Great spark advice. Dog modeling isn't always easy. We grow up modeling so we know just what to do.

  6. Lulu looks to be a sweetie. Nice of her to pose. And I love the spark, I'll try to follow the advice today.

  7. With temperatures pushing toward the century mark, I will certainly be celebrating Air Conditioning Day all week long. have a blessed week.

  8. Lulu is a cutie pie. I think she did just fine posing today.

    Love the Spark. I can do that.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Big hug. ♥

  9. It's hard to photograph pets. Lulu is so dark that sometimes you can't see her eyes unless she's facing directly at the camera. :) I got a tickle out of your emoji poems and who knew today is National Peach Ice Cream Day. Guess what? I have peach ice cream in the freezer. I guess we'll have to have some tonight after dinner. :D Have an awwwesome Monday and a boogietastic week, my dear!

  10. Lu Lu you are so sweet ~ great poses ~ great spark too ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. These posts always make me feel guilty for not being able to keep our shelter dog. I really would like a pet, but hubby requires too much time from me.

  12. I think she did a great job. Nice spark and fun poem. My little great nieces think the poop emoji is the funniest thing. XO

  13. Oh, sweet doggins! Pandy will never cooperate, either! Hahahaha! Great poems! Cymbals. (Snort!)

  14. Love the photos of the furbaby. Thanks for the link ups. Have a great week.

  15. Sweet Lulu looks to be a bit shy. That was a good Spark and fun poems too!

  16. The inspiring quote made me smile, it's similar to many things my mother used to say.

  17. She is so cute and posed very nicely.


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