
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Living the Dream, Good Fences, Sammy’s Poetry Day and Brian’s Thankful Thursday


Ms. G had a reservation for her camper, "Patience," at a state park just over an hour drive from her place, but as often happens with her, with one thing and another and a funeral and a house showing, she's not sure how much camping she's actually going to be doing.

We got "Patience" out of the storage lot where it lives, got it loaded and locked on the hitch, and went to the campground and got it all set up.

The people in the camper in the next slot came back from wherever they'd gone and Ms. G, as is her wont, greeted them and asked where they were from and how long they were staying.

The gentleman was obviously up to having a conversation with a fellow camper and said, "We're heading out tomorrow, going toward northern Alabama, gonna catch the Natchez Trace, eventually work our way up to Niagara, maybe drive through some of Canada, and come back toward Florida in time to be in the Keys when the weather up north turns cold.  We've got camping friends we see along the way, and my brother-in-law in Kentucky lets us stay at his place and visit a few days, we just enjoy seeing the country and visiting."

Once they were done with their conversation, we headed back to town, as she will be going back tomorrow evening or Friday, whenever she can get away, meanwhile we both agreed, the guy and his wife were doing what she had hoped to do someday, living the dream.

Linking up with Denise at Girlie On The Edge Blog, where she hosts Six Sentence Stories, and the cue is Dream.      


While Good Fences Around the World seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird, i still enjoy looking for and posting interesting fences, so i will!


It's Angel Sammy's Poetry Day This week's image and my poem:    

Hello, new friend!

You look so small

standing outside

my thick glass wall.

I'd invite you over

to come for a swim

but I don't think

they'd let you get in.

Hello, new friend!

You're one big bear

and you look comfy

sitting in there.

I'd invite you out

to come and play

but the keepers fear

you'd run away.

So we'll just stay here

being friends today

for as long as

we can stay.

And maybe someday

we'll visit again

and we will find

we are still friends.


Angel Brian's Family of Brian's Home - Forever hosts the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.   It's time to share something for which i am thankful.  

Today i am thankful work with Ms. G is seldom totally predictable, almost always something a bit different, and seldom boring.


Special Feature Today

National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day in the US was started by a vet who declared today a cat's only day for his practice, so his feline patients wouldn't be upset by any dogs in the waiting areas.  Now many vets follow his lead, only scheduling cats on certain days.


Today is:

America's Cup Day -- the first America's Cup was won this date in 1851 by the yacht America

Be an Angel Day -- Sponsored by Angel Heights Healing Center, encouraging people to be a blessing and perform an act of service for someone

Daffodil Day -- Australia  (the Cancer Council's big fundraiser) 

Eat a Peach Day

Feast of the Queenship of Mary & Immaculate Heart of Mary -- Catholic Christians

Flag Day -- Russia

Hoodie Hoo Day, Southern Hemisphere -- Wellcat Holidays says to go outside at noon and call "Hoodie Hoo" to chase away winter and call spring

National Spumoni Day (I don't think I've had really great spumoni since I went to Italy all those years ago -- nothing like getting things at the source.)

St. Symphorian's Day (Patron of children, students; Autun, France; against eye problems, syphilis)

Anniversary Today:

Henry Leland founds the Cadillac Motor Company, 1902

Birthdays Today:

Kristin Wiig, 1973

Giada De Laurentiis, 1970

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, 1967

Tori Amos, 1963

Cindy Williams, 1947

Steve Kroft, 1945

Duane Charles "Bill" Parcells, 1941

Valerie Harper, 1940

Carl Yastrzemski, 1939

E. Annie Proulx, 1935

Norman Schwarzkopf, 1934

Gerald Paul Carr, 1932

Ray Bradbury, 1920

John Lee Hooker, 1917

Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1908

Helene Bertha Amalie "Leni" Riefenstahl, 1902

George Herriman, 1880

Dorothy Parker, 1893

Claude Debussy, 1862

Archibald MacNeal Willard, 1836

Samuel Pierpont Langley, 1834

Virginia Clemm Poe, 1822

St. Anthony of Padua, 1195

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Later with Bob Costas"(TV), 1988

Today in History:

St. Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, 565

The Battle of Bosworth Field, in which King Richard III is killed and his forces defeated by Henry VII, 1485

Madras, India (now called Chennai) is founded by the British East India company on land purchased from the local Nayak rulers, 1639

Jacob Barsimon, the first Jewish immigrant to what would become US territory, arrives in New Amsterdam/Manhattan, 1654

