
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Men's Products Can Have Odd Names (Wordless Wednesday) and Words for Wednesday


Linking up with Wordless Wednesday, Steve at BeThere2Day, Catsynth, and Sandee at Comedy Plus.     


Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and has become a moveable feast of word or picture or music prompts to encourage us to write stories, poems, or whatever strikes our fancy.    

This month Elephant's Child is providing the prompts, and we thank her for continuing to herd the cats and facilitate our ability to enjoy Words for Wednesday.    

This week's prompts are:

  •  Ripening 
  • Turmoil
  • Creation
  • Vineyard
  • One




  • Striking
  • Dream
  • Passionate
  • Required
  • Debilitating 


  Charlotte (MotherOwl)  has selected New Start Yellow as the colour of the month.

As always, have fun.

For years my cataracts have been RIPENING faster than the grapes in a well kept VINEYARD.  

Their CREATION has caused TURMOIL in making it increasingly hard to see the dirt on some types of surfaces, i've REQUIRED the use of a good, strong flashlight to see said dirt.  It is not so easy or fast to clean with only ONE hand, the other balancing a flashlight or strong lamp.

It's also not easy to save up for the surgery, although my Sweetie was PASSIONATE about my having it, it took a lot longer than we both expected or wanted.

The procedure itself was painful, even though they continued to put more and more numbing drops in my eye and the doctor told me the next day it was one tough cataract to remove.

People who've had theirs removed waxed eloquent to me about how delighted i would be as soon as the bandage came off.  Mine came off and my eye was a bruised and bloodshot mess, with very little blurry vision, STRIKING down the DREAM of everything coming up roses and bright colors.

The continued itching and pain (a feeling like you have an eyelash in your eye, but very strong) as well as "been through three rounds in the boxing ring" appearance is not DEBILITATING by any means, but i will have to continue to patch or cover or protect the eye with shields or sunglasses in public or in strong light.

They said the worst should be over by next week and meanwhile, if i'm careful, i am starting to see a bit more color with my squinty, blurry eye, and the New Start Yellow looks different, a bit brighter.

It's a sign of hope, and in about five weeks, if this eye is fully recovered, i get to do it all again with the other eye.


Today is Tuxedo Cat Appreciation Day!!  We do love our tuxedo kitties.

Today is also the Lunary New Year/Chinese New Year/Lhosar/Seol-Nal/Tamang New Year/Tet, which ever name you wish to give it.  There are celebrations throughout Asia of the year of the Snake, some before and some after this "official" Western date, some for up to a month, including Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist celebrations.

Thanks to Barb Kowalik and The Cat Blogosphere for the event badge.         


Today is:

Bubblegum Sculpture Day -- commonly listed on ecard sites, and not to be confused with National Bubble Gum Day, coming in February

Carnation Day -- in honor of William McKinley; also on the date of his assassination each year, Sept. 14

Curmudgeons' Day -- W.C. Field's birth anniversary

National Corn Chip Day

National Puzzle Day -- because they are just fun

Sahid Diwash -- Nepal (Martyrs' Day)

St. Constantius of Perugia (Patron of Perugia, Italy)

St. Gildas the Wise's Day (one of the earliest British historians)

Thomas Paine Day/Freethinkers' Day -- birth anniversary of Thomas Paine

Anniversaries Today:

Establishment of The Seeing Eye, 1929 (first US guide dog school)

Kansas becomes the 34th US state, 1861

Birthdays Today:

Adam Lambert, 1982

Jonny Lang, 1981

Andrew Keegan, 1979

Sara Gilbert, 1975

Heather Graham, 1970

Bobby Phillips, 1968

Nick Turturro, 1962

Greg Louganis, 1960

Oprah Winfrey, 1954

Teresa Teng, 1953

Ann Jillian, 1950

Tom Selleck, 1945

Katharine Ross, 1942

Germaine Greer, 1939

John Forsythe, 1918

Victor Mature, 1913

Huddie William "Leadbelly" Ledbetter, 1885

W.C. Fields, 1880

Anton Chekhov, 1860

William McKinley, 1843

Henry Morton Stanley, 1841

Thomas Paine, 1737

Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"Sweet Charity"(Musical), 1966

"Dr. Strangelove"(Film), 1964

"Sleeping Beauty"(Cartoon movie), 1959

"The Potting Shed"(Play), 1957

"All My Sons"(Play), 1947

"The Raven"(publication date), 1845

"Idomeneo"(Mozart Opera), 1781

"The Beggar's Opera"(Gay Ballad Opera), 1728

Today in History:

