
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Shoes Are Where The Shoes Are, a Random and Happy Tuesday Post


It's time once again for a random and happy Tuesday, linking up with Stacy's Random Thoughts at Stacy Uncorked and Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Carl has a unique talent in winter.  He can wear, and dirty up, all his clothes at once.

He loses coats and jackets so fast his mother will only let him go to second hand stores and buy them there, and until he can get to the store he just puts on layers.  And layers and layers.

And they all have to be cleaned.

It looked like we were down to 3 dryer balls, but i found one under  his bed and another in the laundry room.

He has taken my words to heart and stopped putting the goopy lotion bottle in the chair.  It's in with the clothes now.  Are they clean?  Well, if they have lotion on them, not any longer.

His mother has been after him to get the cold packs out of the mini freezer so it can be unplugged to save power.  She wants these put away until it gets hot enough to need them again, which, in the swamps, might be next week.

Meanwhile, we have to be frugal and unplug that freezer.

He'd stowed more clothes in the top of the closet...

...including a new sweatshirt, still with a tag, and already dirty.  How, i do not know.

There were 3 shoes, none matched.

Silly me, i didn't look for the mates on the counter.

And stuffed between the chairs.

I also found the ugly Christmas sweater his mother has been trying to find and hide so he won't wear it to work.  I snagged it for her to deal with.

His fridge was a sight to behold, but not with much which was edible.

As usual, once Carl got up he wanted a shower right away.  This time, while i had everything in the bathroom so he wouldn't need to come out until he was fully dressed, i forgot to specify he was to stay in there until he was dressed.

He has very little modesty, which doesn't bother me as i'm old enough to be his mother and i tend to think of him as one of my kids, but it might bother others, which is why we try to encourage him to be more careful.

When he did finally dress, he had his shirt on backward, which i made him correct.

As he went through his morning routine and i cleaned stuff and got his lunch packed, he started up as he usually does.

"How are you?"

I'm doing okay, how are you?

"Umm, sleepy.  What's up?"

At church?  A new sermon series and the missions conference is coming up.

"We're doing a, um, Zoom party!"

I'm sure that will be fun.

"Wanted to go to a movie, but no one to go with."

I'm sorry to hear that, maybe your friends are just busy right now and can go next week.

At this point, he started reading one of the magazines his chemist father gets, and noticed an article which caught his eye.

"Plaques, what are plaques?"

I looked at the magazine, it was about dementia research and plaques in the brain.  I tried explaining to him it was just "junk" in the brain which can lead to dementia and how they're trying to figure out how to prevent it.  He seemed satisfied with the explanation.

We got lunch packed, him dressed, his rain coat in the car as it was supposed to rain, and as he was leaving he asked me what sounded like, "Lincoln?"

I looked at him in confusion and he said, "You know, to connect, maybe find a better job, is that a good one?"

That's when i figured out he meant LinkedIn, or whatever they call it.  Not being familiar with it and needing him to scoot so he wouldn't be late, i simply told him it was something he could consider later.

For you to consider, a few funnies.

Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday, everyone!


It's National Dress Up Your Pet Day!  If your pets like it, today's your day to have a blast.

Thanks to Barb Kowalik and The Cat Blogosphere for the event badge.         


Today is:

Assembly Line Workers' Day -- listed on many sites but no particular reason for it to be this day; then again, why not today?

Azhirnikhua -- Abkhazia (Day of World Creation)

Cakes and Ale Day -- emblems of the good life, a day to remember the good things we have, and be grateful

Daikoku Matsuri -- Kanda Myojin Shine, Tokyo, Japan (purification ceremony; through tomorrow)

Day of Defenders of the Native Land (Army Day) -- Uzbekistan

Feast of Divina Pastora -- Barquisimeto, Venezuela (religious procession attended by about 2 million people)

Feast of the Ass -- Medieval Christianity (commemorates the Flight Into Egypt)

International Kite Festival -- Jaipur and Ahmedabad, India

Makar Sandranti -- India/Hindu Calendar (part of the sidereal solstice festivals)

National Forest Conservation Day -- Thailand

National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

Niino no Yukimatsuri -- Izu shrine, Niino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan (snow festival with offerings made to bring a good harvest in the coming year; through tomorrow)

Organize Your Home Day -- another one that i can't figure out who started it, but i will say s/he was nuts to think this could be done in one day

Orthodox New Year -- RS, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Serbia

Poetry at Work Day

Pongal continues -- Tamil New Year, among the Tamil People (multiple day thanksgiving festival at the end of harvest)

     Tamil Thai Pongal Day -- Sri Lanka

     Maghi Parba/Maghe Sankranti -- Western Nepal

Ratification Day -- US (anniversary of the Treaty of Paris that recognized the independence of the US from England)

