
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Unfair, a Six Sentence Story


The playing field is not level.

While I'm sorry to have to break it to you, the playing field is not now, never has been, and never will be level.

The vulnerability and deep need of the very young and weak, along with their engaging cuteness and winsome ways, means they will always win out.

Cookie, you are a much loved 3-year-old house princess, and you have been upstaged by an upstart.

It is simply the way it is, your little sister Emmie, until she has outgrown the puppy stage or at least until she is housebroken, will get much more than what you feel is her share of the attention and affection.

And for now, at least, she has stolen your bed.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Level.      



  1. What's the expression?
    'No Contest'
    That said,I would submit, dogs (my favorite lifeform) demonstrate in your example both a bit of the downside of humanity but almost immediately their inherent better nature.
    Being only a puppy, one falls for the (unintentional) exertion of cuteness. And, the older dog, like people, retains a long-since out-grown insecurity and portrays it.
    Being dogs, there is no personal resentment towards each other but as humans we might be tempted to say, 'See? Dogs are not so superior!"
    To which one might reply (as do the dogs in your Six) 'No said we were. Being the object of excessive attention is not the same as demanding excessive attention'
    lol sorry! very early in the morning comment...

  2. Cheer up Cookie, this happens with children too!

  3. Good point: The cute and winsome always win out.

  4. Lulu: "I know there was a famous actor who said never to work with children or animals, and you've got the double whammy there of an animal who's also a child. So to speak. Good luck!"

  5. Oh Cookie and Emmie, you're such sweeties😺😸Your fill-ins are great. Your #3 answer made us Granny doesn't want to catch up anymore too😹and your last answer made us SMOL. Extra Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

  6. I can hear her thinking, "Oh, the audacity of that puppy!"


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