
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Diet Blues (Cajun Joke) and Sunday Selections


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Yesterday while Grandma was eating, she got to talking about her what she eats and her cholesterol.  She loves ice cream and has such a sweet tooth she wants to eat it a quart at a time.  Thus she won't let Grandpa buy it for her often, she has no self-control around it.

Since she only weighs about 100lbs., it's not really that big a deal.

She did make an exception yesterday, and had some ice cream, and started talking about how her cholesterol was a little high the last time she had it checked.

Finally, she sighed and as she took another bite of ice cream said, "I don't think The Lord will send me to the hot place because of high cholesterol."

Boudreaux done be put on de diet after he done see de doctor again, 'cause he done gots him de high cholesterol an' be overweight.

De nex' day, Thibodeaux done come by an' see him an' he look sad, sad.  Thibodeaux done ax, "Boudreaux, why you be lookin' so sad?"

An' Boudreaux say, "I's only been on dis diet fo' one day, an' mais! I's already done cheated an' had me eggs fo' breakfast."

An' Thibodeaux ax, "Fried?"

An' Boudreaux say, "Chocolate!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.     


Halloween decor and skyscapes, about all i've made time for this week.


Today is:

Cayenne Festival -- French Guiana (celebration of the capital city)

Day of Homage for the late King Father -- Cambodia (Norodom Sihanouk)

Dine with TV Dinners on the Floor Night -- probably started by someone who wanted to see how many websites would be crazy enough to even list this

Feast of the Three Noble Ladies -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (female pharaohs; date approximate)

Fete Nationale de l'Evacuation -- Tunisia (Evacuation Day, celebrates the day all foreign military finally and fully left)

Ghatasthapana Dashain Festival-- Nepal (start of a nine day Hindu festival, the longest and most auspicious festival in the Nepalese annual calendar)

Global Handwashing Day -- International (scrub up! prevent the spread of germs)

Guangzhou Autumn Trade Fair -- Guangzhou, China (through Nov. 15)

Ides of October -- Ancient Roman Calendar; also on this date

     Harvest Festival of Mars

     Ludi Capitolini (games in honor of Jupiter)

     Winter's Day

Mahakiki -- Hawai'ian New Year Season (a four-month season where warfare is forbidden and many ceremonies take place; begins around the time of the first sighting of the Pleiades in the Northern Hemisphere)

Mertz of All Possible Mertzes -- internet generated and on the day "I Love Lucy" premiered; i guess Fred and Ethel were the definition of what a Mertz should be!

National Cake Decorating Day -- again, because every website gives a different date

National Cheese Curd Day

National Chicken Cacciatore Day

National Grouch Day -- sponsored by Alan Miller, chairman of the board of NAG (National Association of Grouches)

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day -- US  

National Mushroom Day

National Roast Pheasant Day

National Tree Planting Day -- Sri Lanka

Navaratri Dussehra -- Hindu (nine-day Festival of Durga, wife of Shiva; local dates of observance may vary)

Newspaper Week -- Japan

Poetry Day -- birth anniversary of the Roman poet Virgil

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day -- Canada; NSW, Australia; UK; US   

Rectification Day -- Burkina Faso

Sewing Lovers' Day -- internet generated, as those who love to sew deserve a day to celebrate

St. Teresa of Avila's Day (Founder of the Reformation of the Discalces[Barefoot] Carmelites; Patron of lace makers/workers, people in need of grace, people in religious orders, people ridiculed for their piety, sick people; Amos, Canada; Berzano di Tortona, Italy; Pozega, Croatia; Spain; against bodily ills, headaches, sickness, the death of parents)

Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day

Teacher's Day -- Brazil

White Cane Safety Day -- US (celebrating the achievements of the blind/visually impaired, and recognizing the white cane as the symbol of their independence)

Wishbones for Pets begins -- US program asking professional pet sitters to gather pet supplies and donations for homeless pets through Thanksgiving

World Rural Women's Day/International Day of Rural Women -- UN; related observance

     Mother's Day -- Malawi

Birthdays Today:

Paige Davis, 1969

Sarah Ferguson, 1959

Emeril Lagasse,1959

Tanya Roberts, 1955

Tito Jackson, 1953

Richard Carpenter, 1946

Victor Banerjee, 1946

Jim Palmer, 1945

Penny Marshall, 1942

Linda Lavin, 1937

Lee Iacocca, 1924

Mario Puzo, 1920

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., 1917

John Kenneth Galbraith, 1908

Marty Mann, 1904

P.G. Wodehouse, 1881

Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, 1872

John L. Sullivan, 1858

Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844

Publius Vergilius Maro / Virgil, 70BCE

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Untouchables"(TV), 1959

"I Love Lucy"(TV), 1951

"Abe Lincoln in Illinois"(Play), 1938

To Have and Have Not(Publication date), 1937

"La Mer/The Sea"(Debussy orchestral composition), 1905

Today in History:

Belisarius makes his formal entry into Carthage, having conquered it from the Vandals, 533

Commissioned by Catherine De Medici, the 1st ballet "Ballet Comique de la Reine," is staged in Paris, 1581

Asser Levy is granted a butcher's license for kosher meat in New Amsterdam, 1660

The Montgolfier brothers' hot air balloon marks the first human ascent, by Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, (tethered balloon), 1783

George Washington takes the first formal presidential tour, of New England, 1789

Napoleon Bonaparte is exiled to the Island of St. Helena, 1815

Child labor law takes 12 year olds out of the work force, 1874

Edison Electric Light Company is incorporated, 1878

Koln cathedral is completed, 633 years after it was begun, 1880

The German dirigible "Graf Zeppelin' lands in Lakehurst, NJ, 1928

LaGuardia Airport opens, 1939

Fortran, the first modern computer language, is shared with the coding community for the first time, 1946

The start of the 2500-year celebration of Iran, celebrating the birth of Persia, 1971

The Great Storm of 1987 hits France and England, 1987

Wayne Gretzky becomes the all-time leading points scorer in the NHL, 1989

Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1990

The first supersonic land speed record is set by Andy Green in ThrustSSC (United Kingdom), exactly 50 years and 1 day after Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier in the Earth's atmosphere, 1997

The Cassini probe launches from Cape Canaveral on its way to Saturn, 1997

NASA's Galileo spacecraft passes within 112 miles of Jupiter's moon Io, 2001

China launches Shenzhou 5, its first manned space mission, 2003

The final breakthrough occurs on the east bore of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in the Swiss Alps, now the world's longest railway tunnel, 2010

Actress Alyssa Milano tweets "If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’", prompting a flood of replies across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, 2017

The government of Thailand issues an emergency decree banning public gatherings amid the increase in pro-democracy protests and criticism of the king, 2020


  1. As always I love your skyscapes. Thank you. The Halloween decorations are something we rarely see here so they are a treat as well.

  2. Chocolate eggs and lots of Halloween decorations. With that many photos of places outside of course you had little time for anything else, lol. Thanks for the sweet treat of looking around.

  3. fun Cajun joke ~ great Halloween decorations and gorgeous sky photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Now I want chocolate eggs. LOL Love the Halloween decor. Great pics.

  5. That was a cute joke. I love all the Halloween decorations. XO

  6. That was a funny one and I really like all of those Halloween decorations.

  7. Love the decorated yards. I'm supposed to be dieting for the same reasons as Boudreaux. I haven't been 100 pounds since I was 16.


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