
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Top the Week With rEcess, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


This week has been different with lots of sunshine compared to last weeks solid gray and rain.

That doesn't mean actual sunshine is the only thing for which i'm thankful.

Grandma kept me hopping last Saturday.  She forgot it wasn't grocery day and she had a list, so i was thankful to be able to sneak out around Grandpa (who would have fussed and said she didn't need the stuff) and go get it.

I was also thankful the restaurant she wanted food from, which doesn't deliver, isn't far when i had to sneak over there, too (Grandpa would have told her to order somewhere else).

Monday's plan, if i had enough time, was to sneak out to the rehab center and see Ms. JAI.  I had time, and got there, and she'd just been sprung from the place!

I'm thankful i still had time to go see her at her condo and visit a while.

Because Tuesday was my day off, when her daughter called and asked me to go over there while the home health nurse made her assessment, i was thankful to be able to do so.

I'm also thankful i thought, while there, to find out how much food she had in the house.  The answer was, after a week in the hospital and a week in rehab, she really didn't have any, and a trip to the store was quickly accomplished.

Ms. G had us doing many and varied tasks Wednesday, i'm thankful we got to be outdoors in the nice weather.

Ms. V and i had a wonderful talk while i cleaned Thursday, all about next Tuesday's upcoming ladies' circle lesson, which i am teaching.

Our Friday prayer group is making good headway, i'm thankful to say, in getting Valentine's Day cards written to all widows in our church.  We really want them to know they are loved and appreciated.

I'm also thankful Mr. BA didn't wait until the last minute like last year, they should all be delivered on time this year.

Finally, the best fun thankful, rEcess.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   


Today is:

Day of Remembrance for Oleg the Prophet -- Asatru/Slavic Pagan

Four Chaplains Day -- US (by act of Congress, honoring the four chaplains of the Dorchester who gave their life jackets to others and went down with the ship on Feb. 3, 1943)

Fukuju no mai (Jimai) -- Sensouji Temple, Japan (dance of the seven gods of fortune)

Halfway Point of Winter/Summer -- which it is depends, of course, on your hemisphere; enjoy that cold weather will warm soon, or that cooler temps will relieve your hot spells

Heroes' Day -- Mozambique

Martyr's Day -- Sao Tome and Principe

National Carrot Cake Day

Nuestra Señora de Suyapa -- Honduras (Festival of the Virgin of Suyapa, Patroness of Honduras)

Setsubun-sai (Bean-Throwing Festival) -- Japan/Shinto (many fests throughout Japan)

St. Anskar's Day (patron of Denmark, Scandinavia, Sweden; Bremen, Germany; Hamburg, Germany)

St. Blaise's Day/Blessing of Throats Day (Patron of animals, builders, carvers, healthy throats, stonecutters, veterinarians, wool-combers, wool weavers; Dalmatia; Anguillara Sabazia, Italy; Bovolone, Italy; Camastra, Sicily, Italy; Cassano allo Ionio, Italy; Castellania, Italy; Doues, Italy; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Militello, Sicily, Italy; Montecatini Val di Cecina, Italy; Palombara Sabina, Italy; Pietrasanta, Italy; Revello, Italy; Sacrofano, Italy; against coughs, goiters, throat diseases, whooping cough, wild beasts)

Takisanji Oni Matsuri -- Takisan-ji Temple, Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

The Day the Music Died -- anniversary of the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper (J.P. Richardson)

Veterans' Day -- Thailand

Anniversaries Today:

Jean-Claude van Damme weds Darcy Lapier, 1994

Wake Forest University is established, 1834

Birthdays Today:

Isla Fisher, 1976

Maura Tierney, 1965

Keith Gordon, 1961

Thmas Calabro, 1959

Nathan Lane, 1956

Morgan Fairchild, 1950

Dave Davies, 1947

Blythe Danner, 1943

Fran Tarkenton, 1940

Shelley Berman, 1926

Joey Bishop, 1918

Simone Weil, 1909

James Michener, 1907

Norman Rockwell, 1894

Gertrude Stein, 1874

Elizabeth Blackwell, 1821

Horace Greeley, 1811

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Victor Borge Show"(TV), 1951

