
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Wednesday's Words, August 30, 2023


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts as of midnight, Canberra time, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

This week's prompts are














Charlotte/Mother Owl has chosen luminous bright red as the color/colour of the month, which may also be used as a prompt.

Use any of the prompts, some of them, or use none and instead see them as a springboard to creativity.  The point is to write, and have fun doing it.



  1. Well, so y'all take turns huh... I thought you always had a list for Wednesday! Okie Dokie!!! Have a great rest of your day!

  2. Looking around the landscape of our home it is obvious that we are owned by cats. There is a patina of cat fur on everything and cat toys from Christmas to breakfast. No matter, it goes with the territory. We are happy to share our lives with cats and we do our best to cater for their needs. It is a vicious rumour that they are spoilt. Just ask them. They will tell you, loudly, that they are underprivileged and that the level of care they receive is barely sufficient.
    I am on morning duty and my first task of the day is breakfast.
    Mostly they are happy cats – but don’t mention the V.E.T. Batty somehow knows when he is being tortured and taken on that drive again and finds novel new places to hide.
    The poor little boy has a new diagnosis now. Asthma and chronic bronchitis. He has to have treatment twice each day, using an implement that is somewhere between a puffer and a nebuliser. Failure to administer it is not an option. The vet outlined how to use it, but Batty has other ideas. I foresee a descent into hell in the coming days as he and we get used to it. So far, so good and there has only been a bit of my luminous bright red blood shed. That could change at any moment.

    1. Oh, well writtn. I would wish for you to have an old fashioned knight's armour to pull on before adminisering these dose.

    2. It is fun to share your life with a feline. I am praying and hoping Batty comes to terms with his medication schedule soon.

  3. Excellent true story EC, I'm sorry to hear Batty has asthma and chronic bronchitis though, so he will have to be getting used to the treatment. I cleaned a patina off my floors yesterday but Lola is busy replacing it as we speak.

  4. One of the things my writing friends and I do is to write to prompts. It seems to be very helpful for us.

  5. My WfW, also a true story, is up now. Due to Blogger's mysteries it was not published as I pressed Publish and Confirm 5 hours ago. But I hope better late than tomorrow ;)


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