
Thursday, March 7, 2024

Adventurer (Six Sentence Story), Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


"Hey, Mom, got an Ace bandage?" #2 Son called as he came in the kitchen, grabbing for the first aid kit.

What's up this time? i asked, and he held up his right (non-dominant) hand.

"Jammed my pinkie finger and I want to wrap it to the finger next to it for a couple of days, keep it from moving and give it a chance to heal."

I told him an Ace bandage would be too big for that, unless he wanted the whole hand wrapped, which he did not, so he used a "popsicle stick" (tongue depressor) cut to the appropriate length and some thick gauze to wrap the two digits and stabilize them.

Let me know if it's not healing, i told him, knowing it was useless to try to convince him to go to the doctor if he didn't want to as he was bigger and taller than me by this age, then i added, also if it starts to turn any colors at all or loses feeling.

"I will," he said and headed for the door, yelling back, "thanks, Mom, I'll be back in time for supper!" as he was off on his next adventure.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Ace.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Weird Al and Dr. Demento

Are each to me a hero,

I really like their funky, unique style.

Ray Stevens makes the list,

and Nervous Norvus, you get the gist,

I've enjoyed them all for quite a while.

Spike Jones and His City Slickers

can make me laugh lots quickers

than even a good comedy on TV.

As for Benny Grunch and the Bunch,

I'm sure you have a hunch,

that's a show I really want to see.

If you like the madness,

don't sit around in sadness,

put on Tom Lehrer and do the Vatican Rag.

The Roto Rooter Good Time Christmas Band

to cheer you up will lend a hand,

go ahead and fly your weirdo flag!


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful for the sunshine after several days of steady rain.  I'm also thankful #2 Son, mentioned above, lived to grow up!


Today is:

Bird Day and Arbor Day -- California, US (on Luther Burbank's birth anniversary) 

Celebrate Your Name Week -- Thursday:  Name Tag Day, celebrating those silly tags that say, "Hello, My Name is Illegible"!

Crufts Dog Show -- Birmingham, England (the World's Greatest Dog Show; Best in Show here is the most prestigious award in the world of dogs; through Sunday)

Get Grandma to Write Down Her Meatloaf Recipe -- or spaghetti, or pound cake, or whatever she specialized in, because if you don't, you will someday regret it

Masaryk Day -- Czech Republic; Slovakia (birth anniversary of Tomas Masaryk, politician, sociologist, philosopher, and advocate of Czechoslovakian independence)

National Be Heard Day -- originally a day for small businesses to speak up, but the website promoting the materials is no longer working

National Cereal Day

National Crown Roast of Pork Day

Nones of March -- Ancient Roman Calendar; related observances

     Festival of Junonalia -- for Juno

     Festival for Vedovus -- god of the dead, swamps, and volcanic movements

Say Hello Day -- Bell received a patent for the telephone this day in 1876 (although he always believed it should be answered by saying, "Ahoy!"  Yes, really.)

St. Felicity's and St. Perpetua's Day (Patrons of cattle, martyrs; Santa Perpetua de Mogoda, Spain)

Teacher's Day -- Albania

World Book Day -- UK and Ireland (most other countries celebrate this on April 23; more information is here)   

Birthdays Today:

Jenna Fischer, 1974

Denyce Graves, 1974

Rachel Weisz, 1971

Taylor Dayne, 1962

Ivan Lendl, 1960

Rik Mayall, 1958

Bryan Cranston, 1956

Franco Harris, 1950

John Heard, 1946

Peter Wolf, 1946

Michael Eisner, 1942

Tammy Faye Bakker, 1942

Daniel J. Travanti, 1940

Janet Guthrie, 1938

Willard Herman Scott, 1934

Anthony Armstrong-Jones, Lord Snowdon, 1930

Maurice Ravel, 1875

Piet Mondriaan, 1875

Luther Burbank, 1849

John Herschel, 1792

Stephen Hopkins, 1707

Rob Roy MacGregor, 1671

Henry Purcell, 1659

Kano Tanju, 1602

Debuting/Premiering Today:

The Nashville Network(TV network), 1983

"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"(Musical), 1967

"The Grand Duke; or, The Statutory Duel"(Operetta), 1896

Today in History:

Roman Emperor Constantine I decrees that the dies Solis Invicti (sun-day) is the day of rest in the Empire, 321

King Henry VIII's divorce request is denied by the Pope; Henry then declares that he, not the Pope, is supreme head of England's church, 1530

Massachusetts enacts the first bicameral legislature in the colonies, 1664

The French army enters Rome: the birth of the Roman Republic, 1798

Shrigley Abduction: Ellen Turner is abducted by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, a future politician in colonial New Zealand, 1827

Charles Miller patents the first US sewing machine to stitch buttonholes, 1854

The City of Lábrea in Amazonas, Brazil was founded, 1886

Roald Amundsen announces that, on Dec. 14, 1911, his expedition had reached the South Pole, 1912

An 8.0 earthquake strikes Tango, Japan, 1927

Bloody Sunday:  Alabama state troopers and 600 black protestors clash in Selma, 1965

Divers from the USS Preserver locate the crew cabin of Challenger on the ocean floor, 1986

The U.S. Supreme Court rules that parodies of an original work are generally covered by the doctrine of fair use, 1994

British House of Commons votes to make the upper chamber, the House of Lords, 100% elected, 2007

The largest solar flare in five years, occurring March 6, 2012, nears the Earth, threatening to disrupt airline flights, GPS systems and power grids, 2012

Malta's famous landmark the Azure Window collapses into the sea after a storm, 2017

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain shares her first Instagram post, pictures of a letter between mathematician Charles Babbage and Prince Albert, 2019

Thailand's Constitutional Court dissolves the opposition party Thai Raksa Chart after it nominates the King's sister as candidate for Prime Minister, 2019

The global death toll from Covid-19 passes 6 million according to Johns Hopkins figures, 2022

British architect David Chipperfield is awarded Architecture's Pritzker Prize, 2023


  1. Weirdo wonkiness - thank you, I loved it!

  2. I have to laugh about the rain. You got it for 2 days and then it moved right up here for 2 days. The fence is really something because it's so super tall. Hope your son's finger is okie dokie.

  3. It must not have been too bad of an injury if he didn't want to see a doctor and he could go off playing right away.

  4. At least he made the effort of putting on that bandaid

  5. Ah. The age when we were bullet-proof and our bones were made of rubber

  6. eye wood rather seez de dawg show…..then think
    bout BURD day 😼🐟‼️

  7. Lulu: "Ooh, our Dada is familiar with a lot of those singers and bands! Apparently his Dada had some Spike Jones records with songs like 'You Only Hurt The One You Love' and 'Der Fuhrer's Face'. Dada can still sing some of them, although generally speaking nobody ever encourages him to sing ..."

  8. Seems like your rain has come our way. We haven't had rain in awhile so it's okay for us. Have a great sunny day!

  9. Cute story about son #2. Boys will be boys. Fun poem. XO

  10. That was a bit of an ouchie story and a fun poem too. We had sunshine today but it won't last long, rains are back tomorrow. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Only a little ouch! That's good, and now it's time to go on another adventure.

  12. Excellent use of the prompt word, Mimi.
    The sun seems extra bright after multiple days of rain. Hope the reprieve from the rain lasts!

  13. Those kids! They get to a certain age & all you can do is patch 'em up and send them on their way. At this point, if we've done our job well, they DO have this!

    1. The comment is from Liz H-H, not Anonymous!🐧

  14. Oh boy did you ever hit it out of the park with your poem this week! Love it. PERFECT for the photo too as usual.

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy)


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