
Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Genuine Article (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Grandma and i were discussing the "joys" of technology yesterday as she tried to figure out the glitch in her email program that seems to be not letting her email come through.

"I hate having to call these people and get them to straighten it out for me.  It shouldn't be that difficult!" she was saying.

This led to her asking about artificial intelligence.  I told her i haven't experimented with it yet, so all i know is what i've read about.  It's certainly going to bring changes.

Boudreaux an' Thibodeaux done be talkin' 'bout de new AI.  Thibodeaux done be wonderin' if'n it really be so smart.

An' Boudreaux say, "Mais, I t'ink dey be goin' fin' out de artificial intelligence don' be no match for de genuine stupidity."


Sunday Selections was started by Kim (who no longer blogs) as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

Among other things, another somewhat atrocious attempt to catch photos of a bee.  Also, a bit of red for Charlotte/Mother Owl's color/colour of the month.


Today is:

Day of Battle between Horus and Set; Aset gains the Horns of Hathor -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Don't Wait, Celebrate! Week -- 2nd full week of August each year; because spontaneous and frequent celebrations are good for you, says Patty Sachs 

Fathers' Day -- Brazil; Samoa (a public holiday in Samoa, with a day off tomorrow)

Festival of Aventine Diana / Nemoralia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (commemoration of the dedication of her temple; celebrated between now and the 15th, and rededicated as the Festival of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin after Christianization)

Festival of Xocotl Huetzi -- Ancient Aztec Calendar (first fruits of harvest festival; date approximate, but two weeks around the end of August)

Independence Day -- Central African Republic(1960)

International Left-Hander's Day -- sponsored by Lefthanders International

Joust of the Quintana -- Ascoli Piceno, Italy (reenactment of a medieval jousting tournament)

Lao Issara -- Laos (Day of the Free Laos)

Lesser Festival of Flora -- Ancient Roman Calendar

Melon Day -- Turkmenistan (the country that really loves its muskmelons)

National Filet Mignon Day

Obon -- Buddhist (celebration to revere the ancestors; celebrated at different times even within Japan, but usually the biggest dates are in mid-August)

Runic Half Month As begins (the gods)

Rushbearing -- Macclesfield Forest and St. Stephens Church Forest Chapel, Cheshire, England (ancient tradtion of bringing new rushes, plaited in traditional weaves, to carpet the church and keep it warm, always on the first Sunday after Aug. 12)

Skinny Dipping Day -- funny t-shirt:  I no longer skinny dip. I chunky dunk!

St. Cassian's Day (Patron of students and teachers; Brixen, Italy; Comacchio, Italy; Imola, Italy; Mexico City, Mexico)

St. Concordia's day (Patron of nursing mothers and wet nurses)

St. Hippolytus' Day (Patron of horses, prison guards/officers/workers; Bibbiena, Italy)

Wall Day -- anniversary of the day in 1961 that the Berlin Wall began going up; observe it by trying to break down a wall or communication barrier somewhere in your own life

Women's Day -- Tunisia

Birthdays Today

Shani Davis, 1982

Midori Ito, 1969

Quinn Cummings, 1967

Danny Bonaduce, 1959

Dan Fogelberg, 1951

Kathleen Battle, 

Philippe Petit, 1949

Kevin Tighe, 1944

Don Ho, 1930

Pat Harrington, Jr., 1929

Fidel Castro, 1926

George Shearing, 1919

Ben Hogan, 1912

Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, 1907

Alfred Hitchcock, 1899

Bert Lahr, 1895

Annie Oakley, 1860

Lucy Stone, 1818

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Zaire/The Tragedy of Zara"(Voltaire's "Tragedy in Verse"), 1732

Today in History

The English army under King Henry V lands at the mouth of the Seine River, 1415

Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs is conquered by the Spanish, 1521

Tenbun Hokke Disturbance, in which Buddhist monks from Kyoto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto, 1536

John Smith submits the story of Jamestown's first days for publication, 1608

Christiaan Huygens discovers the Martian south polar cap, 1642

Founding of Litchfield, CT, 1651

Marie Antoinette and other French royals are imprisoned by Revolutionaries, 1792

Nat Turner sees the solar eclipse which he interprets as a sign from heaven to begin his ill-fated slave rebellion, 1831

Earthquake in Peru and Ecuador kills 25,000, 1868

Ferdinand von Zeppelin patents his "Navigable Balloon", 1889

First production in the UK of stainless steel by Harry Brearley, 1913

Opha Mae Johnson is the first woman to enlist in the United States Marine Corps, 1918

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) is established as a public company in Germany, 1918

The first barbed wire fence that would become the Berlin Wall is erected, 1961

The Apollo 11 astronauts are released from a three-week quarantine to enjoy a ticker-tape parade in New York, 1969

Michael Phelps sets the Olympic record for most the gold medals won by an individual in Olympic history, 2008

Footage of the previously unseen Kawahiva tribe is released; the Kawahiva is an indigenous tribe living in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, and is thought to have had very little contact with the outside world, 2013

Iranian mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani becomes the first woman to win the Fields Medal in mathematics, 2014

Measles cases have tripled so far worldwide in 2019 according to the WHO, 2019 

Israel strikes an historic deal with the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations and suspends plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank, 2020


  1. Capturing bees is difficult isn't it? I am glad that you persevered and love the garden shots - and of course the skyscapes.

  2. International Left-Hander's Day. So is today the day a lot of things get accidentally broken by wrong handers?

  3. Your sky scenes are particularly stunning this week. The pink spiky plant, I assume it is a plant and not an ornament, is wonderful. Such a lovely mix of colours this week.

  4. OMG so many reasons to celebrate today

    Happy Sunday
    Sunday Smiles is HERE🇹🇹

    Happy Sunday

  5. Thank you for the glorious photos of flowers and much appreciated bees.

  6. Great Cajun joke and such truth too ~ Xo
    Wonderful series of photos ~ sky shots are always my favorites ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I love all the pictures especially the sunset. Beautiful!

  8. I love the beautiful colors in the photos!

  9. Cute joke and beautiful blooms. XO

  10. Human intelligence sure needs work first before we mess with the artificial stuff.

  11. Lovely flowers and I see you managed to capture the bee too. I agree AI will be no match for genuine stupidity.

  12. I totally think we should find some human intelligence before we try to create some of the artificial! Yikes!
    Gorgeous pictures!
    You did capture the bee!
    If you want a good 'bee' picture, come to my house. They like to sleep in my hollyhocks! It's SO cute!


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