
Thursday, December 7, 2023

Options (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


"Good morning, sweetheart," George said, coming into the kitchen where his wife Judy was already drinking coffee and reading the paper.

"Good morning, you look dapper today, are you planning some shenanigans?"

"Sweetheart, I'm 81 years old, there's a limit to what mischief I can get into, I'm just meeting the guys at Frank's for breakfast."

"Well, there's always one thing you can do, even at your age," she said.

"What's that?" he asked.

Turning the paper over to the front page, which had still more election campaign news, she said, "Run for president!"

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Limit.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

We train hard to be ready for the fray,

when it's show time, we don't have much to say,

this is part of our work though it looks like play,

and we hope the rider will always do it the same way,

'cause one false move could ruin someone's day!


Brian's Family of Brian's Home hosts Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful Angel, Ms. G's cat, is showing signs the long-acting shots she received before her mama left town are doing what they are supposed to do.  She is eating, drinking and litter boxing normally and even got in her chair and sniffed me when i put my hand near, although she would not touch me (and i never try to touch her, she has to make the first move).


Today is:

Armed Forces Flag Day -- India

Día de las Velitas -- Columbia (Day of the Little Candles, a celebration on the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

Feast of Osiris in Abydos -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Hang a Wreath Day -- after all, by now it's about time

Hanukkah -- Judaism (Festival of Lights; begins at sundown, through sundown Dec. 15)

International Civil Aviation Day -- UN

Letter Writing Day -- no origin info found, but think of how happy someone will be to get a letter if you write one!

National Cotton Candy Day

National Day -- Myanmar

National Heroes' Day/Memorial Day -- East Timor

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day -- US

Quema del Diablo -- Guatemala (Burning of the Devil, to cast out impurities before the Feast of the Immaculate Conception)

St. Ambrose of Milan's Day (Patron of beekeepers, bees, candle makers/chandlers, domestic animals, learning, schoolchildren/students, wax refiners; French Commissariat; Milan, Italy)

Students' Day -- Iran

Spitak Remembrance Day -- Armenia

Anniversaries Today:

National Fire Safety Council founded, 1979

Delaware becomes the first US State, 1787

Birthdays Today:

Aaron Carter, 1987

Tino Martinez, 1967

C. Thomas Howell, 1966

Edd Hall, 1958

Larry Bird, 1956

Tom Waits, 1949

Johnny Bench, 1947

Harry Chapin, 1942

Ellen Burstyn, 1932

Ted Knight, 1923

Eli Wallach, 1915

Louis Prima, 1910

Willa Cather, 1873

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"City of Angels"(Musical), 1989

"Band on the Run"(Album), 1973 (UK release date)

"The Gondoliers; or, The King of Barataria"(Savoy Opera), 1889

Today in History:

Marcus Tullius Cicero is assassinated, BC43

Chinese Emperor Lo-Yang makes notation of a supernova (MSH15-52), 185

Connecticut Route 108, one of the oldest highways in the US, is completed to Trumbull, 1696

The Royal Opera House opens at Covent Garden, London, 1732

Marquis de Lafayette attempts to enter the American military as a major general, 1776

The New York Philharmonic plays its first concert, 1842

Max Planck, in his house at Grunewald, on the outskirts of Berlin, discovers the law of black body emission, 1900

Leo Baekeland of Yonkers patents the first thermosetting plastic, Bakelite, 1911

The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, 1941

Prince Rainier III of Monaco revises the principality's constitution, devolving some of his power to advisory and legislative councils, 1962

The first ever general election on the basis of direct adult franchise is held in Pakistan for 313 National Assembly seats, 1970

The final Apollo mission is launched, and takes the photo now called The Blue Marble as they take off, 1972

Yasser Arafat recognizes the right of Israel to exist, 1988

The Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter, a little more than six years after it was launched, 1995

The Recording Industry Association of America files a lawsuit against the Napster file-sharing client alleging copyright infringement, 1999

The Conservative Party of Canada is officially recognized after the merger of the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 2003

Scientists in Tanzania discover the oldest-known dinosaur fossil, and 243-million-year-old Nyasasaurus, 2012

NASA reports the GRAIL probes studying the moon reveal unexpectedly deep cracks, craters and tectonic structures, 2012

Beijing issues its first ever red alert for pollution, 2015

Naples' pizza spinning, Germany's organ music, Kyrgystan's Kok boru and India's Kumbh festival are all given UNESCO intangible heritage status, 2017

Breaking, the competitive form of breakdancing, is confirmed as an Olympic sport for the Paris 2024 games, 2020


  1. I loved your six second story and poem - and am very, very glad Angel is feeling better.

  2. So glad Angel is improving. I wouldn't like to be one of those men under the bike.

  3. Great six sentence story, it did make me laugh, so glad to hear Angel is feeling much better xxx

  4. That's a great iron fence, and it's nice to see a holiday wreath right in the middle of it.

  5. Good story. Men always seem to love to go to breakfast with "the guys". Love the motorcycle one, so funny and scary.

  6. I for one would sooner vote for any of our fellow Six Sentence Story writers than pretty much any politician found in the 'real' world

  7. Glad to hear Angel is healing with the shots she received ~ continued good healing ~ You are quite the wordsmith despite how busy you are ~ You are an angel ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. That was a fun story and a darn good poem too. Your thankful was totally purrfect. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Funny store and poem. :) I am glad Angel is doing better. I could never leave to go somewhere if my cat was sick. XO

  10. Glad to hear about Angel's recovery. Have a happy holiday.

  11. A highly amusing six! The stunt rider picture made me cringe!

  12. I love seeing the beautiful Christmas-y fence.

  13. Well, it has been proven anyone can attain the highest office.
    Holy smokes that would ruin the day, big time!
    Excellent news for Angel. And for Ms. G upon her return.

  14. What a great job on the poem Mimi....! It's a frightening photo really - that last guy in line is probably a nervous wreck (as well as the guy on the bike!!).

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy


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