
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Drop On In (Cajun Joke), Sunday Selections and Sunday Selfies


Just because Sandee of Comedy Plus is no longer hosting a Silly Sunday blog hop, do not expect me to quit telling Cajun jokes, especially as it has now become a habit.

Mr. BA is once again facing winter with his many outdoor plants and no proper greenhouse.  The one he started two years ago still sits as a skeleton. The "temporary" one up against the house has not been taken apart since last year.

Of course, he hasn't had time to get to fixing the fountain/pond, either.

And there are several other projects waiting in the wings.

Boudreaux done be talkin' to Thibodeaux, an' he be tellin' him he want to build him a front po'ch on de house so's dey can sit in de shade out dere instead o' jes' settin' on de stoop.

Clothile done hear him an' she come in an' say, "You be t'inkin' you be goin' build you a po'ch when de front do' done been hangin' by one hinge fo' six month?"

Thibodeaux, not wantin' get in de middle o' dis, say, "I t'ink I be goin' to de store, Marie done ax me to pick up a few t'ings."

An' Boudreaux say, "Come back enny time."

An' Clothile add, "Mais, oui, dat be easy, since wit' de bad hinge, the do' allus be open!"


Sunday Selections was started as a way for bloggers to use photos that might otherwise just languish in their files.  The rules have been relaxed, and it is now simply a showcase for your photos, new or old, good or bad, although nothing rude, please.  It was hosted by River, who still participates, and is now hosted by Elephant's Child.       

Every time i think i've caught up and can spend some time just snapping pictures or relaxing, more gets put on my plate.  These are what i was able to get this past week.


This week, Mr. Gray, the feral cat Ms. G had neutered and buys food for the neighbor to feed, wants to join the Kitties Blue for their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.   


Today is:

Anniversary of the Victory over Daesh/ISIS -- Iraq

Chief Red Cloud Day -- marking the Sioux leader's death in 1909; defender of Native rights, son of Lone Man and Walks As She Thinks

Constitution Day -- Thailand

Dewey Decimal System Day -- anniversary of Melvil Dewey's birth

International Animal Rights Day

International Human Rights Day -- anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948

Jane Addams Day -- Hull House Museum, Chicago, IL, US (sponsored by the American Association of University Women-Illinois

Lux Mundi -- Ancient Roman Calendar (honoring Libertas as the bringer of light into the world)

Namibian Women's Day -- Namibia

National Lager Day

Nobeldagen -- Sweden (Alfred Nobel Day, presentations of the Nobel Prizes at the Stockholm Concert Hall)

     Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony -- Oslo City Hall, Oslo, Norway

Second Sunday of Advent -- Christian

     Lighting the Candle of Peace/Preparation/Prophecy

Sister-Friend Day -- internet generated, but if you have a sister who is a good friend to you, it's worth celebrating

St. Eulalia of Merida's Day (Patron of runaways, torture victims, widows; Merida, Spain; Oviedo, Spain)

The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting -- in memory of children lost the previous year

Whirling Dervishes Festival -- Konya, Turkey (through the 17th)

World Choral Day -- International Federation for Choral Music   

Anniversaries Today:

Mississippi becomes the 20th US State, 1817

Birthdays Today:

Raven-Symone, 1985

Bobby Flay, 1964

Kenneth Branagh, 1960

Susan Dey, 1952

Gloria Loring, 1946

Dan Blocker, 1928

Harold Gould, 1923

Dorothy Lamour, 1914

Chet Huntley, 1911

Hermes "Pan" Panagiotopolous, 1909

Mary Norton, 1903

Melvil Dewey, 1851

Emily Dickinson, 1830

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, 1787

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Wings Over America"(Album release), 1976

Lawrence of Arabia(Film), 1962

"The Mighty Mouse Playhouse" (TV), 1955

Grand Ole Opry (first radio broadcast), 1927

Today in History:

Martin Luther publicly burns the papal edict demanding that he recant, 1520

Isaac Newton's paper De Motu Corporum in Gyrum, containing the derivation of Kepler's laws from his theory of gravity, is read to the Royal Society by Edmund Halley, 1684

The Massachusetts Bay Colony becomes the first American Colonial government to borrow money, 1690

The metric system is formally established in France, 1799

The first traffic lights are installed outside the Palace of Westminster in London, 1868

Women's suffrage is granted in Wyoming Territory, the first in the US, 1869

Women are granted suffrage in Tasmania, 1902

The 10,000,000th Model T Ford is assembled, 1915

The Grand Ole Opry makes its radio debut, in Nashville, Tn, 1927

UN General Assembly adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

Ralph J Bunche becomes the first black to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, 1950

The United Nations General Assembly approves Pakistan's proposal for establishing nuclear free-zone in South Asia, 1981

The last shift leaves Wearmouth Colliery in Sunderland; the closure of the 156-year-old pit marks the end of the old County Durham coalfield, which had been in operation since the Middle Ages, 1993

An archive documenting the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda is revealed in the capital city of Kigali, 2010

Mary Barra of General Motors becomes the first female CEO of a major automotive company, 2013

Governor Jerry Brown tours Southern Californian wildfires and declares them "the new normal", 2017

The first fully electric commercial plane, a retrofitted seaplane, completes its test flight in Vancouver, 2019

Rare December tornadoes strike four American states, 2021


  1. "Mississippi becomes the 20th US State, 1817"
    And still thinks it's 1817.

  2. I love the things you saw and captured, but how I hope you get some much needed rest.

  3. Today you are a kaleidoscope of pictures. I love everyone. We go from red poinsettias to pink rose and of course a beautiful cat. Have a peaceful Sunday.

  4. Wonderful Christmas decorations; and a fence too. Thank you, Mimi.

    God bless.

  5. That was funny and your photos were all super pretty! Mr. Gray sure is a handsome dude.

  6. Fun Cajun joke ~ awesome sky photos and wonderful Holiday decorations photos too ~ Sweet Mr. Gray photo ~ love him ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. gray ewe iz... one...handsum...dood !!! and speekin oh awesum, that cactuzz ROX !!! ♥♥♥

  8. Funny joke and great photos. Such a pretty kitty. XO

  9. Beautiful photos and skies. Boudreaux needs to fix that door before the snow blows in!

  10. Well, my greenhouse is still in the box...a lot of good that does! (And so are the cold frames, sheesh!)

    Mr Gray is a handsome kitty!
    That Christmas cactus really loves the place it's in judging by the tons of blooms on it!

  11. That's a funny joke and Grey's a handsome cat!


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