
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Hiding a Multitude of Sins, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

When i arrive at Carl's and the house is totally dark, it's not a good sign.  It usually means he doesn't have work.

If he's working, it's a bit of a rush to get him out the door, but then i can clean the room without interruptions.

If he's not working, he sleeps on the sleep chair and then keeps coming in his room the while i'm trying to get things done.

Such was the case yesterday.  I peeked into the living room and he was snoozing away in his sleep chair, and a quick glance at his schedule on the fridge confirmed he wasn't going to go anywhere for a while.

I got started gathering laundry and found out he's been buying new dryer balls again.

As they shrink, break apart or go missing, he buys new ones, but never gets rid of the older ones.  We're up to 7 now.

I made a thorough search for dirty clothes, including moving the bed skirt and giving under the bed a good sweeping.  You can hide a multitude of sins, he has found, under a bed that has a bed skirt.

Then i went on a hunt for his missing towels, including in the car, and found two.  Both were in the kitchen among the linens in there.  The rest are still AWOL.

Since i kept tripping over his red ice chest and another was on the counter where i would eventually need to clean, i rounded them up.

First, though, you have to find out what's in the ice chest.

This time, not much and nothing stinky, sticky, or leaving a stain.  Of course, one of the ice chests never made an appearance, just the lid is still extant.

The top of the fridge always holds something to be dealt with.

A popcorn tin, the only thing in it was its own lid.

The bag was empty so i set it aside for recycling and moved on to the inside of the fridge.

Sandwiches, but they looked strangely familiar.  Yes, one of them was from last week and is not fully sealed.  It's also no longer edible and since i take out the garbage and he never sees it, it's gone.

He also had a whole rotisserie chicken in there.  I have no idea what's up with that, but i can imagine i'll be dealing with the leftover carcass next week.

While getting his second load ready for the washer, i found he's back to using web belts.

Those are a pill, as they're hard to get through the loops, and they take so much effort to get out of the loops, he won't bother trying.  I found all of his other belts and hung them up in hopes he won't have to resort to the web belts again this week.

Don't bet on it, though.

About halfway through the morning, he wandered in, said, "Bad breath!" and proceeded to brush.  By the time he was done, i had changed the pillowcases on the pillows in the sleep chair and then handed him clean jammies so i could wash the ones he was wearing.

Once he'd changed, he said, "But I need another pajama top so I can sleep comfy!"  He had another clean top, which i handed him, and he wrapped his pillow in it and went back to lie down.

As he did, i noticed he stopped to set the timer on the microwave for 7 minutes and 52 seconds.  I wondered what in the world was up now, but it turned out, after 7 minutes and 52 seconds, he was up.

"I'm just in time to get up for Zumba class!" he said as he came in to take a shower.  Apparently he had exactly that long left to sleep so he wouldn't be late.

Since i was washing his linens, i got him some from the hall closet and he showered, then ate, then told me he needed to go to a barber shop after Zumba.  I told him about Sweetie's barber, the best in town.

Ms. V was up by this time and told him to take his credit card with him to the barber shop so he could pay.  "And don't carry it in your pocket, either, put it in your wallet!"

I hate to tell her, but not only is his wallet overfull and is the credit card just as likely to fall out of it as of his pocket, he also sent me an email a few hours later telling me he can't find his credit card.  Again.

One thing i can say for sure, it's not under the bed, bedskirt or no.

Speaking of beds, some bed funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone.


Today is:

Commemoration Day -- Tunisia

Day of Accord and Reconciliation -- Russia (formerly Great October Socialist Revolution Day, with the date determined by the Gregorian Calendar)

Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus (the Subtle Doctor, known for merging the views from many philosophies)

     Dunce Day -- from the word Dunse, a name for the followers of the philosophy of John Duns Scotus

Feast of Stolen Fire -- find it listed on several sites, but none have any background; maybe celebrate that Prometheus stole fire for us?

