
Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Wednesday's Words for August 9, 2023


It's my month to provide the prompts for Words for Wednesday.  Since it becomes Wednesday in some parts of the world while it is still Tuesday here, i am providing the prompts as of midnight, Canberra time, so you can work on them and post them when it's Wednesday where you are.

Please remember these are prompts only, you do not have to use the words.  If they get you thinking of a story, poem, or whatnot, that's the whole point.

This week's prompts are:







and / or the following phrases

drive me nuts

beating around the bush

high and dry

Charlotte/Mother Owl has chosen luminous bright red as the color/colour of the month, which may also be used as a prompt.



  1. I am not beating around the bush when I say this horrible heat is driving me nuts. It makes everything high or low dry.
    Hugs cecilia

    1. cecilia: I feel for you. Hot weather drives me nuts too. I hope you get a cool break and love the way you used the prompts.

    2. Agreed! Good use of the prompts, and thanks for playing along.

  2. There was no point in beating around the bush. Joan was in the evening of her days. She didn’t know when the gavel would finally fall, but knew it was close (and not knowing the exact date would drive her nuts if she let it).
    She was thankful for the guidelines her parents had instilled in her. She would face her end as she did everything else, shoulders back and head held high. Good posture was important physically of course, but mental posture mattered too.
    She forgave those who had abused her, and hoped that she would receive a pardon from those she had inadvertently offended.
    There had been many luminous red letter days in her life, and she would hold them in her head and her heart as she headed towards that final dark night.

    1. Love this :) I've never thought about mental posture.

    2. "Mental posture" is an excellent term. Very good use of the prompts.

    3. Well written. Mental posture is the most important.

    4. Dark. And well written. Kudos!

  3. Thank you for the words. I'll see what I can do.

  4. Now I have used your Words, thanks for providing: WfW

  5. Let us this evening without pardon not beat about the bush, but sanctiomoniously trump a bit: Shakespeare has been trying to abuse pious American children for 500 years ... His plays use lewd puns and innuendo, and undoubtedly the protagonists in Romeo and Juliet had premarital sex.
    And then: Michelangelo`s David. Alone his posture can drive God-fearing folks nuts. And this luminous bright red penis!!!
    There can be but one guideline. This is where the gavel falls. ... high an dry.

    1. I actually enjoyed studying Shakespeare and seeing David. Some people have no taste or understanding, or sense of humor.

    2. Sean Jeating: You must look an interesting sight with your tongue so firmly in your cheek. Thanks for the smiles.

  6. That is a funny story. And I think the back to school alcohol is for parents celebrating the start of school. :)


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