
Saturday, February 24, 2024

Rounds, Interrupted, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


My weekly work rounds keep going 'round, sometimes interrupted with a splash.

I'm thankful there are rhythms and patterns, and thankful for the variations within the patterns.

Last Saturday in NOLA, the whole house was hushed for a while as everyone except me was asleep.  Grandma, Grandpa, all 3 dogs, down for the count.  It's seldom noisy there, but this deep quiet was unexpected and i was thankful to see all of them resting.

Ms. G, thankfully, finally got out of town on her planned get-away in her camper.  I did cat and critter care, thankful for the extra pay and for getting done early enough on Sunday to be early to Becca's house.

The splash came on Monday morning.  The temperatures were going to go down to around freezing.

Sweetie is very paranoid about broken pipes from freezes, to the point he leaves faucets dripping if the temperature is forecast at anything below 35°F.  We have one faucet with a slow drain, and he's not supposed to leave that one dripping.

Monday, 4am, i get up to get to Ms. G's before work and step into a very wet bathroom.

I'm thankful i get up that early, thankful turning the water off stopped it from getting worse, and thankful it all dried out, with help from towels and a wringer mop.

While i did not get to Ms. G's early, i was thankful to be on time to Carl's and once he was safely on the way to work, i ran around the corner and took care of it, coming back and finishing at Carl's not too far behind my usual time.

Ms. JAI was obviously feeling much better when i went this time.  After i was done cleaning, she said, "Get over here and sit and keep me company!"  I was thankful to be able to do just that.

The only work Tuesday was for Ms. G, and as i wasn't on a schedule, i was thankful to sleep a bit later.

Ms. G was back in town Wednesday, though, and we got the camper unloaded and all the equipment packed up for her to put it in storage until next month.  I'm thankful we were able to get it all done, and the shopping, before she had an appointment.

Many of us had our Thursday interrupted by AT&T's little "hiccup" with the whole country's mobile phone coverage.  I'm thankful they got it solved, and thankful one of my AT&T phones, the cheap one we use as a spare, actually still worked when the expensive "smart phones" were down.

Friday i was thankful Ms. GA allowed me to wash and dry some of the towels from the earlier mishap.  We'd air dried them, of course, but they needed a good washing and got it.

Once kitten season starts, the cat shelter is going to be busting out all over.  For now, though, it's very quiet, almost boring sometimes.  I'm thankful for the down time, Ms. L and i were able to get all caretaking done in less than an hour!

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Amun in the Festival of Raising Heaven -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Butter Lantern Festival -- Tibet (the final celebration of the Tibetan New Year)

Dragobete -- Romania (lover's day, and the day birds choose a mate, also considered by locals as the first day of spring)

Flag Day -- Mexico

Full Snow Moon -- sometimes also called the Full Hunger Moon, as the most snow falls this month and finding food is hardest

     Meaka Bochea -- Buddhist (celebration of the final sermon of Buddha)

     Navam Full Moon Poya Day -- Sri Lanka

     Spring Lantern Festival -- China (final day of the Chinese New Year celebrations)

     Tabodwe Full Moon -- Myanmar (month of Hta-Ma-Ne Feast, the harvest festival of Thanksgiving)

Gregorian Calendar Day -- Gregory XIII issued the Papal Bull requiring Roman Catholics to adopt his calendar reform on this day; the effective date of adoption was to be Oct. 4, 1582

Guru Ravidas Jayanti/Magha Purnima -- CH, HP, HR, MP, and PB, India

International Sword Swallowers Day   

Iseseisvuspaev/Independence Day -- Estonia(1918)

Lailat al-Bara'ah (Shab Barat) -- Islam (Night of Forgiveness, a preparation for Ramadan; begins at sunset, local custom dates may vary)

Magha Puja Day -- Buddhist (celebrations of the teachings of Buddha to an assembly of holy men)

National Artist Day -- Thailand

National Tortilla Chip Day

N'cwala -- Zambia (Thanksgiving festival, celebrated with traditional dance, music, and specially brewed beer)

Nylon Toothbrush Day -- the first ones went on sale this date in 1938

Obnoxious Day -- probably started as a joke, the only ones who benefit from this day are the ecard companies

Open That Bottle Night -- time to finally drink that bottle of wine you've been saving for a special occasion; after all, the final Saturday in February only comes once a year (sponsored by Dorothy J. Gaiter and John Brecher of The Wall Street Journal)

Regifugium -- Ancient Roman Calendar (flight of the king)

St. Æthelberht of Kent's Day (first Christian King of the Anglo-Saxons; some have his day listed tomorrow instead)

Anniversaries Today:

Hadassah is founded, 1912

Western Washington University is established, 1899

The American University is chartered by an act of the Congress of the United States of America, 1893

Birthdays Today:

