
Sunday, August 6, 2023

It Has Its Plusses (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma needed to get up and use the restroom (it happens to the best of us, after all).  She said, "I'm going to get up.  If I can."

She then proceeded to work her way into a standing position and get to her walker, where she said, "It's not easy any more!"  As she headed into the restroom she added, "Don't fall!"  (It was her fall that put her on a walker.)

Clothile done hear Boudreaux mutterin', an' she ax him, "Do you be talkin' to me?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Non, I done be talkin' to myself."

"What you be sayin'?"

"I don' remember!  But I did make myself laugh, so it musta done been good."

Den dey look at each other an' jes' laugh and laugh.

Den Boudreaux say, "Mais, it don' be easy, gettin' old, but sometime it sure be entertainin'!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.  

A couple of weeks ago, when Mr. Cal was unable to take a walk with us, Becca and i went on a "photo hunt," looking for interesting things to photograph.  I even got some shots of the cypress "knees," the parts of the cypress tree roots that stick up out of the water or ground in which it is growing.

Those photos are followed by some sky shots.


Today is:

Accession Day -- United Arab Emirates (accession of H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan)

Feast of Everything Green Except Money -- Hooray for veggies! You'll need them before you have that root beer float.

Ferry Fair -- South Queensferry, Edinburgh, Scotland (centuries old fair, a modern festival that was originally a way for farmers to find labour for harvest, but is now just for fun, through Saturday)

Festival of Nut and Ra; Chief Festival of Thoth -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Hiroshima Day

Independence Day / National Day -- Bolivia; Jamaica

Loch-mo-Naire Pilgrimage -- Loch mo Naire, Scotland (tonight from midnight to 1am tomorrow is the magical hour, complete the ritual there to be healed by the waters because of magic stones in the water that a Celtic priestess put there)

National Doll Day -- US (another with its own Facebook page

National Fresh Breath (Halitosis) Day -- shouldn't that read, anti-halitosis?

National Friendship Day -- US (designated by Congress in 1935)

National Peacekeepers Day -- Canada (obs. on Sunday closest to the 9th)

National Root Beer Float Day -- A&W Root Beer really gets into this day 

Peace Festival -- Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima, Japan

Sisters' Day® -- celebrating the bond between sisters, as begun by Tricia Eleogram; a wiki page on how to celebrate this day 

Sts. Justus and Pastor's Day (Patrons of Alcala, Spain; Madrid, Spain)

Tanabata Festival -- Sendai, Japan (Japan's largest Tanabata 'Star Festival', through the 8th)

Teinne Festival -- Ancient Celtic Calendar (Teinne, the Celtic Holy Fire, sometimes called Tan; date approximate)

Transfiguration of the Lord -- Orthodox Christian

Wiggle Your Toes Day -- internet generated, and my suggestion is to celebrate it with a cool drink out by the pool!

Birthdays Today:

Romola Garai, 1982

Melissa George, 1976

Soleil Moon Frye, 1976

M. Night Shyamalan, 1970

Michelle Yeoh, 1962

Catherine Hicks, 1951

Dorian Harewood, 1950

Shirley Ann Jackson, 1946

Peter Bonerz, 1938

Piers Anthony Dillingham Jacob, 1934

Andy Warhol, 1928

Robert Mitchum, 1817

Lucille Ball, 1911

Clara Bow, 1905

Hoot Gibson, 1892

Alexander Fleming, 1881

Louella Parsons, 1881

Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, 1861

Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1809 

Daniel O'Connell, 1775

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Help"(Album debut), 1965

Today in History:

Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada founds the city of Bogota, Colombia, 1538

Holland (The Dutch Republic) sells Brazil to Portugal and the two 

countries sign the Treaty of The Hague, 1661

The first private military school in the US, Norwich University, is 

founded in Vermont, 1819

The Russian Geographical Society is founded in Saint Petersburg, 1845

William Kemmler becomes the first person to be executed by the electric chair, 1890

Alice Ramsey takes three friends (none of whom could drive) to become the first women to complete a transcontinental auto trip, 1909

Gertrude Ederle becomes the first woman to swim the English Channel, 1926

Prometheus, a bristlecone pine and the world's oldest tree, is cut down by the US National Forest Service, for reasons even they cannot explain, 1964

The Federal Voting Rights Act is signed, 1965

A low-pressure system that redeveloped off the New South Wales coast dumps a record 328 millimeters (13 inches) of rain in a day on Sydney, 1986

The United Nations Security Council orders a global trade embargo against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, 1990

NASA makes the still disputed announcement that the ALH 84001 meteorite, thought to originate from Mars, contains evidence of primitive life-forms, 1996

The incoming coalition government of the United Kingdom discontinues the use of the controversial ContactPoint database of all children in that country, 2010

After a century of silence, Mount Tongariro in New Zealand erupts, spreading volcanic ash across the country's central North Island and affecting airports, 2012

The Curiosity Rover, controlled by NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, lands safely on the surface of Mars, 2012

The world's largest ever Pinball tournament, "Pinburgh," is held in Pittsburgh, PA, US, with 700 machines, 2015

In an attempt to end 5 years of civil war, South Sudanese President Salva Kilr and rebel leader Riek Machar sign the South Sudan Peace Accord, 2018

According to the World Resources Institute, a quarter of humanity is running out of water, 2019


  1. I love the results of your photo hunt. Your skyscapes delight me each and every week.

  2. What a wonderful selection. The added extra on that mail box is interesting. As are those knees. I never knew they grew like that. Some lovely plants in your area, and nicely layed out areas too.

  3. Cajun jokes are my favorite of them all! I look forward to these.

  4. And I love the pictures...every one.

  5. Cajun joke gave me a lol ~ lovely series of photos ~ your sky shots are always awesome ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. The Caujun joke is so fully and what Boudreaux said is spot on! Great pictures, the letter box is grand!

  7. Poor Grandma, it's not easy with a walker sometimes. Those are terrific photos!

  8. That was funny. Great photos. I had never seen cypress knees. XO

  9. I love your pics, especially the sky ones!

  10. Nice photos. I'm not looking forward to the days when I need to keep a walker close by.

  11. Yep. Getting older is definitely entertaining!
    Love catching these glimpses of where you live! SO different from me!

  12. P.S. I've never heard of cypress 'knees'. Fascinating!


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