
Friday, November 3, 2023

Kovu (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Kovu was going stir crazy, so one day i walked in to do morning caretaking and he was running around.

His bowls and litter were in the hall, so i  knew he'd been allowed out.

Of course, he owns the place.

He was also getting into stuff he shouldn't.

His handiwork.

And parking himself wherever he wished.

He's lounging between my two carts, one with the dirty water bucket and the garbage can, the other with the supplies.

Kovu is a good guy, but he has gastric trouble if he doesn't follow a strict diet, and no amount of hiding and securing them was stopping him from getting treats and noms he just should not have.  He's only allowed out now under strict supervision.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. My November to-do list includes _________ and _________.

2. I was busy doing _________ 20 years ago.

3. _________ is a challenge I often face.

4. I'm proud to say that I overcame _________.

1. My November to-do list includes   working   and   driving to NOLA on Thanksgiving Day, cooking a meal, cleaning up from a meal, and driving home.

2. I was busy doing   childraising  20 years ago.

3. Making myself get out of bed on a cold morning   is a challenge I often face.

4. I'm proud to say that I overcame   serious depression with only prayer and listening to uplifting, Christian music (KLove).  Please Note:  i do not in any way recommend this method!  I had a relative who "doesn't believe in such foolishness" and who would have fought to take my children away if i'd sought medical help or taken any medication.  I knew i was too depressed to fight this person, and didn't want to lose my kids, so i fought through the depression and came out with the only weapons i had available to me.  If you are depressed, please seek help!  I would have if it had been an option.


Today is:

Apaturia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (a three day meeting of the clans and welcoming newcomers and children into the community; date approximate)

Arbor Day -- Samoa

Betcha Festival -- Onomichi, Japan (men in costume "beat" children with bamboo whisks to prevent them getting ill in the coming year)

Breeder's Cup World Championship -- Santa Anita Park, Arcadia, CA, US (the world's best horses compete in 14 races; through tomorrow)

Bunka no hi -- Japan (Culture Day)

Cliche Day -- get them all out of your system today; sponsored by Wellcat Holidays    

Cuenca Day -- Cuenca, Ecuador

Housewives' Day -- birth anniversary of Roseanne Barr

Independence Day -- Dominica(1978); Federated States of Micronesia(1986); Panama (also called Separation Day, separating from Colombia in 1903)

Let Someone Have the Last Word Day -- internet generated, probably so you will quit with the cliches

Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Awareness And Appreciation Day -- US

Parsley Scattering Season ends -- Fairy Calendar

Sandwich Day -- birth anniversary of John Montague, Fourth Earl of Sandwich and reputed inventor of the food item which bears his name; make yourself a really good one in his memory

SOS Day -- on this date in 1906 the Second International Radio Telegraphic Conference at Berlin, Germany, proposed it as the new wireless distress signal to replace CQD (Come Quick, Danger)

St. Hubert's Day (Patron of archers, dogs, forest workers, furriers, hunters and hunting, machinists, mathematicians, metal workers, opticians, precision instrument makers, smelters, trappers; Liege, Belgium; Saint-Hubert, Belgium; against dog bites, hydrophobia/rabies)

St. Martin de Porres' Day (Patron of African-Americans, barbers/hair stylists, inter-racial justice, hotel-keepers/innkeepers, paupers, persons of mixed race, poor people, public education, public health, public schools, race relations/racial harmony, social justice, state schools, television; Biloxi, MI, US; Peru)

St. Pirminius' Day (Patron of Monsheim, Germany; against poisoning, snake bite)

St. Winifred's Day (Patron of incest victims, martyrs; Gwytherin, Wales; Holywell, Wales; Shrewsbury, England)

Tunnel Day -- NY, NY, US (anniversary of the start of the first subway tunnel in 1900)

Victory Day -- Maldives

World Community Day -- sponsored by Church Women United to focus on justice and peace through non-violent mean

Birthdays Today:

Gemma Ward, 1987

Evgeny Plushenko, 1982

Dolph Lundgren, 1959

Phil Simms, 1956

Adam Ant, 1954

Kathy Kinney, 1954

Kate Capshaw, 1953

Dennis Miller, 1953

Roseanne, 1952

Steve Landesberg, 1945

Ken Berry, 1933

Michael Dukakis, 1933

Monica Vitti, 1933

Charles Bronson, 1921

Bob Feller, 1918

Bronislau "Bronko" Nagurski, 1908

Edward Douglass White, 1845

William Cullen Bryant, 1794

Stephen Fuller Austin, 1793

Thomas Kyd, 1558

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Diff'rent Strokes"(TV), 1978