The first performance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, 1595

John Beckley of Virginia is appointed the first Librarian of Congress, 1802

Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" is first published, 1845

The Victoria Cross is established to acknowledge bravery, 1856

Karl Benz patents the first successful gasoline-driven automobile, 1886

Liliuokalani is proclaimed Queen of Hawaii, its last monarch, 1891

Walt Disney starts his first job as an artist, earning $40/week with the KC Slide Co, 1920

North America's first guide dog school, The Seeing Eye, is incorporated in Nashville, Tennessee, 1929

The first inductees into the Baseball Hall of Fame are announced, 1936

The first inductees into the Pro Football Hall of Fame are announced, 1963

Hungary establishes diplomatic relations with South Korea, making it the first Eastern Bloc nation to do so, 1989

President Jacques Chirac announces a "definitive end" to French nuclear weapons testing, 1996

La Fenice, Venice's opera house, is destroyed by fire, 1996

The first direct commercial flights from mainland China (from Guangzhou) to Taiwan since 1949 arrived in Taipei. Shortly afterwards, a China Airlines flight lands in Beijing, 2005

Ken Dryden's #29 jersey is retired by the Montreal Canadiens, 2010

American snowboarder Shaun White achieves the first ever SuperPipe perfect score (100) in Winter X Games history, 2012

Archaeologists discover the oldest Roman Temple (6th C BC) at Sant’Omobono, 2014

Scientists announce they have discovered how to convert normal cells into stem cells in mice, 2014

Malaysia officially declares the disappearance of missing flight MH370 an accident, 2015

The Norwegian government proposes building a floating road tunnel as part of a new roadway between Kristians and Trondheim, 2019

Nigerian farmers win a landmark case against Shell Oil at the Court of Appeal of the Hague with the company required to clean up oil spill residues in the Delta region, 2021


  1. Aaarrgh! With my own cataract surgery looming I probably shouldn't have read this just now. I hope your eye heals quickly and the itching is soon gone.

  2. Great use of the prompts. I do hope the itchiness fades quickly and the colours return.
    And yes, that is definitely a weird name of that male toiletry.

  3. Well there's an interesting deodorant. Wondering if it smells like bourbon. Or just a nice clean Oak Barrel.

  4. We have not heard of anyone having such trouble with having cataract surgery, but every case is different. Hopefully you will heal well and quickly and see much better soon.

  5. Celebrating the new year now feels more meaningful to me than rigth after Christmas. Now spring is around the corner ... new year in late February/ early March would be even better.

    I'll maybe e back to read your story, but I'm on a much needed break from all thing IT-related very soon. I hope to write my own WfW and then read your and others' stories.

  6. That's an odd name indeed. Makes you wonder.

    I didn't have any pain with my eye surgery. I was sensitive to light though. You'll love it when it's all healed up. Your vision will be so much better.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and healing hugs. ♥

  7. Guess I'll just put on some "odor squatching" deodorant, find some corn chip and try not to be a curmudgeon the rest of the day.

  8. That deodorant...that is one of the most fun products I have seen! And I am so sorry you have gone through discomfort. I had the surgery but it was a laser surgery. That must make made a difference. Hugs and wishes for you to feel MUCH better quickly. xo

  9. I am sorry you have had pain and discomfort from your cataract surgery and hope it soon settles down. Ivor had both of his done and said it is the best thing he ever did. Even though it is nearly a year, he still stands at the window every morning and looks out over the hills.

  10. Yes, you gotta wonder about the people that come up with those names. I sure hope that visiion improves for you super soon.

  11. That surely is a crazy name for a deodorant! Sending purrs and prayers that your eye gets better real soon.

  12. Sorry it was such an awful experience. I hope you heal quickly. XO

  13. Lulu: "Squatching? Isn't that illegal in most states?"

  14. It's an odd name, but I like the sound of it! Your opening sentence is excellent. Wishing you well, Mimi.

  15. Hope your eye heals quickly ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. What a crazy name for that deodorant.

    We are sorry your surgery was a bit challenging. Mom sailed through hers. We will cross our paws and add some prayers from Mom that things will sort out well and the next one goes much more smoothly.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. This mole - if without glasses - wishes you all the best!!!


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