
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Testing (Six Sentence Story)


Back in the day, you had to be able to parallel park in order to get your driving license.

Where my Sweetie ended up getting his test was back in Mississippi, where you had to call the department ahead of your test and tell them what kind of vehicle you would be driving for the test so they could set the orange cones out to form a space just big enough for you to park in.

You had only one chance to back up and then pull forward and get in the space correctly without touching any cone or you had to come back and try again.

My Sweetie had been told by a friend to call and tell them the type of vehicle, his dad's Ford Fairlane, but then stop by to borrow said friend's VW Beetle instead.

Most of the time, said the friend, the tester was too lazy to go move the cones again when you showed up in a smaller vehicle and you had a much easier time passing the test.

The friend was right!

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Cone.      



  1. I am weeping with laughter, that is hilarious!

  2. That's a sneaky way of passing the test.

  3. Charlee: "Our Dada says his first driver's test, he failed the parallel parking portion! Although he also says that, in his defense, it was winter and there were snowbanks all over the place."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, you don't drive with Dada. Lulu and I do. And we have noticed that he is still not very good at the parallel parking, even though there aren't any snowbanks here."

  4. That is a funny story. Mom remembers having to do that test of backing in too, but she had to do it on the street with a real parking space. She was so happy she succeeded on the first try but even happier that she rarely ever has to do it now

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. That is wonderfully funny! Love it!

  6. That's so funny! My daughter has difficulty parallel parking and the other day she said - I just parked pefectly, and there was nobody there to witness it - true!


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