
Friday, November 17, 2023

Lumpy Lou (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Lou likes to lie in a lump in the bottom of his hammock.

Yes, he's a black cat and there's a painting of a black cat above him!


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. I always turn up the volume when _________ comes on.

2. I change the radio station when _________ comes on.

3. Once I finish _________ I can _________.

4. _________ is a tradition I always follow.

1. I always turn up the volume when   The Beatles   come(s) on.

2. I change the radio station when   nothing   comes on.   (I only listen to one station in the car, and it never changes.)

3. Once I finish   paying off one debt   I can   add that money to what is being paid on the next one down the list.

4. One Reese's peanut butter egg at Easter in memory of my aunt who loved them and died way too young   is a tradition I always follow.


Today is:

Army Day -- Democratic Republic of the Congo

Canterbury Provincial Anniversary Day -- Canterbury, New Zealand

Christchurch Show Day -- Canterbury, NZ

Coping With Uncertainty Day -- of uncertain origin, as it should be

Electronic Greeting Card Day -- internet generated, and of course probably started by the electronic greeting card websites

Holiday Lights on the Lake -- Altoona, PA, US (51 acres of lights, animations, gift shops, food, model train displays, and more; through the Sunday after New Year's Day)

Homemade Bread Day -- use the bread machine, it's fun and easy, i promise!  sponsored by the Homemade Bread Day Committee of Ann Arbor, MI, US

Inasa Puppet Festival -- Hamamatsu, Japan (a rarity in Japan, 3 days of performances by professional puppeteers from around Japan)

International Students Day -- International (meant to celebrate all students around the world, not specifically students studying in countries other than their own; anniversary of the Nazi storming and closing of the University of Prague)

John Peter Zenger Day -- marking his arrest in 1734 for libel; he continued to edit his newspaper from jail and was acquitted, an early victory for freedom of the press

National Baklava Day

National Farm Joke Day

National Unfriend Day -- all those people on Facebook you regret accepting as friends?  Jimmy Kimmel suggests you unfriend them today!

Polytechneio -- Greece (anniversary of the 1973 student protests against the junta)

Presidents' Day -- Marshall Islands

Public Restroom Hand Dryer Appreciation Day -- internet generated, and why?  they've been proven less sanitary, blowing germs everywhere; i will not appreciate this one

Shalako Festival -- Hopi and Zuni Native Americans (dates of main festivals and dance ceremonies vary by area, but usually the weekend nearest the 49th day after the 10th full moon)

Shogi Day -- Japan (celebrating shogi, a chess-like game)

St. Elizabeth of Hungary's Day (Patron of bakers, beggars, brides, charitable societies, charitable workers, countesses, exiles, falsely accused people, hoboes, homeless people, hospitals, lace makers/lace workers, nursing homes, nursing services, people in exile, people ridiculed for their piety, tertiaries, tramps, widows; Sisters of Mercy; Teutonic Knights; Erfurt, Germany; Jaro, Philippines; against in-law problems, the death of children, toothache)

St. Hilda's Day (Patron of learning and culture)

St. Hugh of Lincoln's Day (Patron of sick children, sick people, swans)

Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day -- Czech Republic; Slovakia

Substitute Educators Day -- US (the NEA encourages everyone to recognize those hard-working substitute teachers, especially the ones who work most or all of the school year)   

Take A Hike Day -- internet generated, and some websites say it's actually "Tell Your Boss to Take a Hike Day", but i don't recommend that unless you've recently inherited a fortune or won the Lotto

World Prematurity Day -- International (raising awareness about premature birth, the leading cause of newborn death each year, and what can be done to prevent it)    

Birthdays Today:

Isaac Hanson, 1980

Laura Wilkinson, 1977

Matthew Settle, 1969

Daisy Fuentes, 1966

Sophie Marceau, 1966

Dylan Walsh, 1963

RuPaul, 1960

Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, 1958

Danny DeVito, 1944

Lauren Hutton, 1944

Lorne Michaels, 1944

Tom Seaver, 1944

Lauren Hutton, 1943

Martin Scorsese, 1942

Gordon Lightfoot, 1938

Rock Hudson, 1925

Sichiro Honda, 1906

Lee Strassberg, 1901

Bernard Law Montgomery, 1887

August Mobius, 1790

John Peter Zenger, 1734

Atahualpa, last Emperor of the Inca, 1502

Flavius Claudius Julianus, Roman Emperor, 331

Vespian, Roman Emperor, 9

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Sunset Boulevard"(Musical), 1994

