
Saturday, September 2, 2023

Bumps and Back Doors, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


Thankful Day usually finds me running, and this one is no exception.  It's okay, though, my first thankful is i'm more likely to wear out than rust.

We're all thankful we've had a few nice rain showers this week, especially the brown grass.  Everything has been so dry, any rain that isn't a storm is most welcome.

One evening, Sweetie and Brother-in-law had left the house, and i also had somewhere to go.  A moment after they drove off, i went outside to find they'd gone in Sweetie's car and left Brother-in-law's car parked behind mine so i couldn't leave the driveway!

I'm very thankful we have his spare key in the key drawer, and i used it and still got where i was going almost on time.

Ms. S and her husband were back from their trip when i went over there after Carl's place Monday and i'm thankful for their sake they had a wonderful time visiting all the relatives and seeing the great-grandson for the first time.

Ms. G and i got to play in her RV, cleaning and tidying, and i'm thankful i realized the mattress cover on one of the beds needed to be washed.  It was hard to tell, but once we got it out of the RV and into the sunlight, we both realized how dirty it was.

Also, i was thankful she finally let me use the shop vac to pick up the 3 weeks of birdseed hulls, as she hasn't been letting me sweep outdoors in the heat.

Thursday was my day to clean Ms. V's house, and it was Carl's birthday.  He had the day off, and he was told he could sleep at late as he wanted.  Except for one quick trip into the kitchen to grab his morning medicine and a snack bar, he didn't get up until 2pm, just as i was finishing the cleaning!

While i was there, Sweetie made an unexpected visit.  It seemed he's been at the post office just a couple of blocks away when a car pulled out in front of him suddenly.  He braked and the sweet college girl behind him couldn't stop in time and ran into the back of his car.

She was in a panic and called her parents.  He calmly told her it wasn't a problem.  The parents came, a sheriff's deputy stopped and while her car needed repair, ours did not, it just had another scuff on the bumper.  And, as he said, how about you tell me which scuff you caused?

I'm thankful he handled it so well, the sheriff's deputy drove off, the parents are simply going to fix the damage without involving their insurance, and we have another "beauty mark" on one of our old, already well marked vehicles.

I went over to Ms. GA's house before running to the store, to get instructions from her for the weekend (they're out of town) and when i came back from the store, she was at work and Mr. BA had left.  That's when i realized i'd forgotten to get the key out of my pack which i'd left in their house when i went to the store.

Was i locked out of the house?  Well, i went to the back door and guess what?  Mr. BA had forgotten to lock it, so no, i was quite thankful not to have to call and find out where he was and get him to come let me back in.

On the way out of their house later, i was very thankful not to run into a wasp that was on one of his plants overhanging the walkway.  I saw it from the corner of my eye and was able to avoid it, and therefore avoid the aggravation of getting a prescription to deal with a wasp sting which would have probably resulted.

The first day of the month is supposed to be the day Sweetie's pension check (to cover the mortgage and electric) gets put in the savings account.  I watch online for it to get there and transfer it to the checking account so i can pay those bills.

Online banking wasn't working, and i had to call the bank.  I was so thankful for the helpful lady who confirmed the money had reached the account, and transferred what was needed.  Having a good bank with actual people there willing to help is a blessing.

The cat shelter is bustling and i was thankful to witness a wonderful adoption while i was there.  I was also thankful for good news about both Ebenezer and Julep, now in foster homes and starting to very slowly come out of their shells and show how they can shine.

The Ten Things of Thankful is supposed to be back from vacation this month.  Until it is, there's no reason we can't just keep counting along for ourselves.


Today is:

Bison-Ten-Yell Day -- celebrating the imaginary Bison-Ten-Yell, inventor of 10 battle yells now used as American football signals

Celtic Tree Month Muin (Vine) begins

Feast of Osiris -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Grand Magal de Touba -- Touba, Senegal (commemoration of the departure into exile of Ahmadou Bamba to Gabon, a Sufi religious festival, begins at sunset)

Independence Day -- Transdniestria

International Bacon Day -- good day for a double decker BLT with grilled onions and Swiss cheese (unless, of course, you are a pig)

National Blueberry Popsicle Day

National Day -- Vietnam

National Hummingbird Day -- not official, but someone loves them enough to have started this

National Writing Date Day -- a day to make a date with yourself to go to a coffee shop or library or someplace and get some writing done; sponsored by Natalie Marie-Collins)