International Tongue Twister Day -- internet generated

Melbourne Cup Day -- Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne, Australia (155th running)

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

October Revolution Day -- Belarus; Kyrgyzstan (also called Days of History and Memory); Transdniestria

Stay Away from Anyone named Honest John Day -- internet generated; no comment

St. Florentius' Day (Patron against gall stones, ruptures)

St. Willibrord's Day (Patron of epileptics; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Utrecht, Netherlands; against convulsions, epilepsy)

Anniversary Today:

The Old Stoughton Musical Society, the oldest choral society in the US, is founded, 1786

Birthdays Today:

Jeremy London, 1972

Keith Lockhart, 1959

Joni Mitchell, 1943

Johnny Rivers, 1942

Barry Newman, 1938

Joan Sutherland, 1926

Al Hirt, 1922

Billy Graham, 1918

Albert Camus, 1913

Dean Jagger, 1903

Leon Trotsky, 1879

Madame Marie Curie, 1867

Captain James Cook, 1728

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"America Hurrah"(van Itallie play), 1966

"Face the Nation"(TV), 1954

"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"(Radio),1932

The Republican Elephant, as drawn by T. Nast in Harper's Weekly, 1874

"The Conscious Lovers"(Steele play), 1722

The Oxford Gazette(first edition), 1665 (Now The London Gazette)

Today in History:

The oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, the Ensisheim Meteorite, strikes around noon in a wheat field near the village of Ensisheim, Alsace, France, 1492

Pierre Gassendi observes the transit of Mercury as predicted by Kepler, 1631

Anne Hitchinson is banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a heretic, 1637

The first edition of the "London Gazette", the oldest surviving journal, is published, 1665

Lewis and Clark first sight the Pacific Ocean, 1805

The first Thomas Nast cartoon depicting the Republican Party Elephant is published, 1874

Edward Bouchet becomes the first black to receive a PhD from a US college (Yale), 1876

Women in the U.S. state of Colorado are granted the right to vote, 1893

The first air freight shipment is undertaken by the Wright brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse (from Dayton, Ohio to Columbus, Ohio), 1910

Mao Tse Tung proclaims the "Chinese People's Republic", 1931

Fiorello H. La Guardia is elected the 99th mayor of New York City, 1933

Carl B. Stokes is elected as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, becoming the first African American mayor of a major American city, 1967

Douglas Wilder wins the governor's seat in Virginia, becoming the first elected African American governor in the United States, 1989

Mary Robinson becomes the first woman to be elected President of the Republic of Ireland, 1990

NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor, 1996

U.S. voters in the state of Massachusetts approve a referendum legalizing the use of medical marijuana; Colorado and Washington approve the legalization of recreational use of the drug, 2012

Sierra Leone is declared free of Ebola by the World Health Organization (death toll 4,000), 2015

Extreme smog in Delhi, India, leads Indian Medical Association to declare "a state of medical emergency", 2017

The world's oldest figurative painting of an animal, at least 40,000 years old, is identified in Lubang Jeriji Saléh cave, Borneo, 2018

Queen Elizabeth II confirms that she is no longer buying any clothing that contains real fur, 2019


  1. I hope Carl's credit card resurfaces. Thanks for the funnies.

  2. Losing the credit card is not a good thing. We figure it happens often with him since his life is always in disarray. Good funnies.

  3. He probably put the credit card in the bag with the chicken.
    I'll keep saying Mimi, that you are an angel. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. I love Carl. A whirlwind of the unknown. I think you have him figured out though. You're the best.

    Love all the funnies. The colorful bed made my eye bleed. Just saying.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug, my friend. ♥

  5. Carl is a story all by himself ~ You take great care of him ~ Wonderful funnies ~ lol ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Good jokes, but for some reason I need a nap. Carl requires a lot of patience and he has that in an angel such as you!

  7. Speaking of laundry I should go and get mine out of the dryer. It's only been in there since yesterday.

  8. If only Zumba started a little earlier, you could get more done. :) XO

  9. Carl not working really does make it lots more working for you. Those were good funnies!

  10. Oh that last funny! "nice try laundry, I'm still going to sleep" i couldn't do it. I would have to fold and put away, or else I wouldn't sleep.
    You may have to "bite the bullet" and mention Carl's overfull wallet, he can't keep losing credit cards.

  11. You must have the patience of seven angels. But I like that ou turn it into stories for us to read.

  12. The bed funnies are so cute. They had me laughing.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Carl would wear me out! As for the funnies, you've nailed it this week!

  15. What would Carl do without you to help him? I loved the photos. Specially the cat on the bed. I went to an animal shelter in Greece that really struck me because they'd set the rescue cat building up a little like a home, and it did have beds and chairs the cats could sleep on, as well as private space for each cat. One did have its own little doll bed ! (I think all the furniture was donated). They were happy cats!!!!


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