
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Looks, Exercise and Belt Loops, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post, plus a Special Observance


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Job one yesterday was to find out if Carl had work.  Everything was dark and i had my suspicions, but yes, he had work (and will this Thursday when i clean the main house, and next Monday, too!).

The next job is to make sure the laundry area isn't too bad, and it wasn't, so move on to making lunch.

The refrigerator looked promising, but looks can be deceiving.

Once lunch is found, and while you're pondering why in the world the Wet-Ones ended up in the fridge, Carl starts talking.

"Is there a disabled program?"

Thinking quickly, and remembering he'd been at our special Palm Sunday church service the day before and gone to the fish fry after, i figured he meant there.

No, i told him, sadly our church has rEcess, but no specific Sunday school for disabled or special needs, we just let the parents bring them to the regular classes if they can attend and want to.

He nodded and then said, "Summer!"

What about summer? i asked.

"Vacation!  I wonder if we should plan to go anywhere.  You know, a trip somewhere, to get away."

That's up to you and your parents, i told him.

"This weekend, I found old music videos!"  He waxed enthusiastic about the old material, such as Stairway to Heaven, that was the one name he didn't mumble so i caught it.  To think the music of part of my youth is "old" now.

I told him to go get breakfast, and remember, cut down on the sugar, as he's supposed to be losing weight and getting his blood glucose under control.

"But you have to have sugar on cereal!  I'll just exercise more!"  He then started jogging in place and swinging his arms in a quite dangerous manner.

Exercise will only do so much, i said as i walked off shaking my head.  I wish his mother good luck in cleaning out his diet.

Once done with breakfast, he came back to his room where i was sorting the dirty laundry (and trying to sort out whether the shirt pictured above was dirty or clean, but thanks to the towel it was sopping wet and needed washing anyway) and started talking about eruptions and rock structures on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, then moved on to some church members he'd seen the day before.

He finished up with, "Here's an interesting fact -- humans only make up one percent!"

As he'd trailed off again into mumbling, i dared ask him one percent of what.

"Biological systems on Earth!  Plants are 83%."

Another pause.  "Bacteria are 12%.  How is that?"

I don't know, i told him, but i do know you missed 3 belt loops in the back of your pants, let me fix it so you can get to work.

Once that was done, he asked, "Do I have a snack?"

You have a whole lunch, and plenty of it, you won't starve before you get home at 2:30.

He nodded and left, and his room got the usual treatment.

How about some funnies?

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


It's Purple Day, a day to support those who have epilepsy.

The Five Sibes and Their Scribe are five Siberian Husky dogs and their human and one of the dogs, Gibson, has epilepsy.  They advocate for dogs with epilepsy, proving that with treatment, they can have wonderful lives.

If you or anyone you know has a dog with epilepsy, they're a great resource.  Today, we celebrate strides made in caring for people and dogs (and other pets) with epilepsy.


Today is:

American Diabetes Association Alert Day -- a day to remind people about how serious the illness is, and what the risk factors are

Daylight Saving Time begins -- Israel

Day to Mourn Victims of Biological Weapons -- commemorates the day they were outlawed in 1975

Einmánuðr Month Begins -- Traditional Icelandic Calendar (Lone Month, the month dedicated to young men)

     Yngismannadagur -- Young Men's Day

Fiesta del Arbol -- Spain (Tree Festival or Arbor Day)

Independence Day and National Day -- Bangladesh(1971)

Khordad Sal -- Zoroastrian (Birth of the Prophet Zaranhushtra)

Legal Assistants' Day

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day -- Wellcat Holidays, which has made up a bunch, wants you to do the same today!

Martyr's Day / Democracy Day -- Mali

National Nougat Day

Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianole Day -- Hawaii, US (Hawaiian Royal who worked to preserve the Hawaiian culture)

Purple Day -- International (supporting epileptics around the world)   

Spinach Day -- on this day in 1937, spinach growers in Crystal City, Texas, erected a statue of Popeye in honor of their favorite veggie

St. Braulio's Day (Patron of Aragon, Spain)

St. William of Norwich's Day (Patron of kidnap and torture victims)

Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel -- Eastern Orthodox Christianity (celebration of his role in the Annunciation)

Anniversaries Today:

Ricki Lake weds Rob Sussman, 1994

Founding of the University of Utrecht, 1636

Birthdays Today:

