
Friday, February 16, 2024

Princess (Feline Friday) and Friendly Fill-Ins


Feline Friday was originally started by Steve, The Burnt Food Dude (who no longer blogs), and i'm going to believe it's because he likes cats.

He handed hosting duties off to Sandee at Comedy Plus, and now she's entrusting it to me.

Feline Friday is simple to join.  All you have to do is: Post a picture, drawing, cartoon or video of a cat (they may be silly or cute).  Then add your link!

One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do.  So come and join us in Feline Friday.

What better way to start the weekend than with a feline!

Princess was ill for a while, but once she got well, she was adopted quickly.


Friendly Fill-Ins are easy to do. There are four statements: the first two statements are provided by Ellen of 15AndMeowing, and the final two are offered by Lorianne The Menagerie Mom of Four-Legged Furballs. They try to make sure the statements will be fun to both answer and share. The linky will be posted at or about 12:00 AM on Friday. Please head over to one of their sites, link up, and share your thoughts!      

Here are this week's statements with my responses underlined:

1. The 2020 pandemic taught me _________.

2. A game I enjoy playing is _________.

3. My perfect _________ would include _________.

4. If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life, I would choose _________.

1. The 2020 pandemic taught me   mask up and keep the Lysol handy but don't quit because elderly people who cannot clean their own houses any more want you to come even if having others in their house is a risk.

2. A game I enjoy playing is   Nerdle (like Wordle, but with numbers).

3. My perfect   vacation   would include   enough fun things to do to keep busy and enough rest that i wouldn't come back from vacation needing a vacation.

4. If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life, I would choose   Amazing Grace.


Today is:

9-1-1 Day -- the first 911 call in North America was placed, demonstrating the new system, on this day in 1968

Akiyoshidai Yamayaki -- Akiyoshidai, Japan (dry grass on the mountain side is burned in this coming of spring ceremony; date subject to change)

Bonten Matsuri -- Miyoshi-jinja Shrine, Akita, Japan (two day festival to ask for good crops this year)

Do a Grouch a Favor Day -- internet generated attempt to get us to either get the grouches on our side, or make us cynical

Great Back Yard Bird Count begins -- a four-day project for anyone from across North America; count birds for a few minutes a day today, or every day for the next four days, and report in, thus giving a real time idea of where the birds are now     

Independence Day -- Lithuania (National Day/Restoration of Statehood)(1918)

Kyoto Protocol Day -- International (treaty on climate change; today is proposed as "Wear purple for Kyoto Day")

National Almond Day

St. Juliana of Cumae's Day (Patron of the ill)

St. Onesimus' Day (runaway slave of Philemon, converted by Paul, of whom the Letter to Philemon was written)

Birthdays Today:

Christopher Eccleston, 1964

John McEnroe, 1959

Ice T, 1959

LeVar Burton, 1957

James Ingram, 1956

William Katt, 1951

Richard Ford, 1944

Barry Primus, 1938

Sonny Bono, 1935

Vera-Ellen, 1921

Patty Andrews, 1920

Jimmy Wakely, 1914

Hugh Beaumont, 1909

Richard McDonald, 1909

George Kennan, 1904

Edgar Bergan, 1903

Robert Joseph Flaherty, 1884

Johann Strauss, 1866

Nichiren, 1222

Emperor Yingzong of China, 1032

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"What's My Line"(TV Game Show), 1950

"Le Voyageur Sans Baggage"(Anouilh Play), 1937

"The Marquise"(Coward Play), 1927

"Chung Sai Yat Po"(Publication; first Chinese daily newspaper in US), 1900

"Werther"(Massenet Opera), 1892

"Ladies' Home Journal"(Publication), 1883

"Orpheus"(Liszt Opera), 1854

"Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard"(First Publication), 1751

Today in History:

9th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet, 374

Pope Gregory the Great issues a decree saying that "God bless you" is the correct response to a sneeze, 600

English king Charles I accepts Triennial Act, requiring the king to assemble Parliament at least once every 3 years, 1641

The first known check (cheque) is written, for 400 English Pounds Sterling (currently on display at Westminster Abbey), 1659

Kentucky passes a law permitting women to attend school under certain conditions, 1838*

Weenen Massacre: Hundreds of Voortrekkers along the Blaukraans River, Natal are killed by Zulus, 1838

American Charles Wilkes discovers Shackleton Ice Shelf, Antarctica, 1840

The Battle of Sobraon ends the First Sikh War in India, 1846

Studebaker Brothers wagon company, precursor of the automobile manufacturer, is established, 1852

The French Government passes a law to set the A-note above middle C to a frequency of 435 Hz, in an attempt to standardize the pitch, 1859

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks forms, 1868

The "Ladies Home Journal" begins publishing, 1883

The first Chinese daily newspaper in the US, Chung Sai Yat Po, begins publication in San Francisco, 1900