"The Three Caballeros"(Cartoon Film; US debut), 1945

"Face the Music"(Musical), 1932

"Le carnaval romain"(Berlioz, Op. 9), 1844

"Semiramide"(Opera, Rossini), 1823

Today in History

Bartolomeu Dias of Portugal lands in Mossel Bay after rounding the Cape of Good Hope, becoming the first known European to travel so far south, 1488

The first paper money in America is issued by the colony of Massachusetts, 1690

Philadelphia establishes a "pesthouse" to quarantine immigrants, 1743

The Dutch States-General forbid the export of windmills, 1752

Spain recognizes US independence, 1783

The world's first commercial cheese factory is established in Switzerland, 1815

The sovereignty of Greece is confirmed in a London Protocol, 1830

The Wisconsin Supreme Court declares the US Fugitive Slave Law unconstitutional,1855

Emperor Meiji becomes the 122nd emperor of Japan, 1867

The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution, guaranteeing Black suffrage, is passed, 1870

Albert Spalding, with only $800, starts a sporting goods company, which eventually manufactured the first official baseball, tennis ball, basketball, golf ball, and football (American style football), 1876

Circus owner P.T. Barnum buys Jumbo the elephant, 1882

The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution, the income tax, is ratified, 1913

Canada's original Parliament building, in Ottowa, burns down, 1916

Percival Prattis becomes the first African-American news correspondent allowed in the United States House of Representatives and Senate press galleries, 1947

A plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa kills Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, The Big Bopper, and pilot Roger Peterson and the incident becomes known as The Day the Music Died, 1959

British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan speaks of the "a wind of change" of increasing national consciousness blowing through colonial Africa, signalling that his Government was likely to support decolonisation, 1960

The unmanned Soviet Luna 9 spacecraft makes the first controlled rocket-assisted landing on the Moon, 1966

In Cairo, Yasser Arafat is appointed Palestine Liberation Organization leader at the Palestinian National Congress, 1969

New York Police Officer Frank Serpico is shot during a drug bust in Brooklyn and survives to later testify against police corruption, 1971

John Buster and the research team at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center announce history's first embryo transfer, from one woman to another resulting in a live birth, 1984

Astronaut Eileen Collins becomes the first woman to pilot the Space Shuttle as mission STS-63 gets underway from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, 1995

The New York Giants defeated the heavily favored and previously undefeated 18-0 New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLII, 17-14, in what is known to be one of the greatest upsets in sports history, 2008

Eric Holder becomes 82nd and 1st African American US Attoney General, 2009

Moscow has its heaviest snowfall in a day on record, killing one and bringing down 2,000 trees, 2018

Pope Francis arrives in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on the first ever papal visit to the Arabian Peninsula, 2019

The US and Russia extend their last remaining nuclear arms treaty, New START, for five years, 2021

Engineers at MIT announce they have engineered spinach to send emails when detecting explosive materials in groundwater as part of plant nanobionic research, 2021

The coldest wind chill ever recorded in the the US, -108°F, taken at Mount Washington Observatory, New Hampshire, 2023


  1. It's always lovely to see those children having a good time when you're with them. It must give you a marvelous feeling. And it kind of looks like you did a lot of sneaking around this week with groceries and what have you.

  2. Thankful for sunshine and for sneaking - that sounds like a good week.

  3. Minus 108 F windchill. Holy MOLY! But its's Carrot Cake Day and my mind can go no farther.

  4. Such wonderful thankfuls and hooray for the joys of rEcess!

  5. Wonderful list of thankfuls. I love rEcess. XO

  6. You take such wonderful care of people in your life ~ you are an angel ~ blessings and hugs to you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I have to confess I am envious of the number of cupboards and length of open bench space there.
    I am thankful you got some sunshine and that you are able to help so many people, especially making sure they have food.

  8. Lovely thankfuls. I like that you are sending Valentine's cards to the widows. When my daughters were young I always sent them anonymous cards just to make sure they got one!

  9. As I was reading your list, I was thinking of how much help you provide to seniors, and then I reached the end of your list and was delighted to read it was rEcess week. You help so many! Older, younger, human, feline. . . You're a great example to me.

  10. what Kristi said (poe)
    also, the cake looked really good
    (Why yes, I am an accomplished writer with the blog posts and such....)
    have good week

  11. thecontemplativecat here. Great list. Pudding day makes me smile. Nothing better than an English and Irish puddings.

  12. Lulu: "Great, now we're going to start getting spam emails from vegetables ..."


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