
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Never Cross A Cat (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


Ms. G had heard all the rave reviews about the new trend of getting rid of your clumping clay cat litter and switching to pine pellets -- better for the environment, great odor control, lots cheaper if you get the pellets at her much loved Tractor Supply store -- and fell for it lock, stock, and barrel.

She invested in a 40 pound bag of the pellets and a special self-sifting litter box and informed Angel cat she was going to switch litters, taking away one of her litter boxes and replacing it with the new stuff and a tiny layer of the old litter on top to entice her in.

For once Ms. G had reckoned without her host and Angel, after putting one paw precariously on the new stuff, covered with her old litter as it was, flat refused to get all of the way in the box and continued to use the one box with the old style clumping clay litter in it.

In an attempt to force the issue, Ms. G didn't clean that box for a day; Angel answered by stepping just far enough into the new stuff to get some of her business in the box and some of it in front of said box, on the floor.

After two weeks, Ms. G has been forced to cry "Uncle!" and yesterday i dumped out the barely used pine pellets, washed the self-sifting litter box, and made sure Angel cat had two litter boxes with "her" brand of clumping clay litter.

Ms. GA, my Friday lady, has been using the pellets for many years and all of her cats have never used anything else, so she will be the grateful recipient this week of an almost full 40 pound bag, although Ms. G has kept the self-sifting litter box and i have no clue what she plans to do with it now and i'm afraid to open that can of worms.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Stock.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

They say it's prairie puppy love

but the two of us know better,

and once we get our braces unstuck,

you can wear my prairie letterman's sweater!


Agnel Brian's Family of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful we got Ms. G's project with the china set done.


Today is:

Burning of the Clavie -- Burghead, Scotland (ancient ritual to ensure good luck through the year)

Carmentalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (festival of the goddess of childbirth)

Cuckoo Dancing Week begins -- in honor of Laurel & Hardy, whose theme song was "The Dancing Cuckoos"; watch some of their fabulous material this week, and introduce it to a new fan

Designated Hitter Day -- the American League adopted the "designated hitter" rule on this date in 1973

Feast of Sokar -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Independence Manifesto Day -- Morocco(1944); Western Sahara(1944)

International Thank You Day -- as declared by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith

Juturnalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (goddess of prophetic waters festival)

Kosrae Constitution Day -- Micronesia

Milk Day

National Hot Toddy Day

Secret Pal Day -- no info found on the origin, it's a secret!  do something nice for someone, secretly.

Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day -- just don't do it to your secret pal

Sts. Paldo, Taso, and Tato's Day (founders of the monastery of San Vincenzo)

St. Theodosius of Cappadocia (Patron of file makers)

Tattoo Pride Day

Birthdays Today:

Amanda Peet, 1972

Mary Blige, 1971

Kim Coles, 1962

Stanley Tucci, 1960

Ben Crenshaw, 1952

Christine Kaufmann, 1945

Naomi Judd, 1946

Jim Hightower, 1943

Clarence Clemens, 1942

Jean Chretien, 1934

Rod Taylor, 1930

Grant Tinker, 1926

Alice Paul, 1885

William James, 1842

Eugenio Maria Hostos, 1839

John A. Macdonald, 1815

Alexander Hamilton, 1755

Theodosius I, 347

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Daktari"(TV), 1966

"Have a Heart"(Musical), 1917

Today in History:

Prophet of Islam Muhammad leads an army of 10,000 Muslims to conquer Mecca, 630

The first recorded lottery in England is drawn in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1569

Isaac Newton is elected a member of the Royal Society, 1642

Mt. Etna erupts, 1693

William Herschel discovers Titania and Oberon, the moons of Uranus, 1787

An earthquake in Martinique destroys half of Port Royal and results in about 700 deaths, 1839

Charring Cross Station opens in London, 1864

Milk is first delivered in bottles, 1878

Martha H. Cannon becomes the first woman state senator in the US, in Utah, 1897

The Hudson, the first sedan type automobile, goes on display at the 13th Auto Show in NYC, 1913

The first use of insulin to treat diabetes in a human patient occurs in Canada, with 14-year-old Leonard Thompson, 1922

Amelia Earhart becomes the first person to fly solo from Honolulu to Oakland, California, 1935

The first recorded snowfall in Los Angeles, California, 1949

United States Surgeon General Luther Leonidas Terry, M.D., publishes a landmark report saying that smoking may be hazardous to health, sparking nation- and worldwide anti-smoking efforts, 1964

The Gateway Bridge, Brisbane in Queensland, Australia is officially opened, 1986

The government of Ireland announces the end of a 20-year broadcasting ban on the IRA, 1994

Illinois Governor George Ryan commutes the death sentences of 167 prisoners on Illinois' death row based on the Jon Burge scandal, 2003

Forty-six  people are killed and 12 are missing after a landslide buries a village in the Yunnan province, China, 2013

In China's first significant #MeToo moment Beihang University in Beijing fires a professor for sexual misconduct, 2018

Taiwan re-elects Tsai Ing-wen for a second term as president by a landslide, 2020


  1. My Lola is a clumping clay girl and won't use anything else. Luckily I had bought only a small bag of the "newspaper pellet" type so wasn't worried about throwing it away. Love the hugging prairie dogs.

  2. Love your poem. Our boys use clumping clay. Great odour control and it suits them (and us).

  3. 'cats is funny' (a wise old saying, the implication that the canine world follow a more mundane, if not sensible, path for natural functions).
    fun Six!

  4. Now don't we all know that you can never make a cat do something it does not want to. This is funny but also rather aggravating to us humans when it happens. I see the fence has some inside puppies and an outside puppy. I must be having a visit.

  5. Prairie dogs are so cute! Cats are weird about their litter boxes. It is probably best to make a big change like that with a young cat.

  6. Love your poem about puppy prairie dog love!

  7. Cats are never easy (I know very well)!!!

  8. Charlee: "We have never used anything here except for wood pellets. I'm not sure what we would even think of clay."
    Chaplin: "We cats are not big on change, as you know."
    Oona: "You two are fuddy-duddy cats, not like Smol Oona. Smol Oona fears no change! But still, do not mess with Smol Oona's litter."
    Charlee: "You just said you fear no change."
    Oona: "OONA DOES NOT FEAR IT!!! She just doesn't want it."

  9. Favorite today are the adorable prairie dogs and your fun poem to go with it ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. I tried the pellets too and neither kitties would even get in. We are back to using the clumping litter.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, my friend. Hugs. ♥

  11. I'm afraid to change Katie's litter. She uses Dr. Elsie's. Or however it's spelled. EXPENSIVE!

  12. Nobody here would use any pellets either. One of the bloggers switched to horse bedding pellets until they had an outbreak of fruit flies in the house. That is a cute poem and a good thankful. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Cats are stubborn. :) Nice poem and thankful. XO

  14. I'm with the cat, I hate change too.

  15. Well. At least someone got a benefit of a large bag of litter! Kitties can be more stubborn than most people I know!!

  16. I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE your's sweet and hilarious all rolled into a few lines. Thanks so much for joining us in poetic FUN!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  17. Felines like what they like and like many humans, resist even the notion of trying something new. Smart thinking on Ms. G's part to keep one of the boxes the same, just in case!


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