The first US Esperanto Club organizes in Boston, 1905

The first synagogue in 425 years opens in Madrid, Spain, 1917

Howard Carter unseals the burial chamber of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, 1923

The first patent is issued for a tree, to James Markham for a peach tree, 1932

Wallace H. Carothers receives a United States patent for nylon, 1937

Canadians are granted Canadian citizenship after 80 years of being British subjects. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King becomes the first Canadian citizen, 1947

Britain abolishes the death penalty, 1956

Fidel Castro becomes Premier of Cuba after dictator Fulgencio Batista was overthrown on January 1, 1959

In Haleyville, Alabama, the first 9-1-1 emergency telephone system goes into service, 1968

The first computer bulletin board system is created (CBBS in Chicago, Illinois), 1978

The trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being a Nazi guard dubbed "Ivan the Terrible" in Treblinka extermination camp, starts in Jerusalem, 1987

The Kyoto Protocol comes into force, following its ratification by Russia, 2005

The last Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) is decommissioned by the United States Army, 2006

China announces it will relocate 9,000 people in Guizhou province, before completion of world's largest telescope (FAST), designed to look for extraterrestrial life, 2016

Pope Francis defrocks ex-cardinal and archbishop of Washington Theodore McCarrick for sexually abusing minors and adults, making him the first Cardinal to be removed for sexual abuse, 2019

The United States removes 400 citizens quarantined for Covid19 on the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, 2020

Athens and parts of Greece receive unusually heavy snowfall, 2021

The US Naval History and Heritage Command confirms the wreckage discovered off the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, by the University of Tokyo sonar team in 2022 was the remains of the USS Albacore, a submarine lost in 1944, 2023


  1. What a beauty Princess is and a very apt name good that she has a new loving home 👍
    Have a royaltastic weekend and thanks for hosting mimi 👍

  2. I am glad Princess got over her illness and was quickly adopted.

  3. What a lovely white cat. So unusual.

    God bless.

  4. Princess is so cute!. Thanks for introducing me to Nerdle, I'll be playing it for sure! Amazing Mimi!

  5. Glad kitty got adopted. You don't see white cats very often.

  6. What a pretty kitty! So glad Princess has found her forever home and that she's feeling better now. We always had pure white cats when we were growing up so they are very nostalgic for me. You might want to check out Alfred in our post.

  7. We are so happy to hear that sweet Princess got adopted, hooray! Those were good answers too!

  8. Princess is beautiful. Glad she got adopted.

  9. Pawesome fill-ins and Amazing Grace is truly epic! We are so happy Princess found a furever home, she is adorable and reminds us so much of Angel Snowie, our pure white furball who went to the Rainbow Realm in 2017. Happy Friyay and we hope mew have a terrific weekend!

  10. She's lovely!!! Great Fill-in answers too.

  11. Princess is beautiful. Thank you for hosting Feline Friday and for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I want to play Nerdle now. XO

  12. Love Nerdle. A few of us play every day and post our scores to my blog FB page every evening.

  13. I like your friendly fill-ins. I always fill them in in my head before reading your replies. This time I did not choose anything remotely like yours (I normally do). Especially the last one - only one song - no matter how good - would drive me insane! But I'm with you on the holiday-one.

  14. Charlee: "Our Dada says he tried Nerdle, but apparently he likes word games better than number games even though he is a computer person. Go figure!"

  15. I must investigate Nerdle. I am a plain Jane loving Rummy with my honey. He's very good, but I am getting better at beatingh im! White kitties are so mysterious to me. You would think black kitties but nope! These look so regal. Your always filled with kindness and your answers to the fill in's were good. My father loved Amazing Grace, sang it often and it was center stage with music for his funeral a long time ago. But I still can hear his rich voice giving His Creator all the glory. Have and blessed and beautiful week.

  16. My post went to my Phamily Blog at What a goof I am.

  17. Princess you just precious and what a great pose, I want to kiss your nose.
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. Oh, it is SO nice to come back and visit and see that some things in my world are still the same! I miss you! I could listen to Amazing Grace all the time, too!

  19. I love Amazing Grace too. The words are tear making.

  20. So happy Princess is feeling better and found her furever home! I have never heard of Nerdle. It sounds challenging! :)

  21. Thanks for hosting Feline Friday. Happy Princess found her happily eve after. Mom has had vacations where she was exhausted when she got home. Now she is just happy to stay home with us! XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  22. Princess is a gorgeous kitty ~ great photos of her and glad she is well and got adopted ~ Wonderful fill-ins too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Princess looks like she's still doesn't feel very good. I'm glad she was adopted. I agree, Amazing Grace is a song I could listen to the rest of my life. :)

  24. Princess is so pretty! We are so grateful to you and the other volunteers for helping her get better -- and find her new forever home!

  25. Loved your fill-ins - especially number #3. Vacations can get rather exhausting.


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