
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Naps Needed, a Ten Things of Thankful Post


It's been another rather quiet week, and I'll take it and be very thankful for it.

The time change always wreaks havoc on me, and i haven't slept much this week.  It's funny how driving to a different time zone, just one hour, but changing that hour in the day, doesn't seem to make much difference.  Changing it in the middle of the night does, and i'm thankful for a couple of quick much needed cat-naps.

Last week Becca and her whole family gathered for a family wedding.  I was thankful, on Sunday morning, to see her brothers and sister-in-law again, as well as her little one-year-old nephew.

I'm thankful the tax organizer from the CPA finally got here.

We're thankful our zoom meetings on Sunday evenings are still going well.

Last time i drove out to the country for the ladies' circle meeting, it was already deep dusk when i arrived.  This time it was still daylight and i was thankful to get to see more of the beautiful area out there.

Kevin and Lenny's place was on the list Tuesday and we're thankful to have gotten it down to just over 2 hours, start to finish.

I'm also thankful for a new mop bucket.  (Only a janitor would say that!)

Ms. G had a bunch of appointments Wednesday morning, so i was thankful to go do the shelter, then go home a do some stuff in the middle of the day (including one of those little naps), and then go with her in the afternoon.

Of course, once the house chores were done, she decided errands were on the agenda and we went to measure a house she's going to be putting on the market for a friend.  It's in a not-quite-so-great-any-more section of town, and i was thankful the police were called to pick up the very drugged out man who was yelling and threatening to jump in front of cars.

I'm very thankful we now have a place the police can take such people besides jail to try to get them some help, if they want it.

Mr. L has had an especially hard time this week with pain and the insomnia and the time change.  He and Ms. V slept in until almost 11am, meaning i didn't get in to clean their room until about 2 hours later than usual.  I'm thankful i was able to change up some of my routine and still only leave about a half hour later than usual.

Ms. GA and Mr. BA and i are all thankful Buddy the cat came back out after hiding under the house for two days.  The little snot!

The shelter has had several adoptions this week, including two while i was there Friday night, and we're thankful for all of them.

One is especially good, and it's the icing on the cake of my week.

Russel came to us when his owner was diagnosed with an immune system disease that she knew was going to leave her blind and unable to care for herself well, much less a cat.  She thought she'd have to make plans to be in assisted living or some other type of group setting and not be able to take the cat.

She mourned and grieved, and Russel grumped and groused, although he was okay once you were sitting and petting him, it was obvious he wasn't a happy camper.

Then the lady called and said a miracle had happened, her sister had agreed to move in with her and care for her, and told her to go get her cat back, she'd take care of the cat as well.

She came over and walked in the door, stood at the front desk and said, "I'm here to adopt Russel back."

Russel was in one of the offices, not a colony room, down a hallway and behind a closed door.

He heard her voice and started howling and scratching at the office door to be let out.  She heard him and ran down there, and the reunion made everyone who saw it cry.

Russel is home now, and we're all thankful for this happy ending.

Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.   

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Today is:

Birthday of Sparky the Fire Dog -- can't confirm the exact date, but Sparky became an official fire prevention mascot in Mar. 1951

Curlew Day -- Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge, OR, US (traditional date the long-billed curlew arrives, with up to 500 reported during their nesting season)

Day of the Book Smugglers -- Lithuania (recognizing the brave people who smuggled Lithuanian language books in the Latin alphabet into the country from 1866-1904, when the Russian Empire had banned such books)

Elaphebolia -- Ancient Greek Calendar (festival of Artemis; date approximate)

Everything You Do is Right Day -- another internet generated holiday designed to get you into trouble if you aren't careful

Feast of Heru and His Companions -- Ancient Egyptian Calendar (date approximate)

Festival of Bacchus / Bacchanalia -- Ancient Roman Calendar (through tomorrow)

Freedom of Information Day -- on the birthday of James Madison, Father of the US Constitution and an advocate for openness in government

Latvian Legion Day -- Latvia (no longer a formal national holiday, still celebrated by many in the region)

Lips Appreciation Day -- after all, where would you be without them, and how would you give kisses?  sponsored by Wellcat Holidays

National Artichoke Hearts Day

National Quilting Day -- US, sponsored by the Quilt Alliance     

Save the Florida Panther Day -- FL, US

St. Heribert of Cologne's Day (Patron against drought)

St. Urho's Day -- Finnish communities in Canada and the US (a made up saint, the Finns answer to St. Patrick, who supposedly drove the grasshoppers out of Finland)

Anniversary Today:

The United States Military Academy at West Point is established, 1802

Birthdays Today:

Judah Friedlander, 1969

Lauren Graham, 1969

Kevin Tod Smith, 1963

Isabel Huppert, 1955

Alice Hoffman, 1952

Kate Nelligan, 1951

Erik Estrada, 1949

Victor Garber, 1949

Chuck Woolery, 1942

Bernardo Bertolucci, 1940

Jerry Lewis, 1926

Mercedes McCambridge, 1916

Patricia Nixon, 1912

Henny Youngman, 1906

Rosa Bonheur, 1822

Georg Simon Ohm, 1787

James Madison, 1751

George Clymer, 1739

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Gumby Show"(TV), 1957

"1776"(Musical), 1969

"Der Unbestechliche"(Comedy), 1923

"In the South / Alassio"(Elgar, Op. 50), 1904

"Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen"(Mahler Song cycle), 1896