Billy Zane, 1966

Kristin Davis, 1965

Eddie Murray, 1956

Paula Zahn, 1956

Steven Jobs, 1955

Alain Prost, 1955

Helen Shaver, 1951

George Thorogood, 1950

Edward James Olmos, 1947

Rupert Holmes, 1947

Barry Bostwick, 1945

Joe Lieberman, 1942

James Farentino, 1938

Renata Scotto, 1937

Michel Legrand, 1932

Mark Lane, 1927

Stephen Hill, 1922

Abe Vigoda, 1921

Chester W. Nimitz, 1885

Honus Wagner, 1874

Winslow Homer, 1836

Wilhelm Karl Grimm, 1786

Ibn Battutah, 1304

Emperor Toba of Japan, 1103

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Peer Gynt"(Play), 1876

"Rinaldo"(HWV 7), 1711

"L'Orfeo"(SV318), 1607

Today in History:

St. Francis of Assisi, age 26, receives his vocation in Portiuncula, Italy, 1208

In the first imperial coronation by a pope, Charles V is crowned by Clement V, 1530

Pope Gregory XIII, by decree, institutes what is now known as the Gregorian Calendar, correcting the older Julian Calendar, 1582

L'Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi, one of the first works recognized as an opera, receives its première performance, 1607

The London première of Rinaldo by George Frideric Handel, the first Italian opera written for the London stage, 1711

The US Supreme Court first declares a law unconstitutional (Marbury v Madison), 1803

London's Drury Lane Theatre burns to the ground, leaving owner Richard Brinsley Sheridan destitute, 1804

The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, the first removal treaty in accordance with the Indian Removal Act, is proclaimed. The Choctaws in Mississippi cede land east of the river in exchange for payment and land in the West, 1831

William Otis of Pennsylvania patents the steam shovel, 1839

The first parade to have floats is staged at Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana, 1868

Andrew Johnson becomes the first President of the United States to be impeached, 1868

The SS Gothenburg hits the Great Barrier Reef and sinks off the Australian east coast, killing approximately 100, including a number of high profile civil servants and dignitaries, 1875

China and Russia sign the Sino-Russian Ili Treaty, 1881

Chicago is selected to host the Columbian Exposition, 1890

Rudolf Diesel receives a patent for the diesel engine, 1893

Hudson Motor Car Company is founded, 1909

National Public Radio is founded in the United States, 1970

The United States Olympic Hockey team completes their Miracle on Ice by defeating Finland 4-2 to win the gold medal, 1980

Buckingham Palace announces the engagement of The Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer, 1981

A special commission of the U.S. Congress releases a report that condemns the practice of Japanese internment during World War II, 1983

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini offers a USD $3 million bounty for the death of The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie, 1989

The last occurrence of February 24 as a leap day in the European Union and for the Roman Catholic Church, 1996*

Japan launches its fourth spy satellite, stepping up its ability to monitor potential threats such as North Korea, 2007

Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba after nearly fifty years, 2008

Final launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery, 2011

Pope Francis creates a second Secretariat within the Vatican and gives it the power to audit any Vatican agency at any time, 2014

The Journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences publishes a study of the first animal that doesn't need oxygen to breathe, a tiny parasite living in salmon tissue, 2020

Puffin, publisher of the late author Roald Dhal, announces it will now print his books with their original unaltered text alongside those with offensive language removed, after widespread criticism and debate, 2022

*The Romans counted Feb. 24 twice in leap years, instead of adding Feb. 29; that continued in many places until 1996


  1. I do say that is something to be thankful for ,not a frozen pipe, just a slow drain. Not fun to start your day mopping at home. I am thankful we only got 3 inches of snow this morn, though it is bitter cold and not quite over. Nice Mrs. G had her trip.

  2. Those are all wonderful thankfuls and yes, it's nice to get a break from the busy kitten seasons!

  3. Wow! Quite the series of thankful events ~ glad you got some down time ~
    Like your statement about patterns, rhythms and variations ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Wonderful thankfuls.. you missed one- Carl having to work. I am sure that helps you get things done quicker.

  5. It sounds lie it was a happy and busy week, and also happy that small accidents stayed small!

  6. Busy week, glad you were able to catch that water overflow! Sounds like you had a good week!

  7. I love the deep quiet of a house asleep :) Neighbourhoods too in the very early hours once the street lights go off for the night, but these days many street lights don't go off until dawn.
    I think the slow drain needs to be looked at to see why and can it be fixed.

  8. I remember that! The dripping faucet strategy. 'a course with the climate up here, freezing pipes are not an unusual event in especially hard winter's.
    Have a well-paced week!

  9. It sounds like we had similar thoughts about the rhythm of life this week.

  10. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that AT&T hiccup! It sounds like it was more like one of those huge belches from that old movie 'Revenge of the Nerds'!"


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