The Newport, RI newspaper, Mercury, becomes the first in the US to hire a female editor, Ann Franklin, 1762

Austria laundches pilotless balloons against the Italian city of Venice, thus staging the first air raid in history, 1849

Gold discovered in Australia, 1851

12 nations sign the First Geneva Convention and the Red Cross is formed, 1864

William Shepphard patents the first liquid soap, 1885

Founding of the Cadillac Motor Company, 1902

President Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first US chief executive to ride in an automobile, 1902

The first Victor Victrola is manufactured, 1906

The Mona Lisa is stolen, 1911 (recovered 2 years later)

Althea Gibson becomes the first black competitor in international tennis, 1950

Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogota, Colombia, becoming the first pope to visit Latin America, 1968

Rhodesia is expelled by the IOC for its racist policies, 1972

The first ring of Neptune is discovered, 1989

A version of The Scream and Madonna, two paintings by Edvard Munch, are stolen at gunpoint from a museum in Oslo, Norway, 2004

The Storm botnet, a botnet created by the Storm Worm, sends out a record 57 million e-mails in one day, 2007

Russia and Vanuatu become members of the World Trade Organization, 2012

India's highest court outlaws instant divorce for Muslim men (talaq, talaq, talaq), 2017

Russia launches Fedor, a life-sized humanoid robot, into space to the International Space Station, 2019

According to the French government, Josephine Baker will be the first black woman to be interred in the Panthéon in Paris, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci announces he will step down from his roles as chief medical advisor to the US President and as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2022


  1. I told Lola it was international take your cat to the vet day and her eyes shot lasers at me. So that's not happening. she doesn't need to go anyway.
    I LOVE your poem for that image. I hope the travelling campers have great adventures and no breakdowns.

  2. I hope Ms G does get a little camping in. Love your ode to friends. Forgive me but I have seen enough of vets for the next little while. Batty agrees.

  3. Allways a day for something, and a check is allways good

  4. I remember the days when we used to travel by camper van. It was fun but it was also work.

  5. Campers and camping are a thing. Mom would just hate it. People tell us all the time we need a camper for traveling but it is like a second home/car combo needing constant cleaning and maintenance and we are not up for meeting all kinds of new people. We will stick with hotels where we can stay and then leave without the extra work. Campers are not for everyone but lots of folks love that life and we are happy for them.

  6. gotta say, that approach (to vacation/travel/retirement) does have an appeal... on the road with not too much time in any one place ('ceptin the end-up-in-the-Keys thing which is surely a good place to pass the Winter months)
    fun Six

  7. That was a good camping story and a really fun poem. That's a good thankful too and a good Vet practice. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. As a camping fanatic, I'm really jealous of that itinerary! The poem is simply delightful.

  9. We just gave up camping on the water. It was the right decision.

    You have a very interesting life, my friend. I never see a dull moment.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Love and hugs. ♥

  10. Nice story and poem. I wish there was a vet in my area that came to the house, it would make things easier. :)

  11. Oh Great poem with the sweet photo ~ and grateful for you, my friend ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. What a sweet poem. I hope those two remain frienda for a long time.

  13. Mom always dreamed of traveling the country in a camper when she and Dad were old and retired. Now that they are there, she just wants to be home:)

    Love that white fence. It reminds Mom of the one her home had back in Connecticut.

    The bear and little girl chat was so sweet - lovely poem.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. You have the most interesting folks you are around! Fun poem this time. :)
    That fence is lovely. Spumoni... The only time I had some was a box of it from the store, had frozen grapes in it, and really... Didn't care for it. Meh.

  15. Camping. Never went as a child, not a fan and yet! I like the idea of it.
    Very cute poem.
    It has become apparent, there is rarely a dull moment with Ms. G.!

  16. Java Bean: "Ayyy, a conversation with a fellow camper? That's nothing we would have to worry about, at least when our Dada is around!"

  17. I absolutely ADORE your poem for the bear and little girl......I loved that photo the second I saw it and I think everyone REALLY did a great job capturing the magic but you knocked it out of the park! So glad you play poetry with us on Thursdays!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  18. Wonderful - your Super Six, that sweet poem with the bear and the little girl, and the International Take Your Cat to the Vet on August 22nd - just a little earlier for my little Luna each year!🐈‍⬛

  19. That's the way of campering, the conversations with people from all over. A pleasant time with Ms. G in this Six, though the closing sentence makes it poignant.

  20. That's the kind of camping trip I'd love to do some day. I adored the poem as well!


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