Keira Knightley, 1985

Amy Smart, 1976

T.R. Knight, 1973

Josh Lucas, 1972

Leslie Mann, 1972

Kenny Chesney, 1968

John Stockton, 1962

Marcus Allen, 1960

Jennifer Grey, 1960

Catherine Keener, 1960

Leeza Gibbons, 1957

Curtis Sliwa, 1954

Teddy Pendergrass, 1950

Martin Short, 1950

Vicki Lawrence, 1949

Steven Tyler, 1948

Diana Ross, 1944

Bob Woodward, 1943

Erica Jong, 1942

James Caan, 1939

Alan Arkin, 1934

Leonard Nimoy, 1931

Sandra Day O'Connor, 1930

Pierre Boulez, 1925

Tennessee Williams, 1911

Viktor Frankl, 1905

Robert Frost, 1874

Jane Arminda Delano, 1862

Nathaniel Bowditch, 1773

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Fences"(Play), 1988

"The Young and the Restless"(TV), 1973

"Cannon"(TV), 1971

"Funny Girl"(Musical), 1964

"Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi/The Marriage of Mr. Mississippi"(Play), 1952

Today in History:

William Caxton prints his translation of Aesop's Fables, 1484

The first British Sunday newspaper is published (British Gazette & Sunday Monitor), 1780

The US Congress orders removal of Indians east of Mississippi to Louisiana, 1804

An earthquake destroys 90% of Caracas, Venezuela, leaves 20,000 dead, 1812

The Book of Mormon is published in Palmyra, NY, 1830

Eastman Film Co manufactures the first commercial motion picture film, 1885

New Delhi replaces Calcutta as capital of British-Indies, 1931

William H. Hastie becomes the first black Federal Judge in the US, in the US Virgin Islands, 1937

Jonas Salk announces the first successful test of his polio vaccine on a small group of adults and children, 1953

East Pakistan declares its independence from Pakistan to form People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1971

Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter sign the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty in Washington, D.C., 1979

The "Melissa worm" infects Microsoft word processing and e-mail systems around the world, 1999

A jury in Michigan finds Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of second-degree murder for administering a lethal injection to a terminally ill man, 1999

The Taiwanese government calls on 1 million Taiwanese to demonstrate in Taipei, in opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China, 2005

Richard III of England (1452-1485) is reburied at Leicester Cathedral in England, after being discovered under a carpark in Leicester in 2012, 2015

US, European Union and Ukraine expel more than 100 Russian diplomats in response to Russian use of nerve gas in UK, 2018

The US Federal Trade Commission confirms it will investigate Facebook over privacy concerns, 2018

The Pablo Picasso painting Buste de Femme(1938), stolen 20 years prior, is recovered by a Dutch art detective, 2019


  1. Diddley squats are an exercise I can do.

  2. Thanks for the laughs. And spinach day - I did not know it had a day, Popeye is the obvious patron :D

  3. We wonder if there will be any change with Carl's numbers the next time he goes to the doctor. It is pretty much impossible to get his diet adjusted since he is on his own and has a car, he can always grab what he wants. It is a huge challenge. We now need to get to TX to see that Popeye statue and get a photo!

  4. I love Carl. He's a world wind of confusion.

    Love all the funnies and hubby and I exercise every morning. Every morning. We also watch what we eat. We have to.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥

  5. Carl keeps you busy for sure ~ You are an angel ~
    Wonderful lol funnies ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    carol l mckenna
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Yes, let his mother deal with the diet. You have enough to deal with already. :) XO

  7. HA! I don't think Carl needs any added sugar. Those were good funnies!!!

  8. Great funnies, Mimi. Thank you.

    God bless.

  9. You KNOW there's a very funny story behind those labels being added to the coffee machine ... and probably more than one!

  10. Humans are only 1%, but look what a mess we've made!

  11. You could write a book about Carl! Really funny funnies!

  12. Lulu: "Our Dada says a lot of times when he goes to the grocery store they will be playing things on the overhead from the 70s and 80s, like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd and Guns n Roses, and he wonders when that happened. He says that in his mind the grocery stores are supposed to play old music, you know, from the 50s."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, do you want to tell him how long ago the 70s and 80s were?"
    Lulu: "I can't even count that high."

  13. Oh, I am chuckling! Thank you! So many of those funnies I can relate to! And most of all, thank you for joining us in our Purple Day blog hop and "going purple" in support of Canine Epilepsy. 💜


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