
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Meeting in the Middle (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


It was a combination of busy-ness (on my part), and forgetfulness (on her part, due to low blood sugar), and a misunderstanding (on the bridge ladies' parts), what Grandpa calls "a catastrophic state of disarray due to redundancy and semi-loquaciousness."

Ms. JAI had me skip her place twice in a row, once because she was meeting up with someone to help her choose and learn to use a new phone, and once because she'd been called to play bridge with some of her new friends (and let me tell you, if you are a bridge player and live in a retirement community, you will never lack for requests to join in).

This week, she was asked to play again and called back to leave a message stating she'd love to play, but her housekeeper was coming and her house hadn't been cleaned in a month and she couldn't put it off again, and apparently the lady listened only to the part of the message up to "I'd love to play" and skipped everything after the "but" part, with the result that as i was heading over there, her friends were calling her frantic to get her to come so they could start their game.

She called me, also frantic, and asked if it would be okay if she wasn't there, she'd leave the door open (it's a gated community, her place is at the back, and she'd be in the clubhouse on the property) and of course i told her that was fine, and it was, i got in and got everything done.

When i was finished, i went to see her at the clubhouse and she said she'd rushed out so fast she forgot to get my money and could i come back, and i told her we could meet up later in the week and we agreed Wednesday when i was done with work and she would be running errands and i'd meet her on her errands not far from my Wednesday work.

Wednesday i called to meet up with her at the hardware store, but she forgot i was coming and left, then couldn't find the other place she wanted to go because she was accidentally trying to go to her old house, and she hadn't eaten, and her blood sugar was low, and i caught up with her in the grocery parking lot and she paid me and i made her wait while i went in and bought her a cheese and crackers snack so she wouldn't be so confused and could drive home to the right house!

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Combination.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

I love my gentle, quiet house,

so dark and so serene.

I share it with my sweet pet mouse

and I am its only queen.

Some might think it's spooky and dark

and I admit I often shun bright light,

but here I'm happy as a lark

and don't mean to give affright.


Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful i finally managed to catch up with Ms. JAI.  It had been way too long, and when i did get with her yesterday i made her promise she wouldn't leave the house again without eating first.


Today is:

Armilustrium -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of Mars)

Bettara-Ichi -- Ebisu Shrine, Tokyo, Japan (Pickle Market Fair, enjoy the pickled radishes, a specialty; through tomorrow)

Conflict Resolution Day -- Association for Conflict Resolution   

Constitution Day -- Niue

Dita e Lumturimit te Nene Terezes -- Albania (Mother Teresa Day)

Evaluate Your Life Day -- a day to make sure your life is heading where you want, and course correct if it isn't; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

Get Smart About Credit Day -- sponsored by the American Bankers Association   

Get to Know Your Customers Day -- third Thursday of every quarter

Greasy Spoon Day -- internet generated, a day to go revel in the love of your favorite greasy spoon diner

International Credit Union Day -- World Council of Credit Unions   

National Seafood Bisque Day

Preaching of the Lion Sermon -- St. Katharine Cree Church, London, England (Sermon dating back to the 1640's in commemoration of a gift for the poor made by Sir John Gayer, who was delivered from a lion while in Turkey)

Samora Machel Day -- Mozambique

St. Frideswide's Day (Patron of Oxford and the University of Oxford)

St. Rene Goupil's Day (Patron of anesthetists, anesthesiologists)

Yabusame Festival -- Koyama, Japan (horseback archery, samurai costumes and dragons, oh, my!)

Birthdays Today:

Jason Reitman, 1977

Ty Pennington, 1965

Evander Holyfield, 1962

Jeannie C. Riley, 1945

John Lithgow, 1945

Patricia Ireland, 1945

Simon Ward, 1941

Michael Gambon, 1940

Peter Max, 1937

Robert Reed, 1932

John Le Carre, 1931

Jack Anderson, 1922

Auguste Lumiere, 1862

Annie S. Peck, 1850

Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson, 1748

Thomas Browne, 1605 (O.S. date)

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Rothschilds"(Musical), 1970

"The Miracle Worker"(Play), 1959

"I Remember Mama"(Play), 1944

"Pomp and Circumstance Marches"(Elgar Op. 39), 1901

"Tannhauser und der Sangerkrieg auf Wartburg/Tannhauser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg"(Wagner opera), 1845

Today in History:

Battle of Zama, Scipio Africanus and his Roman legions defeat Hannibal Barca and the invading Carthaginian army, BC202

King Gauseric and his Vandals take the city of Carthage, 439

The Thirteen Years' War ends with the Treaty of Thorn, 1466

Martin Luther becomes a Doctor of theology, 1512

The first general court is held in Boston, 1630

Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown at 2PM, end of the US Revolutionary War, 1781

Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow, 1812

Elizabeth Blackwell becomes the first woman to receive a medical degree, 1849

The first 4 blacks are elected to the US House of Representatives, 1870

The USPS first used an automobile to collect and deliver mail, 1914

Streptomycin, the first antibiotic which could treat tuberculosis, is isolated at Rutgers University, 1943

Black Monday - the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 22%, 508 points, 1987

Mother Teresa is beatified by Pope John Paul II, 2003

Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for crimes against humanity, 2005

Hurricane Wilma becomes the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record with a minimum pressure of 882 mb, 2005

Naheed Nenshi becomes the first Muslim in Canada to be elected mayor, in Calgary, 2010

Pope Francis beatifies Pope Paul VI, who was known for changes in the Catholic Church that came out of Vatican II, 2014 

The New Zealand Labour Party forms a coalition government led by Jacinda Adern (37), the youngest NZ leader in 161 years, 2017

Peru announces a newly rediscovered geoglyph outline in the Nazca Desert, a 37m outline of a cat, probably completed between 500BC-200AD, 2021


  1. Ms JAI is lucky to have you in her life. Thank you.

  2. I am glad you were able to help Mrs JAI. The house in the image does look a little spooky, but I like it.

  3. You did a great poem. And that one fence is definitely celebrating Halloween decorations with all the cobweb.

  4. Getting old is not easy. We see it with Gramma and how little things become big things, she forgets things, change is also hard. Thankfully you got her place cleaned, got your money, and helped her with her health so she could get back home safely.

  5. I like your poem, it was so not what I expected, but it fits the picture perfectly.

  6. WOW, that was quite a story and I'm glad all worked out. Cute poem and a very nice thankful too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Even given a small number of variable (numbers in a combination) it's always amazing how many permutations are possible!
    fun Six

  8. Terrific poem for someone who is so busy!

  9. Great post ~ lovely poem, awesome fence photos and lovely thank yous too ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. that's a lot of busy-ness, mimi! enjoyed reading your six! reminded me of my grandmother.

  11. You are such a patient woman. I love how you always find the positives. XO

  12. That's a whole lot of whowhatwhenwhere going on, Mimi! Glad it all worked out in the end.

  13. Truth is stranger than fiction, it's also more amusing! Great story.

  14. Oh, wow! Low blood sugar is NOT something to play around with. So glad you sorted it out. AND helped your friend!
    Great Poem!!!

  15. Great poem and six sentence story, I must try the six sentence story as I do love to do write stories myself when I get a chance xxx


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