Revolution and Youth Day -- Tunisia

Sidereal Winter Solstice Celebrations -- throughout South and Southeast Asia

St. Felix of Nola's Day (Patron of domestic animals, eyes; Nola, Italy; against eye diseases, false witness, lies, perjury)

St. Sava's Day (Patron of Serbia and all Serbs)

Take a Missionary to Lunch Day -- to honor Albert Schweitzer's birth anniversary

Anniversaries Today:

Joe DiMaggio marries Marilyn Monroe, 1954

Birthdays Today:

Kristin Cavallari, 1987

Jason Bateman, 1969

Emily Watson, 1967

Shepard Smith, 1964

Steven Soderbergh, 1963

Lawrence Kasdan, 1949

Carl Weathers, 1948

Nina Totenberg, 1944

Holland Taylor, 1943

Faye Dunaway, 1941

Jack Jones, 1938

Andy Rooney, 1919

William Bendix, 1906

John dos Passos, 1896

Hal Roach, 1892

Hugh Lofting, 1886

Albert Schweitzer, 1875

Thornton W. Burgess, 1874

Richard Felton Outcault, 1863

Matthew Fontaine Maury, 1806

Benedict Arnold, 1741

Debuting/Premiering Today:

"The Bionic Woman"(TV), 1976

"Sanford and Son"(TV), 1972

"Sinfonia Antarctica"(Vaughan Williams' 7th symphony), 1953

"Today Show"(TV), 1952

"Tosca"(Puccini Opera), 1900

Today in History:

The Knights Templar are formally approved by the Roman Catholic Church, 1129

Pope Leo X issues a papal bull against slavery, 1514

Spain annexes Cuba, 1539

The "Fundamental Orders", the first written constitution that created a government, is adopted in Connecticut, 1639

Massachusetts holds a day of fasting for wrongly accusing "witches", 1699

Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris, formally ending the American Revolutionary War, 1783

The US Supreme Court rules that racial separation on trains is unconstitutional, 1878

An earthquake in Kingston, Jamaica, kills more than 1000, 1907

Henry Ford introduces the assembly line to the production of the Model-T, 1914

The first prototype of the MiG-17 makes its maiden flight, 1950

The Reserve Bank of Australia, the country's central bank and banknote issuing authority, is established, 1960

Toronto, Ontario Mayor Mel Lastman becomes the first mayor in Canada to call in the Army to help with emergency medical evacuations and snow removal after more than one meter of snow paralyzes the city, 1999

The national flag of Georgia, the so-called "five cross flag", is restored to official use after a hiatus of some 500 years, 2004

Landing of the Huygens probe on Saturn's moon Titan, 2005

The MESSENGER spacecraft performs a Mercury flyby, 2008

American rock climbers Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson become the first to successfully free-climb the Dawn Wall face of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, 2015

The US National Safety Council publishes a report saying that, for the first time ever, an American’s chance of dying of an opioid overdose is greater than the chance of dying in a traffic accident, 2019

The Jeopardy "Greatest of all Time" tournament is won by 74 time champion Ken Jennings, 2020

Frederik X becomes King of Denmark at Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen, after the abdication of his mother Margrethe at 83, and the world's last reigning queen, 2024


  1. It sounds as if Carl attracts dirt. He has my sympathies.
    Thanks for the funnies.

  2. Dirt-attracting like EC says ... reminds me of some of my kids, only they outgrew it, I suppose Carl never will. That workman's bento totally cracked me up.

  3. I believe that 1970s fridge! And who can't reach the last pringle? Just tip the can and slide it right out.

  4. The frugal thing would make our mom more crazy than Carl's antics! It probably saves a few dollars a year if it is randomly not running. Everyone has their thing I guess.

  5. How often do you go to Carl's to clean? Love your memes today and know I would stock up the same way if I won the lottery.

  6. I love your weekly posts of Carl. He's such a whirlwind of confusion. You handle his life so very well. Bless you.

    Love all the funnies. I'm always watching my food intake and these made me laugh out loud.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs my friend. ♥

  7. Carl ~ King of layers and confusion ~ you are an angel ~ great funnies ~ lol ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. It is a good thing that your Carl visits are just once a week, or at least that is what we hope. He sure can make a lot of work and a big mess. God bless your patience.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. That always makes me tired reading about all that you go through at Carl's, you are amazing! Those were good funnies!

  10. I like Carl's sweater- his mom should let him wear it to work. :)

  11. Chaplin: "Look, Charlee! Maybe you can help out with the shoe investigation!"
    Charlee: "I do not have a shoe fetish! But yes if you need any help, I would be happy to stick my face in a few of those shoes for you."

  12. Carl's sweater - I thoght my Christmas one was bad until I saw that! Brilliant funnies, they had me grinning from top to bottom!


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