"Good Morning America"(TV), 1973

Play Misty for Me(Film, NYC release date), 1971

"The Unsinkable Molly Brown"(Musical), 1960

"A Connecticut Yankee"(Musical), 1927

Today in History:

Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Muslim caliph, is killed by a Persian slave in Medina, 644

Christopher Columbus first sights the island of Dominica in the Caribbean Sea, 1493

The English parliament accepts the Act of Supremacy, declaring Henry VIII to be the leader of the Church of England, 1534

Great Patent is granted to Plymouth Colony, 1620

A great panic occurs in Europe over the close approach of a comet, 1679

Spain acquires Louisiana, 1762

The Bank of Montreal, Canada's oldest chartered bank, opens in Montreal, Quebec, 1817

The Times of India, the world's most widely circulated English language daily broadsheet newspaper, is founded as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce, 1838

John W. Menard, of Louisiana, becomes the first African-American elected to Congress, 1868

"Black Bart the Poet", stagecoach robber, commits his last robbery, leaving behind a clue that leads to his capture, 1883

J.H. Hunter patents a portable weighing scale, 1896

Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market, 1911

The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 2. On board is the first animal to enter orbit, a dog named Laika, 1957

NASA launches Mariner 10 toward Mercury; it would later become the first probe to reach that planet, 1973

Dutch and British astronomers find spiral nebula Dwingeloo 1, 1994

Pervez Musharraf declares emergency rule across Pakistan, suspending the Constitution, 2007

US Border Patrol discovers a sophisticated tunnel used by drug smugglers from Tijuana, Mexico to Otay Mesa, California, 2010

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for global action on climate change after warning from scientists, 2014

New York's 104-storey One World Trade Center officially opens 13 years after the September 11 attacks, 2014

Air pollution levels in Delhi, India reach such high levels that authorities declare a public health emergency, 2019

South African writer Damon Galgut wins literature's Booker Prize for his novel "The Promise", 2021


  1. WOW, kudos to you for handling such a devastating emotional problem so well...not so happy about the "relative", whose business is is NOT to tell you how to live and handle your life! And mama loved The Promise...a wonderful book, and we hope Kovu follows his rules to keep healthy, such a beauty.

  2. That earlier comment was from LOULOU, NOT anonymous. So I'm fixing that.

  3. Kovu is very handsome and also determined.
    I don't normally comment about personal matters, but I do admire you for getting through your depression. I know first hand how hard it is.

  4. Kovu is an absolute beauty.
    All praise to you for being able to fight your depression. Depression is a skilled and practised liar and defeats too many people.

  5. Kovu gets everywhere! We all overcome depression in our own way. Thank you for sharing yours.

  6. Kovu is stunning. Beautiful cat!

    Depression is very serious. I'm glad you have been able to overcome it using your own methods. Therapy has been helpful for many people I know.

  7. Kovu aawww! bless him he is very active heheh! :-)

    Have a naughtytastic week 👍

  8. Kovu is sure interested in checking out most everything and he reminds me, looks wise, of our Maxwell. Those were good answers too.

  9. I feel badly for Kuovu. It seems he must be lonely most of the time. No wonder he goes a little crazy when left to his own devices! Here's wishing you lots more cuddles in future, buddy.

  10. Kovu is a cutie. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sorry you went through depression. I admire how you dealt with it to protect your kids. XO

  11. Fighting depression is a personal journey. Whatever works for any given person at any given time is the right path, no one has the right to judge.

  12. The spilled treats reminded us of Angel Raz. Congratulations on fighting depression.

  13. Kovu you had a touch of the night crazies....
    My brother in law had two cats years ago.
    They could open the cabinet where the Temptations were hidden. If the bag was not opened, the two of them could open it. The act was never witnessed but we think one would stand on the bag while the other ripped it
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Oh Kovu ~ you are a little scamp but a sweet one ~ and your fill-ins are awesome ~ glad you had success with healing from a depression ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Cats are opportunists, and it seems as if Kovu is no exception. Mom says she is happy you were able to find a way to manage your depression. Losing your kids would have been so terrible. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  16. It is tough to get out of bed on cold mornings, but once I do get going, it feels good. :)

  17. Kovu is cute as well as clever. I no longer have a schedule to keep so I get out of bed only when I am good and ready these days.

  18. Great fill-ins and #4 must have very hard, we send mew oodles of hugs! Kovu looks a lovely kitty, and that was very sneaky with the treats! MOL

  19. Kovu is a handsome dude. He sounds pretty crafty, too!


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