
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Wednesdays Words, August 16, 2023


Edit to Add:  Thank you, Blogger, my post is late!

It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts as of midnight, Canberra time, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week's prompts are







and / or 

treasure map

bus stop

egg roll

full moon

garden gnome

trash can

Charlotte/Mother Owl has chosen luminous bright red as the color/colour of the month, which may also be used as a prompt.

Use any of the prompts, some of them, or use none and instead see them as a springboard to creativity.  The point is to write, and have fun doing it.



  1. My ballet partner put pressure on me to be the hero of the show but I had to suppress her enthusiasm as my talent didn't warrant the attention.

    1. Well done! Thank you for joining in. Most of the stories will be on tomorrow's post, including mine.

    2. Mike: I love it - and perhaps you need to have more confidence. The lead in any ballet IS the hero.

  2. I guess it's all about writing. I decided to do the six word story. There are so many hops.

  3. Brad was on an adventure. A BIG adventure. He had found a treasure map! inside the book Simon said that he wasn’t allowed to read. Hah. Big brothers were no match for him. While Simon was off with his friends (how could a bike ride compare to tracking down treasure?) Brad was going to follow the map and extract the treasure for himself. That would teach Simon a lesson.
    Dad had said at breakfast time that it was going to be a full moon tonight which meant that today was the day. He stuffed an egg roll in his knapsack along with the precious map and headed out the door.
    Turn left at the garden gnome and walk thirty three paces. Easy, peasy.
    Left again at the bus stop, and keeping out of sight of Mrs Brown, creep past the barking dogs.
    Left again and the shops and walk fifty seven places to the row of trash cans. Lift the second lid from the left and the treasure is yours.
    Heart pounding Brad lifted the lid. There was a package wrapped in luminous red string. He rushed to his secret hideout and ripped it open. The first package revealed another, and another. And another. He finally reached an envelope. When he opened it the note inside read STAY OUT OF MY THINGS BRAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. BIG BROTHERS RULE!!!
    Brad sighed. He had been sprung. It had been a good morning though.

    1. I'm glad Brad had a good morning, and i do hope he continued to bug his big brother just as he's supposed to until they both grew up enough to be good friends.

  4. Hi, well... not sure if I'm doing this right, but I already did my post so sorry don't need a topic. :) Hope you liked it! Big Hugs & Happy Wednesday!


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