
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Wednesday's Words, August 2, 2023


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts as of midnight, Canberra time, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week's words are:














Charlotte/Mother Owl has chosen luminous bright red as the color of the month, which you may use as an extra prompt if you wish.

Have fun, everyone!  My story will be on my usual Wednesday post.



  1. Thank you. You really don't need to put up the prompts early by your time though, much as I appreciate it.
    She needed to be upfront about it. She and the American side of her family supposedly spoke the same language. Except that they didn’t. Flatware? It was cutlery in Australia. The seasons were the same (at opposite times of the year) except for autumn. A word and a season she liked became fall for them. Dinner might be dinner, but it could be tea (which was also her favourite hot beverage). She wrote dates as day/month/year, while her American cousins and friends put the day second.
    Spelling and pronunciation were also different.
    It did her head in. Not breakdown material, but certainly an irritation.
    The American influence had spread to her computer too, which firmly underlined any words it considered she had spelt incorrectly. She took offence (and yes, that was one of the words it underlined) at the correction and continued to resist. On a bad day, the corrections made her see luminous bright red.
    On better days, she stiffened her spine. At bottom they had more similarities than differences, and a combination of their cultures was probably not a bad thing. She would mostly stick with the usage and spelling she had grown up with though…

    1. When you mix families from different cultures, sometimes you just have to make allowances. An excellent use of the prompts.

    2. Actually, I took heart reading this, EC! It isn't just me! Half of my family and my Husby's are US citizens and I'm amazed at how many differences there are, though some only live a half-day's drive away!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Cindi, i really enjoyed your story.

  3. Thanks for the words, I'll let them percolate for a while. Love EC's effort, and have to agree with her on most points.

  4. Glad the dad made it up to him.


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