
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Wednesday's Words, August 23, 2023


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts as of midnight, Canberra time, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week's prompts are







and / or the following archaic or seldom used words

prepence (premeditated or planned in advance)

pelf (wealth, often dishonestly acquired; rubbish or trash)

coxcomb (a dandy; a vain or conceited man)

Charlotte/Mother Owl has chosen luminous bright red as the color/colour of the month, which may also be used as a prompt.

Use any of the prompts, some of them, or use none and instead see them as a springboard to creativity.  The point is to write, and have fun doing it.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The coxcomb in his luminous bright red outfit had not prepenced that an employee in a buffet flat might be immune to a mouth-watering lure of a supposed pelf and instead decide to leave him to the chaos he thought he had so cleverly orchestrated.

  3. How did Ruby ever become the employee of such a man? Ralph was a total coxcomb. Prepence went into every entrance he made. Entrances designed to show his wealth (pelf Ruby thought to herself) like arriving to the gala opening of the outdoor art show in his luminous bright red Ferrari, revving the engine just as the mayor introduced the artist. He delighted in the resulting chaos.
    Criticism of himself or his behaviour had no more impact than water off a duck’s back. He was immune, putting it down to jealousy.
    However, he had one surprising weakness. When Ruby told him that the prominent antique dealer in town believed that his precious buffet gracing the living room was a fake he was shattered. He obviously couldn’t decide whether to dismiss it as ignorance or to call in other experts. He settled for shooting the messenger and sacked Ruby on the spot. She was grateful that he had taken the decision out of her hands and left the job and the building with her head held high.

    1. Ha! As so often when reading your lines Sue, I wish I had sucked English from my mother's breast. ;-)

    2. Poor Ruby? Or relieved to be away from him Ruby? I can't decide. She's probably better off away. Great story.

    3. She was lucky to get away, i believe. Well told!

  4. Interesting. When it comes to Wednesday, I have no words. LOL!

  5. I'm so slack in responding to blogs lately...I promise I will do better. Take good care. :)

  6. I'll put my mind to percolating and see what brews.


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