"Thaïs"(Opera), 1894

"Freedom's Journal"(first African American newspaper in the US, in New York), 1827

Today in History:

The Babylonians capture Jerusalem and replace Jehoiachin with Zedekiah as king, BC597

Caligula becomes Roman Emperor after the death of his great uncle, Tiberius, 37

The Jews of York England commit mass suicide rather than submit to baptism, 1190

Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reaches Philippines, 1521

Samoset, a Mohegan, visits the settlers of Plymouth Colony and greets them, "Welcome, Englishmen! My name is Samoset," 1621

The US Army Corps of Engineers is established to found and operate the United States Military Academy at West Point, 1802

Prince Willem of the House of Orange-Nassau proclaims himself King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the first constitutional monarch in The Netherlands, 1815

New York Stock Exchange slowest day ever (31 shares traded), 1830

Susan Hayhurst becomes the first woman to graduate from a pharmacollogy college, 1830

Edward Clark became Governor of Texas, replacing Sam Houston, who was evicted from the office for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy, 1861

Joseph Lister's article outlining the discovery of antiseptic surgery is published in The Lancet, 1867

Hiram R Revels makes the first official speech by an African American in the US Senate, 1869

The Barnum and Bailey Circus debuts, 1881

Sir Arthur Evans discovers the ancient city of Knossus, 1900

Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket, at Auburn, Massachusetts, 1926

The Ford Motor Company produces its 50 millionth automobile, the Thunderbird, averaging almost a million cars a year since the company's founding, 1958

Gemini 8 is launched, the 12th manned American space flight and first space docking with the Agena Target Vehicle, 1968

General Motors produces its 100 millionth automobile, the Oldsmobile Toronado, 1968

Demolition of the radio tower Ismaning, the last wooden radio tower in Germany, 1983

Associated Press newsman Terry Anderson is taken hostage in Beirut; he will be held for 6 1/2 years, 1985

Pope John Paul II asks God for forgiveness for the inactivity and silence of some Roman Catholics during the Holocaust, 1998

Israel officially hands over Jericho to Palestinian control, 2005

Voters in Crimea vote overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia amid international condemnation of its design, 2014

Apple announces it will begin a web TV service in September, carrying 25 channels and including networks like CBS, Fox, and ABC, and costing less than most cable TV packages, 2014

A beached, dead whale in Mabini, Philippines, is found to have 88 pounds of plastic inside it, including 40 pounds of plastic bags, 2019

Global numbers of cases and deaths from Covid19 overtake the numbers in China for the first time, 2020

US Federal Reserve raises interest rates for the first time since 2018, 2022

The Houston Zoo announces their oldest resident Mr. Pickles (90) is finally a father, with Mrs. Pickles (53), the parents of three rare baby radiated tortoises, named Dill, Gherkin and Jalapeño, 2023


  1. Mop buckets are very important! I bought mine in a dedicated cleaning lace, and have now had it for almost 20 years.

  2. You have a week's worth of amazing things to be thankful for I see. And I'm sure Russell will be very happy to have a happy life as every cat should.

  3. Aww I am so happy Russel got to go back home. That - all by itself - makes my day!

  4. The time change was always awful when we had small kids. It is hard for kids (and me) to make those changes in my sleep patterns so abruptly. I really don't think it is good for us.

  5. I'm thankful for the Russel story! God is good!

  6. Those were all good but Russell's story made me tear up too.

  7. What a delightful story about Russel and his owner so happy for both and your list of thankfuls are wonderful ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I love the ending of Russel's story! (Now, who is going to write the Hallmark movie script?) ;-)

  9. thecontemplativecat here. Our daughter and family have a black dog, Lucy. She weighs about 75 lbs. She is such a big part of our lives. When she hears our car, she gets excited.

  10. Wonderful thankfuls, especially about Russel.

  11. I am so happy for Russel and his owner! I'm thankful for naps also, they certainly help me get through the week.

  12. Oh I love that story about Russel. How sweet that he was able to go home.

  13. Great post. What a beautiful story about Russel.

  14. I'm still trying to come to terms with the 4 hour time difference I experienced a few days ago! It was lovely to read about Russel.

  15. quiet is not bad
    the Russel story is the kind of thing this bloghop does that few others do... a glimpse into a part of world for the moment that things work out as they should (rather than how they all too often do)
    real life happy ending!
    very cool

  16. Oona: "Oona would also be thankful for a new bucket!"
    Java Bean: "Because ... ?"
    Oona: "Oona would sit in it!"
    Charlee: "We're glad to hear that Russel was able to go back to be with somebody he knows. I don't know what I would do if I had to leave Mama and Dada's house. I don't like change!"


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