
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

If the Pillow Was Stubborn (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, BeThere2Day, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month, the prompts are being provided by Lissa.  

This week's prompts are:

1. soul

2. brilliant

3. breakfast

4. winter

5. moon

Charlotte/Mother Owl has chosen graphite black as the color of the month, which i will try to add to the WfW stories.

"I have a BRILLIANT idea!" Tony pounced on Thea as she came into the kitchen.

She looked at her brother with a mixture of affection and exasperation.  "As long as you don't want me to sell my SOUL before BREAKFAST."

Thea, short for Dorothea, a name her mother loved and she loathed, walked to the kitchen island, its Graphite Black countertop in sharp contrast to the stark white of the shelves.  Her mother loved that look, too, and Thea just shook her head in resignation every time she saw it.

Tony interrupted her thoughts by continuing.  "Nah, that's old school, and it doesn't work.  I tried a seance once and couldn't get through to anything.  Anyway, it's WINTER, it's cold and miserable, we all need a change, let's have a full MOON party!  There'll be a full moon in two weeks, we can invite everyone, have dancing and food and..."

Thea just shook her head.  "Have you asked Mom?"

"No, we need to both ask."

"Because she knows better than to let you loose with such an idea.  Okay, tell you what.  We'll talk to her about having a party, but first let me have coffee and breakfast and shake the cobwebs out of my brain, okay?"

Tony smiled, knowing he'd won and it would happen, eventually.  "You got it!"


Today is:

Charles Dickens Day -- read a chapter or two of his work, in honor of his birth

Daniel Boone Escape Day -- he escaped from the Shawnee tribe which had captured him

Feast of Mulk (Dominion) -- Baha'i

Ice Cream for Breakfast Day -- because you have to do it at least once a year

Independence Day -- Grenada(1974)

Marriage Week -- UK (part of the Futureway Trust, and now observed around the world, celebrating the diversity and vibrancy of marriage as the heart of family life)     

National Fettucini Alfredo Day

National Girls and Women in Sports Day -- US     

National Hangover Awareness Day -- internet generated and shouldn't it be on Jan.1?

Send a Card to a Friend Day -- wonder which card company created this one

St. Theodore Stratelates' Day (Patron of soldiers; Brindisi, Italy; for finding lost objects)

Wave All you Fingers at Your Neighbor Day -- sponsored by Wellcat Holidays; wave to your neighbors, let them know you like them

Birthdays Today:

Tina Majorino, 1985

Ashton Kutcher, 1978

Chris Rock, 1965

Garth Brooks, 1962

Eddie Izzard, 1962

James Spader, 1960

Miguel Ferrer, 1954

Hector Babenco, 1946

Pete Postlethwaite, 1945

Gay Talese, 1932

Keefe Brasselle, 1923

Eddie Bracken, 1920

Oscar Brand, 1920

Larry "Buster" Crabbe, 1908

Sinclair Lewis, 1885

James Hubert “Eubie” Blake, 1883

Alfred Adler, 1870

Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1867

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, 1834

Charles Dickens, 1812

John Deere, 1804

Sir Thomas More, 1478

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"America's Most Wanted"(TV), 1988

"Blazing Saddles"(Film), 1974

"Pinocchio"(Disney animated Film), 1940

"The Cat and the Canary"(Play), 1922

"Kid Auto Races at Venice"(first Charlie Chaplin "Little Tramp" Film), 1914

"Chantecler"(Rostand Play), 1910

"The Deserter"(first ballet performed in US), 1827

"Il Matrimonio Segreto" (Comarosa Opera), 1792

Today in History:

The Mongols burn the Russian city of Vladimir, 1238

Edward of Carnarvon,later Edward II, becomes the first English prince to hold the title Prince of Wales, 1301

The bonfire of the vanities occurs in which supporters of Girolamo Savonarola burn thousands of objects like cosmetics, art, and books in Florence, Italy, 1497

King Philip II forms an inquistion in South America, 1569

Academie Francaise begins a Dictionary of the French Language, 1639

An 8.2 magnitude earthquake shakes New Madrid, Missouri, 1812

The colonial Tasmanian Parliament passes the Electoral Act of 1856, the first piece of legislation anywhere in the world providing for elections by way of a secret ballot, 1856

The Battle at Ingogo, Transvaal: the Boers defeat superior British forces, 1881

The Great Blizzard of 1891 begins, 1891

Émile Zola is brought to trial for libel for publishing J'Accuse, 1898

Baltimore catches fire; 1500 buildings are destroyed in 80 blocks, 1904

The Mud March, the first large procession organized by the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS), 1907

Charlie Chaplin debuts "The Tramp" in "Kid Auto Races at Venice," 1914

The first wireless message sent from a moving train to a station is received, 1915

Bert Hinkler begins the first solo flight from England to Australia, 1928

Pluto moves inside Neptune's orbit for the first time since either was discovered, 1979

Astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart make the first untethered space walk using the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), 1984

The Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party agrees to give up its monopoly on power, 1990

Haiti's first democratically-elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, is sworn in, 1991

The Maastricht Treaty is signed, leading to the creation of the European Union, 1992

Crown Prince Abdullah becomes the King of Jordan on the death of his father, King Hussein, 1999

Bushfires in Victoria left 173 dead in the worst natural disaster in Australia's history, 2009

In Europe, ready-meal manufacturer Findus withdraws its beef lasagne meals from supermarkets after confirming beef supplied by French manufacturer Comigel contained horsemeat, 2013

All citrus fruit can be traced to the southeast foothills of the Himalayas, according to a DNA study published in Nature, 2018

Sarah Thomas becomes the first woman to referee a Super Bowl, 2021


  1. Seriously, what could be worse than a pillow acting up! That would just be a nighmare, LOL!

  2. Laughing at the pillow and the tangle of charger wires on the side. And a full moon party? What could go wrong?

  3. I'm trying to figure out the use of that pillow. I'm sure there is a story here, but I don't have a clue.

    You're a most wonderful wordsmith.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Not sure about the pillow. Great use of the words.

  5. Java Bean: "Ayyy, somebody sure showed that pillow who's boss!"

  6. Rambling pillow photo ~ lol ~ Great words you write ~ thanks ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Charles Dickens' Day? A reminder to me to get busy on Oliver Twist, I think.

  8. Looks like a comfy pillow. Thanks for all the great events celebrated today! Cheers.

  9. I like your story and I like black countertops too, but maybe not stark white shelves. A full moon party sounds wonderful.

  10. That pillow is hanging on! That was a good story too!

  11. You always write a great story, Mimi! That pillow definitely looks like it's gonna stay in place. :)

  12. What exactly is a full moon party? I wonder. Good use of the WFW prompts. I'm sorry for the late visit as you didn't leave a link and I kind of forgot to check.

    Have a lovely day.


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