
Friday, September 8, 2023

Sometimes You Have To (Six Sentence Story)


"Why is there a cup of water on the corner of the floor of the pantry, and where are Hunga's bowls?"

Cook looked sternly at Mimi, who said, "The bowls are in the Hobart getting a good sanitizing, because even though he's the only one eating out of them everyone, or every dog, needs clean, fresh bowls once in so often, they get rather awful..."

"He liked his bowls the way they were!"

"Well, then, he can have the fun of dirtying them up again for a few weeks before they need another wash, and meanwhile, the cup is so he can have some water anyway even while his bowls are washing."

The dog of their discussion came running in at this point, straight to his corner of the pantry and, seeing the cup, stuck his nose in and began slurping thirstily as Mimi looked on with an indulgent smile.

"Hummmmph, just don't let it happen too often, I know for a fact dogs take great delight in getting their things smelling and looking just so, and you can quit smiling so big..." and Cook stalked off muttering about how some people just don't understand what dogs love as Mimi chuckled quietly.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Cup.      



  1. Humans always want to clean what doesn't need to be clean

  2. It sounds like Hunga doesn't mind a clean bowl once in a while.

  3. I prefer my Lola to have a clean bowl too, her water bowl is emptied and rinsed daily then refilled.

  4. Love the fill in's and I always keep the dog water and food bowls clean. Always great fun here. Thanks for all you do.

  5. Your fill in answers were great! I love the photos and the fence always and all your writing. Thanks for hosting. Happy weekend.

  6. Smiling. I prefer clean bowls too. The cats are less fussy. They prefer FULL bowls.

  7. Clean bowls are good ... and so was your 6! Fun read, Mimi!

  8. Sweet Six. Don't know what makes me smile more - the image of Hunga "slurping thirstily out of the cup and no doubt slobbering up the floor or Mimi, quietly chuckling.

  9. You are a treasure and write so well ~ Xo ~ Glad the water bowls are there too ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Huh. Maybe I should let Pandy's bowls get a bit dirtier. Then maybe she wouldn't eschew her sparkling clean bowl filled with sparkling clean water for the toilet.
    Food for thought...


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