Sacrifice to Hekate and Artemis -- Ancient Greek Calendar (date approximate)

Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight -- celebrating the food and drink of this beautiful land, through the 16th 

Sedantag -- Germany

St. Agricola of Avignon's Day (Patron of rain -- for or against, whichever you need! -- of good weather and storks; Avignon, France; against misfortune and plague epidemics)

VJ Day -- Surrender Ceremony took place on this date aboard the USS Missouri

Anniversary Today:

Beginning of the Marathon Runs during the Persian War, Sept. 2-9, 490BC

Birthdays Today:

Cynthia Watros, 1968

Salma Hayek, 1966

Lennox Lewis, 1965

Keanu Reeves, 1964

Linda Purl, 1955

Jimmy Connors, 1952

Mark Harmon, 1951

Eric Dickerson, 1950

Christa McAuliffe, 1948

Nathaniel “Tiny” Archibald, 1948

Terry Bradshaw, 1948

Peter Victor Ueberroth, 1937

Marge Champion, 1923

Cleveland Amory, 1917

Lili'uokalani, 1838

James Forten, 1766

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Rose-Marie"(Operetta), 1924

"East of Suez"(Play), 1922

Ordinance on the Danish Church(Publication Date), 1637

Today in History:

Cicero's first Philippic (oratorical attack) on Marc Antony, BC44

Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of Egypt declares her son co-ruler as Ptolemy XV Caesarion, BC44

Octavian's troops win the Battle of Actium which ends the Final war of the Roman Republic, BC31

The Great Fire of London breaks out and burns for three days; it ends with 8 dead and 13,000 houses destroyed, 1666

Great Britain adopts the Gregorian calendar, nearly two centuries later than most of Western Europe, 1752

US Treasury Dept. is established by Congress, 1789

The solar super storm continues to affect electrical telegraph service, 1859

Theodore Roosevelt advises the US to "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." 1901

President Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam becomes the first foreign head of state to make a state visit to Australia, 1957

The Principality of Sealand is established, ruled by Prince Paddy Roy Bates, 1967

Swissair Flight 111 crashes near Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia; all 229 people on board are killed, 1998

Pope Benedict hosts an eco-festival, "Save Creation Day," in Loreto, Italy, to encourage Catholics to live an eco-friendly lifestyle, 2007

Ending a 50-year ban on veiled female news presenters, Egypt's state television gives its female presenters a choice of wearing, or not wearing, a veil, 2012

Swimmer Diana Nyad makes history, becoming the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage, 2013

The public learns about AT&T's The Hemisphere Project, which gives telephone call data to law enforcement agencies, including the DEA, 2013

The public learns about AT&T's The Hemisphere Project, which gives telephone call data to law enforcement agencies, including the DEA, 2013

Earth's trees number just over 3 trillion according to study published in "Nature" by Thomas Crowther of Yale University, 2015

A major fire at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro destroys most of its 20 million artifacts, 2018

The attempted assassination of Argentina's vice-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner fails when the assassin's gun jams, 2022


  1. Lots and lots to be thankful for - which is wonderful.

  2. Good thankful day. As always I feel slightly exhausted and ungrateful just reading yours.

  3. You have so many car "incidents" to be thankful for. It is wonderful that it was not serious hit by the young woman. She learned a good lesson for future driving so she too can be thankful and more cautious.

  4. Hi there! I saw your comment on my blog and wanted to reply. I would have no problem posting something from you but I noticed that you do a great job with the memes, yourself! If I were to do it, I would need a picture of a dog or cat in a close up shot. I also like to know the name of the pet. I have already done a couple of memes for you, but don't know where to send them. I like to get approval from you before posting, at least the first time around.

    If you'd like to send me a photo or two, please email me at It's easier if you can select something, as I noted it took me a long time to find ones to serve the purpose. I'm old now so need I need a little help.

    The Funny posts each week take a lot out of me.

    If you send me an email, I will forward the two memes I have done already. If you like them, I'll include them on Friday next week.

    Thank you!

    Wendy & Dani❣️

  5. What a great list to be thankful for. It must be so rewarding to see the kitties get adopted and find their forever home. Have a great weekend!

  6. that is quite a list ~ glad your car and yu are ok ~ you are always one busy lady ~ take a rest in between ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Wonderful thankful list, especially cat adoptions. :) XO

  8. That is such a good bunch of thankfuls and hooray for a nice adoption too.

  9. I'm glad everyone was OK after the incident at the post office.
    Hurray for spare keys!


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