"Rumors"(Simon play), 1988

"The Elephant Man"(Play), 1977

"The Sorcerer"(Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera), 1877

"Andromaque"(Racine tragedy), 1667

Today in History:

Diocletian is proclaimed emperor by his soldiers, 284

England and Spain sign an anti-French covenant/treaty, 1511

Elizabeth I ascends the English throne, 1558

France and Spain sign the Peace of the Pyrenees treaty, 1659

The Church of England organizes in New England, 1785

Congress holds its first session in the still incomplete Capitol Building of Washington, D.C., 1800

The Delta Phi fraternity, America's oldest continuous social fraternity, is founded at Union College in Schenectady, New York, 1827

Ecuador and Venezuela separate from Greater Colombia, 1831

Street signs are first authorized at San Francisco intersections, 1853

David Livingstone becomes the first European to see Victoria Falls, 1855

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's Slavonic March is given its première performance in Moscow, 1876

Japan and Korea sign The Eulsa Treaty, 1905

The first US dental hygienist course is formed, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1913

US declares the Panama Canal Zone to be neutral, 1914

Lenin defends the "temporary" removal of freedom of the press, 1917

American scientists John Bardeen and Walter Brattain observe the basic principles of the transistor, a key element for the electronics revolution of the 20th Century, 1947

Douglas Engelbart receives the patent for the first computer mouse, 1970

In Czechoslovakia, the Velvet Revolution that would overthrow the communist government begins when student protests in Prague are quelled by riot police, 1989

Brian May of the rock band Queen was appointed Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University, 2007

In Sweden, divers find the wreckage of the Svardet, a warship sunk in 1676 during the Battle of Oland, 2011

The Church of England adopts legislation enabling the appointment of female bishops, 2014

A smaller pyramid found within 2 known Kukulkan "nesting" pyramids dating from 550-580 AD is announced at Chichen Itza in Yucatan, Mexico, 2016

British Columbia declares a state of emergency after an "atmospheric river" storm causes widespread rain and flooding, 2021


  1. Your always optimistig or thougthful fill-ins are good to read. Thanks.

  2. Odie loves his hammock too. Tonight however he is snuggled into our bed.
    I do love your fill-ins. Each and every week.

  3. Aww! Lou and his hammock LQQKING so contented :-)
    Have a lazytastic weekend and thanks for hosting 👍

  4. Number four is a real sweet tribute to your aunt. Enjoy that one candy when you do it. And it's a good thing as bipids we are tall enough to look down on our sweet little lumps when they are in a hammock.

  5. Lou looks very cozy there in his hammock bed. You are the only person we know of besides our mom that never changes the radio station. She has had to right now because "our" station is playing Christmas music since Nov 1st and that is too early but we will switch back in a week.

  6. You are a hammock cute Lou and you made me yawn! Those were good answers too!

  7. Lumpy Lou has mastered the art of hanging out more than any kitty I've ever seen! Long may he reign.

  8. Lumpy Lou is a cutie Thanks for hosting Feline Friday and for joining in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sorry about your aunt, but that is a sweet ( pardon the pun) way to remember her. XO

  9. My neighbours must hate me when the Beatles come on - the louder the better!

  10. Great fill ins. We had a similar answer for #1. Love Lou in the hammock. Very cute.

  11. Lumpy Lou is so adorable! Furbulous fill-ins, and we hope mew have a truly epic weekend!

  12. If I would be allowed to do so, I'd enjoy sitting in a lump in my hammock.

  13. Lumpy Lou...mol that is how a hammock looks if I'm in one. I don't eat candy per se but I do love a Reese's cup
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Looks like a cats hotel! Great photos.

    God bless.

  15. "Public Restroom Hand Dryer Appreciation Day"
    You're right about the germs. But at our city hall they had to go to hand dryers because on court night, the pissed off defendants would take hand fulls of paper towels, stuff them in the toilet, and flush many times to flood the bathroom.

  16. That hammock looks so comfortable. Have a great weekend. :)

  17. I can't imagine Lola in a hammock, she prefers a firm base for sleeping.

  18. Lou ~ you are one precious kitty lump being cozy ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. Lou, that hammock sure looks cozy! I love the way you remember your dear departed Aunt.


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